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1. Indigenous Peoples General - Indigenous Peoples Issues And Resources Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources The leading source for news, information, videos, and more on indigenous people's from around the world. http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=categor |
2. IPU: FAQ On Minority Representation This Declaration also applies to indigenous peoples, in addition to the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (General Assembly resolution A/61/L.67 of 13 http://www.ipu.org/dem-e/minorities/faq.htm | |
3. Gente Indigena - Indigenous People - Juan Franco Documentary Photography A Digital library of the Indigenous people of today. http://www.genteindigena.org | |
4. Northern Indigenous Peoples - General - ExploreNorth Links to information sources on the North's original peoples. Crossroads of Continents From the Smithsonian, an exhibit examining cultures of the North Pacific, from Siberia 16,000 http://www.explorenorth.com/native-arc.html | |
5. Databases - Centre For World Indigenous Knowledge And Research - Athabasca Unive Indigenous Peoples General ; International Organizations; International Law Government Departments; Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre ; Law Reviews and Commentary on http://www.athabascau.ca/indigenous/resources/re_data.php |
6. Indigenous Peoples Issues And Resources This site highlights contemporary indigenous people s issues from around the world. http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com | |
7. By Theme Or Subject Matter - Indigenous Peoples - General Comments And Recommend By Theme or Subject Matter Indigenous Peoples - General Comments and Recommendations, the UN Human Rights Treaty System http://www.bayefsky.com/themes/indigenous_general-comments.php | |
8. US Apartheid Of Indigenous People Detailed In UN Report Consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, General recommendation XXIII, and customary international law, Indigenous lands taken under this http://intercontinentalcry.org/us-apartheid-of-indigenous-people-detailed-in-un- | |
9. Home Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples International Centre for Policy Research and Education) is an indigenous peoples organization born out of the need for heightened advocacy to have the rights of indigenous peoples recognized, respected and protected worldwide. http://www.tebtebba.org/ | |
10. United Nations Audiovisual Library Of International Law - Historic Archives The Historic Archives aim to preserve, in a vivid and informative manner, the audiovisual heritage of the United Nations in the progressive development and codification of http://untreaty.un.org/cod/avl/historicarchives.html | |
11. General Mills: Palm Oil Sourcing, of the world’s rainforests, for example, and about the impact of deforestation on biodiversity, endangered species, greenhouse gas emissions and indigenous peoples. General Mills http://www.generalmills.com/Media/NewsReleases/Library/2010/September/palm_oil_s | |
12. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International A directory of sites related to indigenous people around the world. http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
13. Indigenous Peoples Of The Circumpolar North Northern Indigenous Peoples General. The Inuit. The Sami. Indigenous Peoples of Alaska. Indigenous Peoples of Northern Canada. Indigenous Peoples of Greenland, Norway Sweden http://www.explorenorth.com/native.html | |
14. Global Legal Information Network authority at central level, and various local governments shall be the competent authority at local level, they both shall map out plans to deal with indigenous peoples' general http://www.glin.gov/view.action?glinID=104784 |
15. TribalTek.org Web portal of information on indigenous people, lifeskills, and art worldwide. Also with sections on sovereignty, neotribalism, and historical reenactment. http://www.tribaltek.org/ |
16. Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. The High Commissioner for Human Rights welcomes the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/indigenous/declaration.htm | |
17. Center For World Indigenous Studies Indigenous peoples documents from Melanesia, Polynesia and the Pacific. http://www.cwis.org/ | |
18. United Nations Development Programme This Declaration also applies to indigenous peoples, in addition to the United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples (General Assembly resolution A/61/L.67 of 13 http://www.ipu.org/dem-e/minorities/faq.pdf |
19. Tribal Warrior Association - Home Page Provides disadvantaged Aboriginal and non-indigenous people with specialised training for jobs in maritime industries. http://tribalwarrior.org | |
20. US Apartheid Of Indigenous People Detailed In UN Report | NowPublic Photo Archiv Indigenous Peoples, General recommendation XXIII, and customary international law, Indigenous lands taken under this doctrine should be restored. http://www.nowpublic.com/politics/us-apartheid-indigenous-people-detailed-un-rep | |
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