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61. US Apartheid Of Indigenous People Detailed In UN Report | NowPublic News Coverag Consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, General recommendation XXIII, and customary international law, Indigenous lands taken under this http://www.nowpublic.com/politics/us-apartheid-indigenous-people-detailed-un-rep | |
62. PolynesiaGenWeb PolynesiaGenWeb provides genealogy information and resources for Polynesia. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pyfwgw/ | |
63. Kualono | Ke Kahua Pa‘a O Ka Hale Kuamo‘o, Kulanui O Hawai‘i Ma Hilo Service to the Hawaiian language speaking communities worldwide. http://www.olelo.hawaii.edu/ |
64. Hui O' Hawaii Of Sacramento Hawaiian cultural organization in Sacramento, California. http://www.huiohawaiisacramento.org/ | |
65. SimplyBelize.Org - More Information INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. General Maya Bibliography. Episode 1 Yucatec Maya. Yucatec Maya Bibliography; The Origin of the Maya by Licenciado Mateo Ayuso Episode 2 - Mopan Maya http://www.simplybelize.org/info.html | |
66. Virtual Taro Patch | Kauai Hawaiian Community Hawaiian and local environmental groups network on island issues. http://members.tripod.com/~kaimi/ | |
67. European Network For Indigenous Australian Rights: News U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. General Assembly 61st session United Nations, New York 12 November 2006 Human Rights Response http://www.eniar.org/news/un33.html | |
68. "Uncle Charlie" - HAWAIIAN STORYTELLER - Ha`i Mo`olelo Uncle Charlie, Hawaiian Storyteller. http://www.moolelo.com/ | |
69. Sacred Earth Network -- About SEN - Related Organizations About Sacred Earth Network Related Organizations - Indigenous Peoples- General Environmental Organizations We Like - Sustainable Community http://www.sacredearthnetwork.org/about/links.cfm | |
70. Home - Perspectives On Hawaiian Sovereignty By Poka Laenui and the Institute for the Advancement of Hawaiian Affairs. Perspectives on Hawaiian Sovereignty. http://www.opihi.com/sovereignty/ |
71. Account Suspended General Assembly President, HE Madame Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, receives gifts in greetings from Indigenous delegate, Jose Carlos Morales. http://www.ipcaucus.net/IK_1.html | |
72. Search-Hawaii.com A directory and search engine of web pages about Hawaii and things Hawaiian. http://www.search-hawaii.com/index.shtml | |
73. 070913_DRIP - Australian Permanent Mission To The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples General Assembly 13 September 2007 Explanation of vote by the Hon. Robert Hill Ambassador and Permanent Representative http://www.australiaun.org/unny/GA_070913.html | |
74. Maori People Of Aotearoa / New Zealand - From Hawaiki To Hawaiki - Contents Maori culture, history, mythology and legend, whakapapa Maori (genealogy), Maori development and writings. http://maaori.com/ | |
75. Expecting “unprecedented Recognition” For Indigenous Ministries the repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery, and the issue of Canada’s continuing refusal to endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. General http://www.ministrymatters.ca/settingsail/expecting-unprecedented-recognition-fo | |
76. INDEX A Maori understanding of Jesus and the kingdom he preached and a Maori understanding of church. http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~dominic/ | |
77. Economic And Social Council with indigenous peoples has received a fresh impetus with the historic adoption on 13 September 2007 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (General http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/E_C_19_2009_3_Add_5_en.pdf |
78. Rangiatea Information and history on the Church Rangi tea at Otaki. http://rangiatea.natlib.govt.nz/ | |
79. Women's Caucus Declaration Ban the patenting of living organisms and protect the knowledge, practices and livelihoods of indigenous peoples. General Agreement on Trade and http://www.twnside.org.sg/title/caucus-cn.htm |
80. Aotea Harbour Information on marae in the area, traditional food practices and the Aotea harbour. http://www.aoteamoana.co.nz/ |
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