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         Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans:     more detail
  1. Early Learning Thematic Lesson Plans by Sherrill B Flora, 2005-01-16
  2. Prentice Hall World History, Connections to Today: Creative Teaching Activities (Fully developed section-level alternative lesson plans to provide flexible options for instruction, Learning styles; Interdisciplinary teaching; Cooperative learning) by Prentice Hall, 2008
  3. Managed Health Care: U.S. Evidence and Lessons for the National Health Service (State of Health Series) by Ray Robinson, Andrea Steiner, 1998-02
  4. The first complete how-to thematic unit plan book: PreK-12 by Dinah Zike, 1993
  5. Teaching Literacy through the Arts (Tools for Teaching Literacy) by Nan L. McDonald EdD, Douglas Fisher PhD, 2006-04-05

21. Interdisciplinary Projects
A collection of easilyaccessed interdisciplinary lessons for k-12 classroom teachers.
window.document.form1.pagename.value = window.document.location; The following listings offer projects that cut across traditional subject divisions and introduce concepts in an integrated fashion. These are grouped by approximate grade level, but you may want to consider using more advanced content with high-ability learners, or less advanced content for learners who need additional reinforcement. Elementary Resources
Chesapeake Bay Lesson Unit Grade 4 - This is a complete Chesapeake Bay study unit created by the Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Va. It includes sections on the history of the bay, native peoples, and early settlement. Much of the site is devoted to lessons and information dealing with the marine environment in the bay. There's also a section on shipbuilding and commerce. This site could easily form the basis for an interdisciplinary study of an American coastal community or ecosystem. The Dinosaur Unit Grade 2 - This is a second grade level look at dinosaurs which includes projects in math, art, reading, and other disciplines. The web pages include examples of completed projects as well as descriptions of how the various unit elements link together. Projects and site created by Germantown Academy in metropolitan Philadelphia.

22. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Area/Skill Mathematics Language Arts, Reading Language Arts, Writing Cognitive Skill Level Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis Submitted by Monica 2-Solving Percent Problems.pdf

23. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans 4
Stage IV Creative Tasks . Once you have completed the Field Guide (stage II), select two tasks from the following list.

24. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans 2
2. In order to create the common name of your Switcheroo, combine the common names of the animals you have used to compose your Switcheroo.

25. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Area/Skill Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Language Arts Reading, Language Arts Writing Cognitive Skill Level Knowledge, Comprehension, Application 14-The Space Shuttle.pdf

26. Diego Rivera Mural Pan American Unity Mural - Lesson Plans
Welcome to the Diego Rivera Mural Project Lesson Plans Web Site! Here teachers across the curriculum share lessons incorporating the Diego Rivera Mural of Pan American Unity.
Welcome to the Diego Rivera Mural Project Lesson Plans Web Site! Here teachers across the curriculum share lessons incorporating the Diego Rivera Mural of Pan American Unity. This major work of art, located at the Phelan Campus of City College of San Francisco, stimulates student interest and helps them gain knowledge and skills by connecting their course work with art, history, science, technology and other areas represented visually in the mural. Follow our links to find lessons and materials showing how teachers in your department can meet course objectives using the mural. Click here for more about the project. art assignments historical perspectives resources for teachers english writing exercises ... e-mail us!

27. Education World � Lesson Planning: Heroic Activities To Celebrate Heroes!
Ten new lessons to honor heroes in history and in our daily lives!

28. Switch Zoo Lesson Plans
To read work written by seventh grade students using the interdisciplinary lesson plans, visit Seven

29. :: Lesson Plans: Thematic Units
A collection of teachersubmitted lesson plans include thematic units and interdisciplinary lesson plans. http//
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document.write(''); Subject Areas Health Language Arts Learning Centers Literature Activities ... Thematic Units Thematic Units Categories: Preschool Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 AskERIC Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Lesson Plan A collection of teacher-submitted lesson plans include thematic units and interdisciplinary lesson plans. Rate It could not connect Search Now: Use of this site signifies your agreement to the terms of use Send questions, comments, and suggestions to

30. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans AreaSkill Cognitive Skill Level
Area/SkillMathematics, Language Arts Reading, Language Arts Writing Activity Title Wheel of FortuneInterdisciplinary Lesson Plans Cognitive Skill Level Submitted byComprehension

31. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans For A Successful Launch
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans for a Successful Launch Strategies to help you successfully launch your Career Choices course with 15 interactive, interdisciplinary sessions, thereby

32. Writing Across The Curriculum: Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans And Writing Assign
The Writing Tutor offers a selection of readyto-use interdisciplinary lesson plans and writing assignments that encourage students to write across the curriculum. Most lesson

33. Lesson Plans: Multi/Interdisciplinary
A listing of lesson plans for many topic areas Lesson Plan Library Multi/Interdisciplinary

34. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans
Interdisciplinary Lesson PlansArea/Skill Mathematics Cognitive Skill Level Submitted by

35. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans 5
Stage V Persuasive Writing . Once you have completed the Field Guide (Stage III), select two tasks from the following list. Choose one of the persuasive writing tasks

36. 36 Bioethics Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans Reviewed By Teachers
Search bioethics interdisciplinary lesson plans to find teacher approved lesson plans. Quickly find lesson plans that inspire student learning. interdisciplinary&medi

37. NEA - Thanksgiving Ideas For The Classroom
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans, Activity Ideas and Other Curriculum Resources. by NEA Staff. Join us in our celebration of the Thanksgiving season.

38. Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans
Stage I Create a Switcheroo. 1. Launch Switch Zoo Deluxe, or go to Switch Zoo Online by typing into the address line of your browser.

39. Lesson Plan Library: Multi/Interdisciplinary
A listing of lesson plans for many topic areas Deconstructing Dubai Considering Questions Posed By the New World’s Tallest Building (Grades 6–12)—The Learning Network

40. ArtsEdNet Mail For March 1999: Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans
Note To protect the privacy of our members, email addresses have been removed from the archived messages. As a result, some links may be broken.

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