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         Inventing:     more books (100)
  1. Inventing Christmas: How Our Holiday Came to Be by Jock Elliott, 2002-10-01
  2. Inventing the Public Enemy: The Gangster in American Culture, 1918-1934 by David E. Ruth, 1996-04-15
  3. Inventing Jewish Ritual by Vanessa L. Ochs, 2007-05-07
  4. Elsie Clews Parsons: Inventing Modern Life (Women in Culture and Society Series) by Desley Deacon, 1999-03-01
  5. I Am Inventing an Invention (Charlie and Lola)
  6. Eighteenth-Century Women Poets and Their Poetry: Inventing Agency, Inventing Genre by Paula R. Backscheider, 2007-10-10
  7. Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment by Larry Wolff, 1994-01-01
  8. Inventing the Future: A Photobiography of Thomas Alva Edison (Photobiographies) by Marfe Ferguson Delano, 2006-09-12
  9. Inventing Better Schools: An Action Plan for Educational Reform by Phillip C. Schlechty, 2001-01-19
  10. Inventing America, Vol. 1 (Study Guide) by Kenneth Winkle, 2002-10-31
  11. Defying Convention, Inventing the Future in Literary Research and Practice
  12. Inventing Desire: Inside Chiat/Day : The Hottest Shop, the Coolest Players, the Big Business of Advertising by Karen Stabiner, 1993-05
  13. Inventing Autopia: Dreams and Visions of the Modern Metropolis in Jazz Age Los Angeles by Jeremiah B.C. Axelrod, 2009-06-02
  14. Inventing American History (Boston Review Books) by William Hogeland, 2009-04-30

121. Scope Technology
Patented cellular phone accessories.
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122. TING - A LIVE Photo Email Greeting Kiosk Including Photo Collectible Card - Grea
Self-service station allows you to electronically transmit a personalized, live on-location, photographic greeting, with collectible card.
Welcome to Technical Ingenuity (TING)! our technical website our proprietary live photo email product
our proprietary text promotion service

current/past projects

123. Surface-modified Silicone Rubber Equipped With Functional Groups - An Impressive
A wet-chemical method generates a variety of functional groups in the surface of fromed silicone articles.
Surface-modified Silicone Rubber
poly(dimethylsiloxane) [PDMS]
Get a first overview about this impressive innovation by browsing the following pages.
You are kindly invited to discuss your needs with regard to silicone surfaces with us. - bionic surfaces - Dr. med. Rolf Siegel
Auf der Roethe 7, D-97076 Wuerzburg, Germany
Tel: +49-931-27 58 68 Fax: +49-931-27 27 57 e-mail:

124. Uav Unmanned Aerial Vheicle Unmannedaircraft Vtol
A patented horizontal and vertical unmanned aerial vehicle.

125. Invent Resources - Invent Resources | Invent It | Invent Help | Invention Resour
Inventions on demand from senior scientists and engineers.
Main Menu Home Procedures Licenses Clients ... Fields of competency "Now, my suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose; I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, in any philosophy" - J.B.S. Haldane
Invent Resources IRI ) is a unique organization founded to meet your intellectual property, patent and new product needs. We have guided the development of more than 200 products and have been awarded more than 100 patents, formed more than 60 licensing arrangements and have over 30 patent applications in process. Annual sales for clients resulting from this intellectual property total several hundred million dollars. Composed of world-class senior scientists and engineers, we draw upon our extensive backgrounds in research, technology, and business. Two of our latest inventions to market Great Fun and Educational Experience for the Kids! Green Product for Businesses - GreenSpec Listed! IRI's IRI's creations include: the ten-second hand dryer, the electronic time stamp, the electronic credit card calculator, the electronic checkbook calculator, active electronic jewelry, the golf club head with the expanded "sweet spot", a line of eight different microwave appliances including the microwave corn popper and the microwave coffee maker, advanced microwave ovens, advanced electric ovens, and samarium cobalt magnets.

126. The Great Idea Finder - Celebrating The Spirit Of Innovation
Invention facts, invention trivia quiz, and inventor profiles.
Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation Honor The Past Embrace The Present Shape The Future The Great Idea Finder is a place to explore the exciting world of innovation. Whether you're a student, teacher, parent, inventor, history buff, or just looking for innovative consumer products, you'll find things you can use here. Come join us in Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation.
Your host,
Phil Ament ENTER

127. Invention Marketing Help For Patents And New Ideas
Offers help with invention, idea, or new product through invention marketing services and licensing representation.
var addthis_pub = "lambertinvent";
If you are an inventor with a patent or just someone who has one great idea for a new invention, we can help you make it very profitable. We are licensing agents in search of great inventions, both with patents and without patents, to bring to market by way of a licensing agreement. Simply put, we find companies who will manufacture and distribute your invention and give you a generous royalty percentage of sales.
Let us pay for it!
Besides a nominal small fee to evaluate your invention, which only serves to weed out those that are simply curious, we are only compensated when we license a deal for you. Depending on how developed your invention is at the time you submit it, our services of marketing and licensing for your invention or patent can range but may include:
Invention Marketing and Licensing Services
So, if your invention is great like you say it is, and we choose to represent you, all other costs for seeking a license deal will be paid by us! There are no hidden charges, no large up-front fees

128. Constructed Human Languages
A guide to various invented and artificial languages. Includes links to numerous invented language projects on the web.
The Complete Lojban Language is now available in hardback from the Logical Language Group, Inc. Visit their site to learn more about the book, read the online version, order a copy, or just to learn more about Lojban. .e'osai ko sarji la lojban
Constructed Human Languages
Lat update: 6 Dec 1998 NEW ENTRIES If you know of any other constructed language with a web page or a file available by ftp or world wide web , please let me know and I'll include a link. My email is cbogart, at sign, then If you have information in electronic form that is not available by FTP, ask me and maybe I'll put it up on my own site. Please keep in mind that this is just an index; other people have done all the work of actually inventing these languages and making them available to you on the internet!

129. Invention - Europe
Portail des inventeurs. Actualit s, conseils, annuaire des inventeurs, logiciels utiles en t l chargement.

130. - Inventgeek Site News provides unique and innovative how to articles for geeky technology oriented projects.
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Open Source Server Room Monitor
The server room environmental monitoring system is a low cost high performance device with the same onboard features as commercial devices costing hundreds of dollars more. In addition to a low cost platform we will provide low cost sensors for many important devices to insure your equipment stays safe and sound.
Full instructions are available at as well as several kits to create some very unique projects.
Web Enabled Arduino Plug Outlets
This is mostly just a fun article that I wanted to write for the simple reason of accessible information for anyone. Basically this is a example project that demonstrates how extremely easy it is to use the Arduino based platform to control high voltage devices via a webpage. This type of concept has many practical applications from home automation to office pranks. While in this article we will demonstrate this concept with a single relay controlled outlet this can easily be scaled up to control up to 15 separate relays with minimal cost using the components used in the base project. - Permalink
Laser Arduino Instrument
So this project has been lying around for a while and I finally found some time to write it up. I was inspired with several of the other popular microcontroller based laser instruments that have been floating around on the web over the last year. Ultimately I wanted to put together a project that was more compact and portable and this is the end result of my first attempt. While I had a lot of fun building this project I honestly learned more about how I would make it different in the future. There are many different ways to design the interface a musician would use and by far its more interesting to design new and experimental ways to expand this concept.

131. Inventions De Christophe Verna.
Pr sente ses inventions avec des croquis et des animations.

132. Derwent Innovations Index
An international overview of inventions in chemical, electronic and electrical, and mechanical engineering. Over ten million basic inventions from over 40 authorities. Subscription required.

133. Smith College Museum Of Ancient Inventions: Home Page
Virtual museum includes photographs and brief descriptions of the tools of a bygone era.


origins, history and future plans Exhibit
browse the exhibit

about the course that started it all

contact the curator

and that sort of thing
Aztec Calendar Wheels Heron's Steam Engine

134. Inventors, Inventions, InventNET-The Inventors Network - Free Help With Your Inv
InventNET is the first Internetbased international inventors organization helping inventors with their new ideas new inventions since 1995.
Bookstore Software Patent Forms Patent Search ... CHAT Account Login
Please support
our efforts! Become a member today and get your own webpage and email. Save on the most important Patent Software and more Books
The Inventor's Bible
How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas by

Ronald Louis, Sr. Docie
It's the BEST book on product licensing for the independent inventor!
It covers everything you need to know about marketing, licensing, and selling your invention.
So you have an idea!
What to do next?

Check out our Help Section for a illustration of the inventing and patenting process. There are many do's and don'ts in the invention game. Learn the ropes don't jump head first. Patent Search All inventors need to do a Patent Search to find out if their idea is actually new and can be patented. See this Patent Searching Tutorial that teaches the basics of patent searching. You may also buy a book on this subject from our

135. Television History - Invention Of Television
Tells how Philo Farnsworth created the first image dissector in 1927.
Fascinating facts about the invention
of the television by Philo T. Farnsworth in TELEVISION In 1921 the 14-year-old Mormon had an idea while working on his father's Idaho farm. Mowing hay in rows, Philo realized an electron beam could scan a picture in horizontal lines, reproducing the image almost instantaneously. This would prove to be a critical breakthrough in Philo Farnsworth's invention of the television in 1927. Earlier TV devices had been based on an 1884 invention called the scanning disk, patented by Paul Nipkow. Riddled with holes, the large disk spun in front of an object while a photoelectric cell recorded changes in light. Depending on the electricity transmitted by the photoelectric cell, an array of light bulbs would glow or remain dark. Though Nipkow's mechanical system could not scan and deliver a clear, live-action image, most would-be TV inventors still hoped to perfect it. Not Philo Farnsworth. In 1921 the 14-year-old Mormon had an idea while working on his father's Idaho farm. Mowing hay in rows, Philo realized an electron beam could scan a picture in horizontal lines, reproducing the image almost instantaneously. It would prove to be a critical breakthrough.

136. My Only Sunshine
Offering licenses for issued and pending patents for products such as razors, syringes, gearboxes, microarray processing and shoelace treatments.
MY ONLY SUNSHINE a novel by Lou Dischler Hub City Press October 1, 2010 My Only Sunshine is an �okra pick� of the Southern Independent Bookstore Alliance Buy Sunshine Your local bookstore or Hub City Press (some signed copies available or Praise for My Only Sunshine �A great, great addition to the comic southern novel.� �George Singleton, author of The Half Mammals of Dixie �It was a hoot to begin with, and I like it better every time I read it.� �C. Michael Curtis, fiction editor of the Atlantic Monthly �A rollicking fun read.� �Jill McCorkle, author of Going Away Shoes Book signings/Readings Sept. 25/26�SIBA, Daytona FL Oct. 8�Southern Festival of Books, Nashville TN Oct. 16, 10 am-noon�Tryon Bookshelf, Tryon NC Oct. 27, 6:30� Eagle Eye Bookstore ,� Decatur GA Oct. 28, 6 pm�Off-Square Books, Oxford MS� [This will be a radio spot and rebroadcast 3 weeks later on public radio] Oct. 29, noon�Reed�s Gum Tree Bookstore, Tupelo MS Oct. 29, 5 pm�Lemuria Books, Jackson MS Oct. 30, noon�Cover to Cover Books, Natchez MS Nov. 1, 6 pm� Octavia Books , New Orleans LA Nov. 9, 12-2 pm�

137. Home | InnoCentive
Web-based community matching scientists to research and development challenges presented by companies worldwide.

138. IP Market - For Buying And Selling Patents And Intellectual Property The Smarter
Offers a directory for buying, selling and promoting IP agents. Includes FAQ and site searching.
Keyword or IP Ref Category ALL Agriculture/Environment Automotive/Aircraft/Marine Biotechnology Building/Construction Chemistry/Metallurgy Design Electrical Engineering/Electronics Food Lighting/Heating Manuscripts Mechanical Engineering Medical/Health Process Technology Software/Communications Textiles/Paper/Plastics IP Market-
For buying, selling and licensing IP
using an international network of IP Agents. Home Page Buying IP Selling IP PCT Listings ... Website Sale Terms

139. Bizesp:Home
Offers intellectual capital market place for the technology industry. Includes directory and message board.

140. Home Page
Find out how the airplane, automobile, light bulb, telegraph, and bifocal glasses came into existence in this Thinkquest Junior site.
This site has been created for the ThinkQuest Junior website design competition.

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