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41. Shelby County Iowa Genealogy Home Page - IAGenWeb Project Shelby County Iowa Genealogy, listing surname, queries, townships, pioneers, maps, civil war veterans and general history http://iagenweb.org/shelby/ | |
42. Iowa Genealogy Genealogy Search in Iowa. Vital Records for Iowa Vital records information, coming soon Featured websites for Iowa http://www.gendir.com/locales/277 | |
43. Monroe Co. Iowa Genealogy Features vital records, lookup volunteers, surnames, queries, links, online database and other resources. http://iamonroe.org/ | |
44. Iowa Genealogy Societies Iowa Genealogy Society Directory. Links for all the genealogy societies and historical societies in Iowa. Find the Iowa Historical or Genealogical society in the locality where http://www.censusfinder.com/iowa-genealogy-society.htm | |
45. Iowa Genealogy Forum Next Page Page Listings All Messages. Need help finding Letha Grace Ryan born Emil Lehenbauer 10/22/10. Re Need help finding Letha Grace Ryan born - Phyl G 10/23/10 http://genforum.genealogy.com/ia/ | |
46. Buchanan County Iowa Genealogy Fairbank Public Library 212 Main Street Phone (319) 6352487 Independence Public Library 210 2nd St NE Independence IA 50644 http://www.kindredtrails.com/IA_Buchanan.html | |
47. Floyd County, Iowa Genealogy Links - IA Geneology genealogy links for Floyd County, Iowa including census records, military records, cemetery.. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/iowa/floyd.htm | |
48. U.S.A. Genealogy - Search Databases For Iowa For Your Iowa Ancestors Search Iowa databases for Iowa and find your American ancestors http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ote/usa_genealogy/iowa.htm | |
49. Iowa State Genealogy Links - IA StateGenSites Search for Genealogy in Iowa State. The StateGenSites database gives visitors websites in 27 different categories. http://www.genealogytoday.com/genealogy/states/iowa.html | |
50. Iowa Genealogy | IA Family History, Vital Records, & Free Resources Iowa Genealogy Family History. This is a listing of LDS Family History Centers generated from data sent by users like you. It is not a complete list of Family History Centers, so http://www.archives.com/resources/state/iowa-genealogy/ |
51. Iowa Free Genealogy Look Ups From GeneaSearch Lookup Volunteers Iowa genealogy look ups for census, marriage records, cemetery records and other offline resources from our volunteers http://www.geneasearch.com/lookups/ia.htm | |
52. Jackson County, Iowa Features biographies, town histories, records, photographs, queries, volunteer lookups and other resources. http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~iajackso/ |
53. Van Buren County Iowa Genealogy Van Buren County Genealogy Welcome to the Van Buren County, Iowa page, part of the IAGenWeb Project, which in turn is part of the USGenWeb Project. http://iavanburen.org/ |
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