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61. Muslim Aid Donate Now : Online Qurbani Appeal UK-based international relief and development organization, working in partnership with local community-based groups. Includes information on projects, programs, and their structure. http://www.muslimaid.org/ |
62. Muslim Aid Asia - Helping The Poor To Build A Better Life And Making A Differenc Malaysian branch of the international aid relief and development agency working to eradicate poverty and alleviate human suffering in the world poorest communities. Information about their programs. http://www.muslimaidasia.com/ |
63. Media Review - Home Aims to dispel myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and to foster bridges of understanding. Its goal is to monitor, analyse, dissect and evaluate distortions fabrications and double standards about Muslims in the mass media in South Africa. It also aims to fight stereotyping through education and by coordinating and developing Muslim media communication efforts in South Africa. http://www.mediareviewnet.com/ |
64. CBC News Indepth: Islam Articles about Islam, Muslim history and culture; also provides links to current news stories and resources on Islam. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/islam/ | |
65. SoundVisionCanada.com: Canada's Premier Online Islamic Store Source of informative and inspiring books, CDs, and DVDs about Islam and Muslims for children and adults. http://www.SoundVisionCanada.com/ |
66. PBS - Islam: Empire Of Faith A companion site to the PBS television series Islam Empire of Faith , which presented the history of Islam from the time of Muhammad to the Ottoman sultans. Includes educational resources, interactive timeline, and articles on Islam and Muslim culture. http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/ |
67. Islam And Muslims In China About the history and present of Islam and Muslims in China. http://www.islamawareness.net/Asia/China/ | |
68. SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS, Discover Islam, Muslim People, Holy Quran Discover Islam, The Islamic Religion, Islam Holy Book, Muhammad, Muslim People, and Islam and sex , Best Arabic Islamic sites روابط إسلامية مختارة http://www.sultan.org/ | |
69. Restatement Of History Of Islam And Muslims An online book by Sayed Ali Asgher Razwy presents the Shia interpretation of early Islam, from 570 to 661 CE, as a movement launched by the Prophet Muhammad, consummated with the support of his vicegerent Ali ibn Abi Talib. http://al-islam.org/restatement/ | |
70. The Latest Islamic Canadian News On The Web - Quran.ca Portal focussing on news about Islam and Muslims; also includes translations of the Quran and Hadith, FAQ, and a discussion forum. http://www.quran.ca/ | |
71. Islam, Muslim And Reality | Qahmad's Blog Oct 25, 2010 Once a perfume seller went to a lady for advertising his brands of perfume. The perfume seller was shabby and untidy. It seemed as though he has not taken a shower for http://qahmad.wordpress.com/2010/10/25/islam-muslim-and-reality/ |
72. The Islamic Page Covers basic introductory material to Islam including instructions on how to pray, understanding Islam and the Muslims, Qur an software and articles, and information about the Prophet Muhammad. http://islam.rameez.net |
73. Islam Muslim Science in Islam Muslim cure for aids Yemenite Sheik Abd AlMajid Al-Zindani Talks about His Cure for AIDS and Says He Demands Money, Not Removal from U.S. Terror List, in http://www.free-tv-channels.com/Islam Muslim.htm | |
74. Discovering Islam One of the largest Islamic sites, with hundreds of free online videos, online books, lots of information about Islam, Muslims, and stories of converts to Islam. http://www.DiscoveringIslam.org | |
75. CBC News In Depth: Islam Are we talking past each other? A new poll carried out in conjunction with the CBC suggests just that as it seeks to plumb the attitudes of Canadian Muslims and their fellow http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/islam/muslim-survey.html |
76. Research On Islamic Dreams And Philosophy Includes a collection of his writings on Islam, Muslims in Britain, science and religion, and dreams. http://www.dr-umar-azam.com/ | |
77. Islam Muslim - Vector Clip Art Online, Royalty Free & Public Domain Clipart images islam muslim - Royalty free images and cliparts Bismillah Minarets Islamic Hijab Vail Headscarf Bism Ellah Eid Mubarak Islamic Art Islamic Art Islamic Art Sala http://www.clker.com/search/islam muslim/1 |
78. Canadian Islamic Congress Promotes knowledge of Islam amongst Muslims and Non-Muslims. Includes reports, bulletins, news, membership details, and events listing. http://www.canadianislamiccongress.com/ |
79. Welcome To The Islamic Center Of Beverly Hills A group of young Muslims maintain an information resource about Islam and Muslims in the US. Includes articles, and a catalogue of audio-visual materials for purchase. (Beverly Hills, California) http://www.icbh.org/ | |
80. Http://www.gsdmcc.org/uploads/files/66.JPG A non profit organization dedicated to the growth and success of Islam and Muslims in an open, tolerant environment. Information about activities, prayers and local resources. (San Diego, California) http://www.gsdmcc.org/ |
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