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         Jainism:     more books (100)
  1. Different Aspects of Jainism
  2. Studies In Jainism: Reader 1 by Duli C. Jain, 1990-06
  3. Jainism by Edward Thomas, 2010-08-20
  4. [Tattvarthadhigama sutra] =: Tattvarthadhigama sutra, a treatise on the essential principles of Jainism (Sacred books of the Jainas) by Umasvati, 1990
  5. A Survey of Jainism and Jaina Art of Eastern India by Debajani Mitra Dutta, 2004-11-15
  6. A lecture on Jainism, delivered before the Bharma Maha-Mahotsava or Great Religious Assemblage at Muttra, on 29th December, 1901 by Lala Benarsi Dass, 2010-07-29
  7. Major Religions of India: New Insight into Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. by Susunaga Weeraperuma, 2000-01-01
  8. Jainism: A Concise Encyclopaedia by N.N. Battacharya, 2009-06-30
  9. JAINISM by Annie Besant, 1997
  10. Virtues of parrot-learning: Thirty parrot-tales from Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism by Padma Sudhi, 1987
  11. Jainism: Or The Early Faith Of Asoka (1877) by Edward Thomas, 2010-05-22
  12. An Epitome of Jainism by K. B. Jindal, 1988-12
  13. Studies in Jainism: As Gleaned from Archaeology Sources
  14. Jainism Or Yati-Ism by J. G. R. Forlong, 2006-09-15

61. Jainism (religion) :: Ritual Practices And Religious Institutions -- Britannica
jainism (religion), Ritual practices and religious institutions, Britannica Online Encyclopedia, Shvetambara monks are allowed to retain a few possessions such as a robe, an
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Table of Contents: Jainism Article Article History History - Recent Jain history Recent Jain history Important figures of Jain legend Important figures of Jain legend Doctrines of Jainism Doctrines of Jainism - Time and the universe Time and the universe - Jiva and ajiva Jiva and ajiva - Karman Karman - Theories of knowledge as applied to l... Theories of knowledge as applied to liberation - Jain ethics Jain ethics Ritual practices and religious instituti... Ritual practices and religious institutions - Monks, nuns, and their practices

62. Kalikund Jain Tirth Home Page
Website of this Jain temple, with history and information on jainism. Also information on Dholka. Partly in Gujarati.
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63. Jainism Summary |
jainism. jainism summary with 4 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

64. Marathas And Their Origin
Information on Marathi history, lists and details of the Marathi clans, and a discussion group.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); Marathas and Their Origin Who Are the Kshatriyas? Kshatriyas and Marathas kshatriyas and Buddhism The 96 Clans ... History Of Kolhapur

65. Jainism - Psychology Wiki
jainism (pronounced in English as /ˈdʒeɪ.nɪzm̩/), traditionally known as Jain Dharma (जैन धर्म), is a religion and philosophy originating in ancient India. A
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66. Janisme
G n ralit s et doctrine, les temples et les divisions, hindouisme et bouddhisme. Bibliographie.
Le janisme
Le janisme est une philosophie et une religion pratiques par 3 millions de personnes, essentiellement en Inde, mais aussi aux Etats Unis et en Angleterre.
Le janisme est fond sur des enseignements trs anciens provenant de divers instructeurs dont le dernier, Mahavira (599-527 av J-C, statue ci-contre), est souvent considr comme "le" fondateur. Mahavira est mentionn dans les crits bouddhiques et hindouistes, mais pas comme fondateur, et le janisme n'est pas cit comme une religion nouvelle.
La tradition jana indique que Mahavira n'est que le dernier des 24 "Tirthankara" (guides de la voie de la libration), le premier tant Rsabha, considr comme le prcurseur de la civilisation humaine. De nombreuses preuves historiques permettent d'affirmer l'existence du 23me instructeur, Parsva (877-777 av J-C). De mme, les historiens acceptent celle du 22me, Nemi, que la tradition considre comme cousin de Krishna.
La doctrine
L'emblme du janisme est une main ( reprsente ci-contre ) symbolisant le rconfort moral et la compassion, dans laquelle est inscrit "Ahimsa" c'est--dire non violence. La phrase en sanskrit sous la main veut dire :"Toutes les vies sont interdpendantes et donc se doivent un mutuel respect, une mutuelle assistance".

67. Jainism
jainism was born in India about the same period as Buddhism. It was established by Mahavira. In jainism nonviolence is its main core.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); World Religion information on India Religions in India JAINISM
Book Life Force : The World of Jainism
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68. Jinisme Ou Jainisme
Philosophie et religion de non-violence expliqu e dans un contexte historique. Doctrine, tapes et asc tisme. Informations selon l Encyclopaedia Universalis.

69. BBC - Religion: Religions
An introduction to many of the religions of the world. Includes jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Rastafari, Paganism, and many others.
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Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Featured religions and beliefs
  • Atheism
    Atheists are people who believe that god or gods are man-made constructs.
    One of the youngest of the world's major religions.
    A way of living based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
    A religion based on African beliefs, originating in Brazil.

70. Brief Overview Of Jainism
University of Michigan Jains website. Includes information about Jains vegetarian beliefs.
Jainism is one of the oldest religions known today
and its origins lie in the country of India.
Theologians often classify Jainism as a philosophy,
a way of living life, rather than a religion.
  • The origins of Jainism can be traced back to the Indus River valley civilization of 3000 B.C. Jains believe that there were 24 great teachers the last of whom was Lord Mahavira who lived during 6th century B.C. These twenty-four teachers are called Tirthankaras-people who had attained all knowledge while living (Moksha) and preached it to the people. Thus, there is not one all-powerful supreme being that controls all. Jains believe in reincarnation. Their souls, which are believed to be a unique substance in the universe, take different living forms in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This cycle has been going on forever, the universe has no beginning or end, it has always been and always will be. The ultimate goal is to get rid of one's karma on their soul so that they may end this cycle. Once this goal is reached their soul has attained all knowledge and it rests in the heavens forever (Nirvana). Karma theory is about actions and the results they bring to the soul's path. It is the simply the law of cause and effect with respect to the soul.

71. Anekant Education Foundation
An article attempting to define, classify, and distinguish between the two facets of jainism.
Vegetarianism - A Synonym for Ahimsa?
These days it appears that we have mistaken Ahims as a synonym for Jainism and Vegetarianism as a synonym for Ahims. Hence a person, who is vegetarian considers himself or herself a true Jain; and thus has the right to condemn anyone who is not a vegetarian!!!
Let us first examine who Jains are: Jains are followers of JINA, the conqueror of inner enemies. These inner enemies are anger , greed , pride and deceit. These arise out of attachment (rg) leading to greed and pride, and aversion (dvesh) leading to deceit and anger.
Now let us examine some fundamental teaching of Jainism:
Ahims (Non-violence), Anekntavda (Multiplicity of viewpoints), Sydavda (Relativism,Satya (Truth), Achurya (Not stealing) and Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness).
Ahims or Non-violence is just one part of the Jain teachings and is based on love and kindness for all forms of life, as Jains believe that all life forms (Plants and animals) are equal, have souls and are capable of attaining salvation.
How do we define Ahims? It has been pointed out in Jain scriptures that even the thought of evil is as bad as the action resulting in injury. It takes non-violence to its highest form in thoughts, words and deeds.

72. Orality To Literacy: Transition In Early Tamil Society
Brahmi script reached Upper South India and the Tamil country at about the same time during the 3rd century B.C.E. in the wake of the southern spread of jainism and Buddhism.
Volume 20 - Issue 07, March 29 - April 11, 2003
India's National Magazine
from the publishers of THE HINDU Home Contents
Orality to literacy: Transition in Early Tamil Society
IRAVATHAM MAHADEVAN From the forthcoming publication: Early Tamil Epigraphy : From the Earliest Times to the Sixth Century A.D. by Iravatham Mahadevan (Harvard Oriental Series 62), simultaneously published in India by Cre-A:, Chennai, and in U.S.A. by Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. THE Brahmi script reached Upper South India (Andhra-Karnataka regions) and the Tamil country at about the same time during the 3rd century B.C. in the wake of the southern spread of Jainism and Buddhism. However, the results of introduction of writing in these two regions were markedly different. The most interesting aspects of Tamil literacy, when compared with the situation in contemporary Upper South India, are: (i) its much earlier commencement; (ii) use of the local language for all purposes from the beginning; and (iii) its popular democratic character.
Tamil-Brahmi rock inscription of King Atan Cel Irumporai at Pugalur. 2nd century A.D. It records the endowment of a cave shelter at the investiture of the King's grandson as heir-apparent.

73. Yoga Studies
Courses in the core texts of yoga as well as the study of the Sanskrit and Tibetan languages and the traditions associated with Yoga practice. These include Classical Yoga, various schools of Hinduism (Shaiva, Vaishnava, and various forms of devotionalism), Buddhism, and jainism.
  • contact give directory mylmu ... LMU Extension LMU Quicklinks About LMU Academics Admission Athletics Libraries + Research Loyola Law Student Life About the Center Meet our Staff Program Instructors Join our Mailing List ... 200-Hour Vinyasa Krama Yoga Teacher Training
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    Yoga Studies
    Yoga is a practice for optimizing the health of the body and quieting the mind. It includes a variety of activities, including postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and lifestyle practices. It is estimated that more than 15 million Americans currently practice this ancient art.  Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj , which means to yoke, join or apply. Yoga is usually translated as union, for its methods and practices lead to a profound integration of body, mind and spirit. The Yogic ideal is to achieve complete freedom and authenticity by transcending the limiting structures of the ego-personality (the person we behave as on a normal day) and discovering the true spiritual Self within.
    Although the most authoritative root texts on Yoga were written in classical India around the beginning of the Christian era, archaeological evidence from the Indus River valley of present-day Pakistan indicates that some form of Yogic meditation was being practiced on the subcontinent at least 2,000 years earlier.  Learn more

74. ThisSiteIsMoved
includes philosophy and information on the Jain community.
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75. Jinvani
Philosophy, pilgrimage, books, history, and links.

76. Indien In Bildern | Home
Details about jain tirth centers in India, with photographs and facts.
Indien bereisen - Jainismus in Bildern
Indien- der Subkontinent in Südost Asien ist das zweitbevölkerungsreichste und siebtgrößte Land der Erde. 1,2 Milliarden Menschen leben dort in der weltgrößten Demokratie. Dabei ist das Land in 28 Bundesländer unterteilt, die unter einer eigenen Verwaltung stehen. Es grenzt an Pakistan, Tibet, Birma, Bhutan und Bangladesch. Im Norden bildet der Himalaya eine natürliche Staatsgrenze, im Süden der Indische Ozean. Mehrere große Religionen sind mit Indien verwurzelt, unter anderem der Hinduismus, der Buddhismus, der Jainismus und der Sikhismus. Durch Eroberungen kamen der Islam und durch frühe Missionierungen das Christentum als Religionen nach Indien. Die Religion mit dem größten Stellenwert in Indien ist der Hinduismus. 80,5 % der Inder gehören dieser Glaubensrichtung an. Den Jainismus und seinem Stellenwert in Indien werden wir an späterer Stelle genauer betrachten. Indien ist nicht nur in Glaubensfragen ein vielschichtiger Staat, sondern auch bei den Landessprachen. Insgesamt sind es 23 Sprachen, die in Indien offiziell anerkannt wurden. Die wichtigsten sind Hindi und Englisch. Wenn man an Indien denkt, denkt man in erster Linie an das wundervolle Land, die Traditionen und die Kultur. An zweiter und nicht minder wichtiger Stelle kommt die Filmindustrie. Bollywood – so nennt man umgangssprachlich die indische Filmindustrie, produziert pro Jahr etwa 250 Filme.

77. Welcome To Jainworld - Jainism Global Resource Center - Jain Community, Jainism,
Combines the aspirations of Jains around the globe and is being positioned to link various aspects of their lives, cutting across all barriers.
Your browser does not support script **100 million** vews** Be excited!! You made Jain World reach another landmark of **100 million** views!!! More... Combining JAIN aspirations..Globally...... M i s s ... Send Comments Newsletter Subscription Name Email Our Mission*24L* has already translated in all of 24 designated languages, representing the 24 Tirthankars. Mission *24L* is like a modern day "Samavasharan" or assembly of Thirthankars who made the core values of Jainism accessible to all, all the time, in all the languages. For Teachers/Parents Something for old children Clip Arts for Education Jain Siddhant Praveshika Child age 2 - 3 - 4 Years ... Colorful Books
Scriptures-Sacred Books Shatkhandagam, Pravachansara, Tattvarth Sutra, Prasamarati Prakarana, ... Samay Sar, Temple of the Day Shri Osiyan Teerth 98136+ hits per day. FROM 153 Countries (List) as on 11 Mar 2010 Jainworld is a tax exempt non profit Foundation in USA and ....Read

78. Jain Festivals
Listing of each festival, with links to other calendars.
The Jain Festivals
Vir Nirvan Samvat: 2531-2532
Vikram Samvat: 2061-2062
Year 2005 CE
According to Indian Months (Purnimanta). Note that in Amanta calendar, Krishna Paskha (vadi) belongs to the previus month.
Indian Month Gregorian Months Jain Festival Chaitra March-April K 8: Varshitap begins, Lord Rishabha's birth (April 2, 2005)
S 1: Ugadi ( Bharata Digvijaya (April 9, 2005)
S 7: Ayambil Oli Begins (April 16, 2005)
S 12: Ratnatraya Vrata begins (April21, 2005)
S 13: Lord Mahavira's Birth (April 22, 2005)
S 14: Ratnatraya vrata ends (April 23, 2005)
S 15: Ayambil Oli Ends (April 24, 2005)
Vaisaakha April-May S 3: Akshaya Tritiya (May 11, 2005) S 4: Varshitapa ends (May 11, 2005) S 10/11: Mahavira Kevaljnan (May 18/19, 2005) Jyeshta May-June K 14: Shantinath Nirvana (June 5, 2005) S 5: Shruta Panchami (June 12, 2005) Aashaada June-July S 8: Ashtanhika begins (July 14, 2005) S 14: Aashaada Chatrudashi (July 20, 2005) S 15: Ashtanhika ends (July 21, 2005)

79. Jain Temples In U.S. States
Each U.S. state is listed, along with the Jain temples in the state (if any).

80. Welcome To Ahimsa Foundation- Global Resource Center Of Jainsamaj - Jainism, Jai
Information on the temples, saints, matrimonial services, celebrities, associations, organisations and Jain literature. Members and business directory.

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