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         Japanese Culture:     more books (100)
  1. Reading Against Culture: Ideology and Narrative in the Japanese Novel by David Pollack, 1992-11
  2. Japanese Landscapes: Where Land and Culture Merge by Cotton Mather, P.P. Karan, et all 1998-09-24
  3. In Godzilla's Footsteps: Japanese Pop Culture Icons on the Global Stage
  4. Power and Culture : The Japanese-American War, 1941-1945 by Akira Iriye, 1982-09-15
  5. The Japanese House: Material Culture in the Modern Home (Materializing Culture) by Inge Daniels, 2010-11-23
  6. WHY THE JAPANESE ARE A SUPERIOR PEOPLE! - The Advantages of Using Both Sides of Your Brain! by Boye Lafayette De Mente, 2009-07-24
  7. Murder Most Modern: Detective Fiction and Japanese Culture by Sari Kawana, 2008-05-30
  8. Plastic Culture: How Japanese Toys Conquered the World by Woodrow Phoenix, 2006-08-18
  9. Japanese Tourism and Travel Culture (Japan Anthropology Workshop Series)
  10. Cartoon Cultures: The Globalization of Japanese Popular Media by Anne M. Cooper-Chen, 2010-09-06
  11. Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture (Studies in the modernization of Japan)
  12. Going Global: Culture, Gender, and Authority in the Japanese Subsidiary of an American Corporation by Ellen Fuller, 2009-01-28
  13. Births and Rebirths in Japanese Art: Essays Celebrating the Inauguration of The Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (European Studies on Japan)
  14. Japanese Family & Culture (Jtb, Japan in Your Pocket, No 17) by Japan Travel Bureau, 1994-08

61. Japanese Culture is a window into Japanese life and culture, living in Japan, traveling in Japan, working in Japan, eating and cooking Japanese food, Japanese technology, and the

62. Holistic Medicine, Meditation, Metaphysics, Japanese Symbols & Holistic Health A
Offers online courses and information on meditation, Zen, metaphysics, martial arts, Reiki, Japanese culture, and Feng Shui. Home of the 3-minute online Meditation Rooms.
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    � 2003-2005

    64. Hawaii Kendo Kenkyukai
    Providing kendo training at the Japanese Culture Center of Hawaii in Honolulu
    Curriculum Items of Interest Meeting time is the First Friday of every Month at 7:30PM at the Japanese Culture Center of Hawaii on 2454S Beretania Street, Honolulu OBJECTIVES AND RULES 1. The primary objectives of this Kai is for the Kendo Yudansha to gather for inquiry and study concerning the future of the Hawai'i Kendo Federation, to promote excellence in Kendo according to the Concept of Kendo. 2. Activities of this Kai will be based on the Concept of Kendo; Kendo wa Ken no Riho no shuren ni yoru ningenkeisei no michi de aru Kendo is a way to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the Katana
    3. Participants of this Kai are expected to conduct with full spirit during a session, and not to engage in inpertinent activities. 4. Kenshi with Shodan rank and above, and Hawai'i Kendo Federation members are eligible to participate in this Kai. 5. Participants of this Kai will return to their respective Dojo and apply what was learned for the benefit of others. 6. As a rule, there will be no President to the Kai, but Officers, Advisors and Counselors may be appointed.

    65. Japanese Culture -
    Top questions and answers about JapaneseCulture. Find 1859 questions and answers about Japanese-Culture at Read more.

    66. Iaido - Traditional Japanese Swordmanship
    Iaido at the Japanese Cultural Arts Center. History and related information. Berkeley, CA
    Traditional Japanese Sword Martial Art. Providing mental and physical training in iaido in berkeley california.

    67. What Makes Japan Unique? Japanese Culture, All Things Japanese
    What makes Japan unique? Partly, it is heroic Samurai, beautiful Geisha and Zen philosophers. It is the striking art, Kabuki theater and serene gardens. But, especially, it is

    68. Japanese Cultural Center Of Hawaii - Honoring Our Heritage. Embracing Our Divers
    General information, history, programs, events, volunteer opportunities and membership information.

    69. Joi Ito's Web: Japanese Culture Archives
    I find that the Japanese, myself included, use the phrase, Japan is the world's second largest GDP as some sort of mantra to try to keep Japan relevant in a world that is
    Joi Ito's Web Joi Ito's conversation with the living web.
    Recently in Japanese Culture Category
    Japan and its GDP
    Joi Jan 16, 2008 - 04:34 UTC
    I find that the Japanese, myself included, use the phrase, "Japan is the world's second largest GDP" as some sort of mantra to try to keep Japan relevant in a world that is exceedingly uninterested in Japan. I was talking to Oki Matsumoto, a good friend and the CEO of Monex about this. He told me about a talk he gave at Keio University about the increasing irrelevance of Japan and showed me the following slides which I post with permission.
    This first slide is the percentage of the world GDP of various countries in 2004 and projected in 2050. On the far left is the US at 38.3% in 2004 and a diminished but significant 20.3% in 2050. Japan however goes from 15.4% in 2004 to 4% in 2050. Still 2X that of Italy's projection, but not the mammoth we seem to think will will continue to be. The first yellow block is China and the second one is India. Clearly they are the big growth markets according to the predictions. You may say, well that's 2050. That's a long time from now.

    70. Ryukoku University Japan
    Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. founded in 1639. Over 300 international students. Includes Japanese Culture and Language Program in addition to Literature, Economics, Business Administration, Law, Science and Technology, Sociology, and Intercultural Communication.

    71. Articles About Japanese Culture - Los Angeles Times
    Japanese Culture News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Japanese Culture from the Los Angeles Times

    72. Kabuki Academy
    Based in USA, Mary Mariko Ohno offers tuition in and performances of traditional dances and shamisen music, as well as classes in kimono wearing and stage make up. Includes information on Japanese culture and traditions, tours and performances.
    Mary Mariko Ohno
    Introducing Mary Mariko Ohno
    What is Kabuki Academy?
    How to contact Mary Ohno? Click here

    73. Japanese Culture
    Japanese culture is unique as well as so distinguishing from the other Asian ethnicity and cultures. a few of the Japanese cultural manifestations are
    Maps of World YOUR WINDOW TO THE WORLD Buy high quality maps-online! HOME
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    ... Japan Japanese Culture
    Japanese Culture
    Though the term Culture integrates a number of connotations, but commonly it denotes the manner a community lives in harmony with its traditions, the notions, the linguistic processes, or the way they dress. The Japanese culture is no exception to this. A meticulous observation demonstrates the immense influence of European, Asian, Chinese as well as North American Culture. As a consequence Japanese culture is unique as well as so distinguishing from the other Asian ethnicity and cultures. An extensive array of components has composed the culture of Japan . This array includes Japanese Language, Japanese Music, Japanese Costume and Clothing, Japanese Performing Arts, Japanese Religions, Japanese Customs, Japanese Folklore, Japanese Sculpture, Japanese Cuisine in addition to Japanese Literature. Besides that, Geisha, Kabuki Theatre, Ikebana are also regarded as significant part of Japanese Cultural Heritage . Brief descriptions of a few of the Japanese cultural manifestations are as following: Japanese Painting: The Japanese painting is a very popular form of art celebrated through out the country. The outstanding procedure of the painting is borrowed from continental regions.

    74. Tom Cruise: Turning Japanese -
    Interview by Lynn Barker with Tom Cruise concerning his fascination with Japanese culture and samurai values.

    75. Cultures - How To Information |
    Japanese Culture how to articles and videos including Japanese Sports for Kids, Lanterns in Japanese Culture, Samurai Training Methods … and much more!
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    76. REN The Mechanism Of Linking In Japanese Culture
    Text of a talk given by Yuko Tanaka, of Hosei University in Tokyo, in 1993 at the Nissan Institute, Oxford University. Discusses the concept of linking, with special emphasis on linked poetry of Basho.
    REN The mechanism of linking in Japanese culture Yuko Tanaka Hosei University in Tokyo Read in 1993 at Nissan Institute, Oxford University. Introduction Today, I would like to talk about ren . I have been thinking about and doing research on culture in the Edo period(1603 to 1867) in Japan with reference to this term. Ren means "to connect" "to link" and "to gather together", and it refers to a basic mechanism by which a process emerges from the interaction of words, verses or stanzas, sentences, objects, and people in the culture of Japan especially in the Edo period. We can find various examples of ren in the Edo period, a lot of ren groups or the ren of haikai In today's lecture I am going to talk about ren using a number of themes. Firstly is a short explanation of haikai with typical examples ,then the origin and the history of linked poetry, followed by linked themes in a few examples of prose; fourthly linked images in paintings, then renju , which means linked people supporting ren , and finally za which means the place of ren Linked poetry As you know waka is a traditional type of Japanese poetry which has 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, and

    77. Biblical Culture And Japanese Culture
    Get a strippeddown copy of this page. This inspiration for this article happened almost by accident. On a TheologyWeb discussion thread I wanted to illustrate to a debate partner how
    Biblical and Japanese Culture: A Didactic, Comparative Study What Letter? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U-V W XYZ What Bible Book? Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra-Nehemiah Esther-Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes-Song Isaiah Jeremiah-Lam. Ezekiel Daniel Hosea-Joel Amos-Obadiah Jonah-Micah Nahum-Habakkuk Zephaniah-Haggai Zachariah-Malachi Matthew Mark Luke-Acts John Romans Galatians Colossians Pastorals/Philemon Hebrews James 1 and 2 Peter 1, 2, 3 John, Jude Revelation Keyword Search Get a stripped-down copy of this page.
    This inspiration for this article happened almost by accident. On a TheologyWeb discussion thread I wanted to illustrate to a debate partner how honor was valued in the ancient Biblical world. Knowing that honor was likewise valued in modern Japanese culture the same way (in contrast to how it is viewed in modern American culture) I searched for and found an invaluable article apparently by one Phil VanAuken at Baylor University. (It is no longer available online, but used to be.) In looking over VanAuken's work I realized that some of the explanations he gave of Japanese custom and culture match very closely the sort we have given here in explaining Biblical passages. Since certain Skeptics seem inclined to imply that we just make up all of this stuff, and that social studies scholars of the Bible (the Context Group) are just doing the same, VanAuken's article looked to be something I could use profitably to draw some parallels quench those denials.

    78. Manga Academy ~ An Online Manga Tutorial Site
    Various classes covering Japanese culture and aspects of manga.
    Visit our other great Digital Manga web sites: Manga Sites
    DMP Books


    Manga Academy
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    link_fav_url=''; Forgot PWD Sign up Home About Us ... Contact Us
    Manga Academy updated and moved to a new server! Hey All! By now hopefully you've noticed a speed increase and after using the forums hopefully you have a better experience. We're still copying over data from the old server so excuse our mess if you come across anything not working right. As always just post any site issues in the Site Issues forum New Lessons Reader! We've recreated our lessons reader to an online viewer meaning anyone with the latest version of flash player (mac or PC) can enjoy the files. Also we added a ton of features to it like bookmarking, Panel Focus, and placed a full 4 titles up for you to read through at once! Enjoy the new lessons reader and have fun creating your very own manga.
    Final chapter of LDM: All About Fighting available now! Chapter 5 of Let's Draw Manga: All About Fighting is available now through MAx!

    79. Virtual Culture - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan
    Japan has a rich cultural tradition, and many pastimes have been handed down from one generation to the next. Some of the most popular ones are introduced here, and they are set up
    Kids Web Japan
    Web Japan Kids Web Japan Virtual Culture
    Virtual Culture
    Japan has a rich cultural tradition, and many pastimes have been handed down from one generation to the next. Some of the most popular ones are introduced here, and they are set up so that you can actually "try them out" online.
    • Sumo
      Try your hand at Sumo, a traditional Japanese sport.
      Japanese House
      Experience a Japanese House
      Let's learn about Kendama, a very popular game in Japan!
      Japanese Box Lunches
      Pack your own Japanese lunch in a Bento box.
      Try your hand at Judo, a traditional Japanese sport.
      Design your own beautiful Kimono outfit.
      Take a shot at producing a beautiful Ukiyo-e woodblock print.
      Fuku Warai
      Want to have fun for the New Year? Then try this traditional Japanese toy: Fuku Warai.
      Or maybe you'd like to try shaping and caring for a Bonsai.
      You can also try playing a traditional Japanese tune on a Koto.
      If you're ready for a real challenge, try writing Japanese letters with a brush in Shodo (calligraphy).
      Arrange cut flowers beautifully in Ikebana.

    80. Kids Web Japan
    Kids Web Japan provides fun content that helps children learn about Japan. The site is widely used in elementary and middle school classrooms around the world. Parts of the site
    Kids Web Japan
    Web Japan Kids Web Japan
    Explore Japan
    Japanese geography, history, language, education, sports, government, regions . . . Streaming video is no longer available at "Kids Web Japan". The tale of
    Sakura and Ichiro
    Spooky stories
    from Japan
    What's Cool
    November 4 Craftsmanship For Kids Japan is famous for its precision in manufacturing, thanks to a combination of high technical skills and precise attention to detail.
    October 7 Japan's Amazing Aquariums Today, Japanese technology for looking after fish and marine animals in captivity is better than ever, and more and more aquariums are opening impressive "ecosystem displays" that allow visitors to observe animals in a setting close to their natural environment.
    October 28 360-degree Camera! Japan is good at making things that need a lot of precision, and is famous for its high-quality cameras. October 14 The Biology Inspiring the Latest Technology Japan is home to lots of different species of animals and plants that have lived alongside human beings since ancient times.
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