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41. Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses . Content Introduction. Foundations. Beliefs. By Fr. Alexey Young (Reprinted from Orthodox America, 1989). In the addendum Creature or Creator? http://www.fatheralexander.org/booklets/english/jehovah_e.htm | |
42. Bethel Arnold EXJWS.NET is a community of survivors of the Watchtower (Jehovah s Witnesses). http://www.exjws.net | |
43. Jehovah's Witnesses - Award Winning Documentary - Knocking Jehovah's Witnesses are members of an international religious organization who believe themselves to be the restoration of firstcentury Christianity. Founded in the 1870s by http://knocking.org/ |
44. Silentlambs.org - Welcome Do Jehovah s Witnesses protect child molesters? A silentlamb is a person who has been discouraged from getting help when he or she has been molested or abused. http://www.silentlambs.org/ | |
45. Jehovah's Witness Origins, Jehovah's Witness History, Jehovah's Witness Beliefs Origin Map Lens. See when and where every major religion started. Side By Side Religion Comparison Lens. Pick up to three religions/faiths and compare their religion history http://www.patheos.com/Library/Jehovahs-Witnesses.html |
46. The Truth About Charles Taze Russell Charles Taze Russell was a great man of God. http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/adrianbiblestudents/russell.html | |
47. BBC - Religion: Jehovah's Witnesses Guide to the Jehovah's Witnesses, including beliefs, history, the Watchtower and medical ethics. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/witnesses/ | |
48. What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe- Beliefnet.com Central tenets of this faith, based on the questions in the BeliefO-Matic quiz. http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2001/06/What-Jehovahs-Witnesses-Believe.aspx | |
49. Recovering Jehovah's Witnesses Webring Sites written by former Jehovah s Witnesses. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=jehovex&list |
50. Cult Of Jehovah's Witness (JW's) Jehovah's Witnesses, JW's, Russellism Founder Charles Taze Russell. Overview Jehovah's Witnesses trace their origins to the nineteenth century Adventist movement in America. http://www.eaec.org/cults/jehovahswitness.htm | |
51. Jehovah's Witness And Watchtower Information Online Helping Christians both reach Jehovah s Witnesses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help Ex-Jehovah s Witnesses through the processes of leaving the Watchtower organization. http://www.towerwatch.com/ |
52. Jehovah's Witnesses: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Millenarianism is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which all things will be changed http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Jehovah's_Witnesses | |
53. Jehovah's Witnesses: Watchtower Video And Audio An educational audio and video enabled site focusing on news regarding the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah s Witnesses). http://www.randytv.com/ | |
54. Jehovah's Witnesses Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from antiSemitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and books, biographies http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/jehovah.html | |
55. WATCHTOWER JEHOVAH'S WITNESS WHISTLE BLOWER Critical site on Jehovah s Witnesses and the Watchtower http://www.dannyhaszard.com/ | |
56. Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum For Jehovahs Witnesses The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society or just make new friends! http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/ |
57. | Focus On Jehovah's Witnesses A resource page provided by Restoration Light Bible Study Services. Topics include, but not limited to, Armageddon, Bible Students, Charles Taze Russell, ransom, Watchtower history, blood transfusions, organization. http://jws.reslight.net/ | |
58. Jehovah's Witnesses : The Watchtower Bible And Tract Society Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions Jehovah's Witnesses The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society http://www.apologeticsindex.org/j02.html | |
59. Witness Kids And Disfellowshipped Parents: My Story A short story about growing up as a Jehovah s Witness with disfellowshipped parents. http://tergiversator.freeservers.com/story.html | |
60. Jehovah's Witnesses All Biblical quotations in this report are taken from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, copyright 1984. Although we do not believe the NWT is a good http://www.atruechurch.info/jw.html | |
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