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         Journal Writing:     more books (100)
  1. Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success by Wendy Laura Belcher, 2009-02-13
  2. Creative Journal Writing: The Art and Heart of Reflection by Stephanie Dowrick, 2009-02-05
  3. Writing Away: A Creative Guide to Awakening the Journal-Writing Traveler (Travelers' Tales) by Lavinia Spalding, 2009-08-01
  4. Kid Writing: A Systematic Approach to Phonics, Journals, and Writing Workshop (Professional Development) by Eileen G. Feldgus, Isabell Cardonick, 1999-12
  5. Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by Writing, Reading, and Creating a Journal of Your Life by Kathleen Adams, 1990-01-01
  6. Writing For Emotional Balance: A Guided Journal To Help You Manage Overwhelming Emotions by Beth Jacobs, 2005-01-02
  7. Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice Within by Janet Conner, 2009-01-01
  8. The Rewarding Practice of Journal Writing by James E. Miller, 1998-09-01
  9. Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest by Christina Baldwin, 1990-12-01
  10. The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself by Lucia Capacchione, 2001-11
  11. Journal Keeping: Writing for Spiritual Growth by Luann Budd, 2002-01-29
  12. Journal Jumpstarts: Quick Topics and Tips for Journal Writing by Patricia Woodward, 1996-06-01
  13. Writing to Heal: A guided journal for recovering from trauma & emotional upheaval by James W. Pennebaker, 2004-01-01
  14. Write for Life, Revised and Updated Edition: Healing Body, Mind & Spirit Through Journal Writing by Sheppard Kominars, 2010-06-29

1. Journal Writing
When my students enter the classroom they have two writing tasks to complete. One is their journal writing. I believe it sets the tone of the
    Visit: Stuck? Daily Writing Ideas Month to Month Activities When my students enter the classroom they have two writing tasks to complete One is their journal writing. I believe it sets the tone of the morning and gets them focused on language arts. The routine is daily and they understand that they must write. I began with just ten minutes, but they decided they needed more time. Most students now write for approximately 20 minutes. I did try the new standard of allowing students to write on any topic they wanted to. Confusion about what to write took place, even though in their journals they had ideas written down, posters on the wall about what to write about, and the teacher telling them that they can write about anything they chose. (Ex. What happened last evening or over the weekend.) That took up so much time and thinking. Most children didn't get a chance to complete anything. The whole process took too long. So, I decided to go back to where my teaching of 33 years, told me to. I began giving my students daily topics to write about. I noticed that the students seem to write more fluently, when given this, and they actually enjoyed writing in their journals. (This also helps when they are given the Fourth Grade Writing Test.) They don't need any "think" time, so the writing flowed and became easier.

2. Diary - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
A diary is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Journal writing Jump to: navigation search For other uses, see Diary (disambiguation) A diary is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. Diaries undertaken for institutional purposes play a role in many aspects of human civilization, including government records (e.g., Hansard ), business ledgers and military records Generally the term is today employed for personal diaries, in which the writer may detail more personal information and normally intended to remain private or to have a limited circulation amongst friends or relatives. The writer may also describe recent events in his/her personal diary. The word "journal" may be sometimes used for "diary," but generally one writes daily in a diary, whereas journal-writing can be less frequent. Whilst a diary may provide information for a memoir autobiography or biography , it is generally written not with the intention of being published as it stands, but for the author's own use. In recent years however there is internal evidence in some diaries (e.g., those of Ned Rorem Alan Clark Tony Benn or Simon Gray ) that they are written with eventual publication in mind, with the intention of self-vindication (pre- or posthumous) or simply for profit.

3. Journal Writing - Ideas For Teaching, Resources For Lesson Plans, And Activities
Teachers explain how they use journals in their classrooms.
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Journal Writing
Compiled By: Editor Teachers explain how they use journals in their classrooms. Journals
Posted by: Marie #50060
I have 2 journals - math and writing. For the writing journal, I do a brief modelling of writing a journal, demonstrating how I come up with a topic, talking through elements of writing (leaving a space between words, capitals, periods), and we blend and segment some of the words together as a class. I let them choose their own topic for their journals (be careful - you need to hide your journal writing or you may end up with imitations of it). I feel strongly about letting them choose their own topic during this time - because I've found children produce more when the topic is relevant to them.
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Posted by: L.P. #21262
We usually do our journals together with me writing on the board. I set up their journals with a "smiley face" and two lines. They start writing at the smiley. I draw a smiley on the board and two lines, then tell them what words we are going to write. I sound out the words to them and they tell me the letters to write, then they copy it. (Once they know their letters better, I will have them write it on their own)After we're done writing, we do directed drawing, usually with geometric shapes. When they've finished the drawing to go with the words, they can add anything they want to the picture. Once a week we have "their choice" drawing and I tell them that they must do some writing on the page even if it is only their name. I help sound out words or spell if asked. I subbed in a...

4. Journal Writing
by Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D. Writing in a journal is a way to discover the answers to your questions, to express yourself creatively, to find the voice of your soul, to
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Journal Writing
by Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.
Writing in a journal is a way to discover the answers to your questions, to express yourself creatively, to find the voice of your soul, to strengthen your connection with your open heart, and to face your fears and overcome obstacles. Above all, it's a way to relax and explore the depths of your being. Journal writing can be as prosaic or as wildly creative an exercise as you wish. For example, you can use your journal as a daily record of events, feelings, dreams, and aspirations. Or you can be more creative, using it as a vehicle for what Jung called "dreaming the dream onward".

5. Writing The Journey: Online Journal Writing Workshop
An online journal writing workshop that presents journal writing concepts, tools, techniques, writing exercises, and links to supportive resources.

Welcome to the
Online Journal Writing Workshop Our website has been down due to technical problems. We are currently rebuilding the site and will post sections as we finish them.
We expected to have a core section of the site completed by December 31, 2007. However, the rebuilding is taking longer than we hoped, and with the holidays, we now realize it is going to take longer to finish this project. You can use the site while we are rebuilding it. However, you may find broken links and other problems because of missing content. Please be patient with us during this time.
We expect to have the entire site up and running by the end of January 2008. As our loyal visitors know, the website has not been updated for a long time. We are turning this situation into an opportunity to update the layout of the site to make it easier to maintain going forward. Once the site returns, we will be updating the site frequently. We will resume our newsletter and will begin updating the site content.

6. Journal For You
This site offers interviews with journaling experts, reviews of journal technique books, historical and private journals, a hints and tips section, book recommendations and
Monday, 15th Nov 2010
Journal For You shows you how to enhance your life through journaling.

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About us

"You never know what you will learn till you start writing. Then you discover truths you never knew existed."

Anita Brookner
"Let your mind alone, and see what happens." Virgil Thomson "To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the inner music that words make." Truman Capote Writing is my refuge. It's where I go. It's where I find that integrity I have." Charles B. Johnson "Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel I should be doing something else. Gloria Steinem Sign up today for our FREE e-mail newsletter! Keep informed about site updates, get inspirational articles and quotes, quick journaling tips, links to useful journaling resources and reviews of the best journaling books, cds and software! Subscribe today by sending an e-mail to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line! Hello and welcome back to 'Journal For You'! NOTE: We have some important updates: 'Journal For You' has a new owner/editor - Deborah Watson, who also owns/edits 'Creativity For Life.'

7. Conversations Within: Journal Writing And Inner Dialog
Conversations Within is a free online seminar in Journal working and personal growth. As you learn to work with your Journal and the inner dialog process, you will learn to tap
ICRA Rated
for Content
Open To Your Own Inner Wisdom You are Wise. You have an inner source of wisdom that far exceeds
what you think of as your limits.
As you work with your Journal, you will learn to tap this inner wisdom, and you will learn methods of growing that you have always thought possible ... but always seemed just out of reach. Guestbook
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Journal-oriented books are now available in the Bookstore , in association with Help Keep This
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This site is an on-line workshop on Journal writing. You are invited to follow the program by steps in order to allow the teaching to unfold naturally. To do this, select the right arrow button you will find at the bottom of each page to go on, the left to go back through the program. Of course, you also can follow your own path through these pages by selecting any of the available buttons and links. However, there are certain areas where you are strongly advised to follow pages in order. These pages build upon one another, such as the series of exercises presented in the Inner Talk section and other places.

8. Journal Writing
Easier You don't have to be a great writer, perfect speller, or creative thinker to keep a personal journal. Journal writing means
The Topic:
Journal Writing
Easier - You don't have to be a great writer, perfect speller, or creative thinker to keep a personal journal. Journal writing means that you regularly write down your thoughts and experiences. Harder - A journal is a continued series of writings made by a person in response to their life experiences and events. Diaries contain a description of daily events. A journal may include those descriptions, but it also contains reflections on what took place and expresses emotions and understandings about them. It doesn't matter what you call your writing, either a diary or journal, as long as you see the distinction between these two ways of writing. Conversations Within: Journal Writing and Inner Dialog by G. Starnes

9. The Center For Journal Therapy
To make the healing art of journal writing accessible to all who desire selfdirected change. The Center for Journal Therapy lives this mission through its many outreach efforts.
Home Kathleen Adams The Power Of Writing Contact Us
Center for Journal Therapy
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Voice: 888-421-2298
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New Fall 2010 Classes Announced!
Announcing our Fall 2010 Schedule of Classes from the Center for Journal Therapy's training division. Take a class for your own personal or professional development!
Eight-week online classes begin September 27. Class information and registration
Welcome... from Kathleen Adams, Founder/Director
In 1985 I had the good sense to answer the door when my destiny came knocking, and since then my passion some might say my obsession has been journals and their people. I teach, write, consult, facilitate and speak about journal therapy and its many applications for holistic mental health. The Center for Journal Therapy is a gathering place for those who know the power of writing for growth and healing. Books CDs national workshops and a worldwide network of Certified Instructors make learning easy, affordable and fun. Our

10. Journal Writing Tips
Journal writing tips, creative writing exercises and journal writing prompts from a stationery shop.

11. Journal Writing
Journal Writing Nancy Linnon 917 N. 3 rd Ave. Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 7980819 As you begin to pay attention to your own stories and what they say about you, you

12. Journal Of Prisoners On Prisons | Home
A journal of writings by prisoners about prisoners. Includes back issues.
J o u r n a l o f P r i s o n e r s o n P r i s o n s Home Mission Methodology History Journal Content ... Contact us "...allowing our experiences and analysis to be added to the forum that will constitute public opinion could help halt the disastrous trend toward building more fortresses of fear which will become in the 21st century this generation's monuments to failure."
-Jo-Ann Mayhew, from JPP Vol. 1:1 (1988) General Information The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (JPP) is a prisoner written, academically oriented and peer reviewed, non-profit journal, based on the tradition of the penal press. It brings the knowledge produced by prison writers together with academic arguments to enlighten public discourse about the current state of carceral institutions. This is particularly important because with few exceptions, definitions of deviance and constructions of those participating in these defined acts are incompletely created by social scientists, media representatives, politicians and those in the legal community. These analyses most often promote self-serving interests, omit the voices of those most affected, and facilitate repressive and reactionary penal policies and practices. As a result, the

13. Journal Writing
Journal Writing. Summary Students write responses to writing prompts related to the themes and issues raised within blogs written by the
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Journal Writing
Summary: Minnesota Academic Standards Information Subject Area Focus: Language Arts/Writing Educational Level: Teachers may adapt the activity for the various grade levels. Primary, Primary, Intermediate, Middle, High High (9-12) Level For the complete standard, see the Minnesota Academic Standards web site at The student will engage in a writing process with attention to audience, organization, focus, quality of ideas, and a purpose. Middle (6-8) Level For the complete standard, see the Minnesota Academic Standards web site at The student will engage in a writing process with attention to organization, focus, quality of ideas, and a purpose. Intermediate (4-5) Level For the complete standard, see the Minnesota Academic Standards web site at

14. Sara Solovitch
Journalism and other writing by Sara, with resume and clips

15. The Journal 5 - Journal Software/Diary Software - Free Download
Personal journaling system with many features.
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Whatever your journaling or writing needs, The Journal gives you unmatched convenience flexibility , and security The Journal is always available when you need it, and lets you make entries with text, images, and just about anything else. Plus, with The Journal's password-protection and encryption you can rest assured that your secrets remain secret.
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The Journal runs on Windows XP , and Windows 2000 Convenience Flexibility Security I have used your journal for several years. I am addicted. I may never perfect the art of writing. But your Journal is great for learning. Thanks for listening. A passionate journalist. Paul James
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16. Jerz's Literacy Weblog
Dennis G. Jerz, a new media professor, blogging about humanities, cyberculture, journalism and writing.
Jerz's Literacy Weblog
Humanities Cyberculture Writing ... Journalism
14 Nov 2010
Livetweeting Buck Rogers "The Plot to Kill a City" (Part 1)
  • About to start tweeting #BuckRogers "The Plot to Kill a City" (The kids watched "Vegas in Space" without me.) Frank Gorshin... And Markie Post are guest stars. #BuckRogers Haha, #BuckRogers hits on a blonde who turns around and has a huge elephant nose. Then he shoots out a chandelier to kill a baddie. Thank goodness Dr. Huer is here to provide the exposition we crave. Action and spandex can sustain a plot for only so long. #BuckRogers
  • Continue reading Livetweeting Buck Rogers "The Plot to Kill a City" (Part 1) Categories PopCult SciFi Personal Media By Dennis G. Jerz November 14, 2010 12:49 AM Say Something 13 Nov 2010
    Writing in the Age of Distraction
    There is never perfect silence, or happiness. Until my kids have gone to college and are out of the house, I will never get a full weekend of unbroken time to concentrate on writing (or reading, or coding, or whatever). I used to be able to bang out a blog entry or mark a few papers while the kids were watching Elmo. Now, the kids simply won't stand for my partial attention... Their choice of watching Buck Rogers last night was their attempt to make sure I didn't spend the evening marking papers. How can we make the most use of the bits and pieces of time that fall our way? Every now and again, when I see a new website, game, or service, I sense the tug of an attention black hole: a time-sink that is just waiting to fill my every discretionary moment with distraction. As a co-parenting new father who writes at least a book per year, half-a-dozen columns a month, ten or more blog posts a day, plus assorted novellas and stories and speeches, I know just how short time can be and how dangerous distraction is.

    17. Journal Writing
    Reviewed by Andrea 21/11; Edited Bev 22 Nov; sent to Sarah 23 nov
    @import url("/commonfiles/stylesheets/layout.css"); @import url("/commonfiles/stylesheets/text_style.css"); @import url("/commonfiles/ltu_inc/staff/section_layout.css"); Learning and Teaching Unit Resources and Tools UniSA home Directory Email myUniSA ... LTU student home
    Journal writing
    What is a journal?
    A journal is a record of your thoughts about your learning within a course or professional setting. It is written regularly over a specified period of time. In journals you draw on lectures and wider reading, describe events, experiences and issues associated with your study or professional placement and also analyse and reflect on them. Your journal will show that you have been thinking about the process of your learning and the development of your understanding. You often explore ideas or issues that are widely debated and discuss the various arguments associated with them. A journal can be one or more of the following:
    • a regularly kept and systematic record of factual information about events, dates and people or a record of notes and ideas about your reading and research linked to a course.

    18. How To Get A Short Story Published |
    Article by Jason Belasco on the process of getting short stories published, from picking a journal to writing a cover letter.
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    Top 5 To Try
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    How to Get a Short Story Published
    By Jason Belasco eHow Contributor updated: July 16, 2010 I want to do this! What's This? Review publications to determine where you want to be published. stack of magazines image by Chad McDermott from Writing a short story is a great way to get your foot in the door of the writing industry; you can experiment with different narrative styles and play with characters, situations and tone. A short story can be as short as a paragraph or as long as 50 pages, so you have tons of freedom. While assistant editors and interns at literary magazines are regularly drowned in mailbags full of submissions that are commonly referred to as a "slushpile," getting your short story published is easier than you might think. Instructions
    Make Sure the Story is Publishable
  • Check spelling, punctuation and grammar meticulously. Having typos and mistakes is the easiest way to get your story thrown in the recycling bin. The only exception is if you want to get crazy and creative, such as writing a first-person story from the perspective of someone who has incorrect grammar. The rule of thumb is, if you have a well-thought-out idea behind those spelling mistakes or that lack of punctuation, you're fine.
  • 19. Education World � : Curriculum: Journal Writing Every Day: Teachers Say It Reall
    One of the best things about daily journal writing is that it can take so many forms. Teachers can use journal writing to meet specific goals, or the purpose can be wide open.

    20. Journal Writing - A Full Featured Journal That Includes Audio & Video Support..
    Allin-One Journal 4.0.1 The All-in-one Journal is the most advanced Journal or Diary Software on the market today. It's a full-featured text Journal with the additional
    Search our site:
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    All-in-One Journal 4.0.1
    personal information manager
    pim daily log ... E-Diary Gold 2004.07.03
    Discover how you can use this program to keep a safe and permanent record of what could be one of your life's most precious possessions: your private and personal thoughts, your reflections, the daily events of your life,... It includes file encryption and password protection so you can be sure to be the only one to view your entries. This program is very easy to use and has special features to make it function as a daily diary or journal.
    diary journal software
    daily diary journal daily journal software writing journal ...

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