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41. Strange Bedfellows » Blog Archive » Writer’s Political And Journalism Activi It’s generally considered a nono for reporters, especially political reporters, to actively work in support of political candidates, including making donations or even http://explorebaltimorecounty.com/blogs/politics/2010/07/07/writers-political-an | |
42. Sarah's Resume JOURNALISM ACTIVITIES. UNCChapel Hill, North Carolina Blue White – Publishing Team – Distribution Manager (August 2002 - Present ) http://www.unc.edu/~sstein/resume.html | |
43. Time For Kids | Homework Helper | Rapid Research Homework Helper Rapid Research Sites Recommended by Kids http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/kids/hh/rapidresearch/0,28328,73269,00.html | |
44. Jim Lehrer - Famous For Both His Journalism Activities And His ... Famous for both his journalism activities and his nonfiction and fiction writings, Jim Lehrer (born James Charles Lehrer) is a prominent PBS news anchor, and a popular debate http://www.livetvcenter.com/jim_lehrer_1758.asp | |
45. Journalism Lesson Plans & Activities For Teachers | Lesson Planet Search from over 350,000+ Teacher Reviewed Online Lesson Plans and Worksheets Journalism Lesson Plan Discover new journalism activities and ideas. http://www.lessonplanet.com/directory/language_arts/journalism | |
46. CGHS Newsletter Journalism Activities Putting their journalism skills to the test, CGHS yearbook and newspaper students placed second in the CVL contest hosted by http://www.cgrove417.org/cghs/newsletter/journ.html | |
47. HSJ.org - High School Journalism From ASNE With hsj.org and the Reynolds Institute, we hopes to improve high school journalism and news literacy. Our primary interests are improving high school media and bringing a diverse http://www.highschooljournalism.org/Students/Students.cfm?id=208 |
48. Grassroots Journalism: Actual Content Vs. Shining Ideal October 6, 2005 Grassroots journalism Actual content vs. shining ideal; Community news sites get a lot of hype, but can they produce quality journalism? http://www.ojr.org/ojr/stories/051006/ | |
49. Media Bias Basics Media Research Center (MRC) is a conservative media watchdog group dedicated to bringing political balance to the news and entertainment media. http://www.mediaresearch.org/biasbasics/biasbasics4.asp | |
50. Language Arts Teacher Resources (Grades K-12) - TeacherVision.com Journalism Activities Basic Journalism Persuasion Plan Charlotte's Web Newspaper Project Veterans Day Newspaper Be a Journalist! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Newspaper Ad http://www.teachervision.fen.com/reading-and-language-arts/teacher-resources/556 | |
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