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1. Kansas Libraries Newsletter Kansas Libraries the official newsletter of the Kansas State Library. NOTE You'll need Adobe Reader to view these files. Adobe Reader is available free from Adobe Corporation. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/KSL/admin/kansas_libraries.html | |
2. Flickr: Kansas Libraries & Librarians Kansas Libraries Librarians Group Pool Discussion 76 Members Map Join This Group. Group Pool 324 items Only members can add to the pool. http://www.flickr.com/groups/kansas_libraries/ | |
3. Kansas Libraries Education Libraries By Region North America United States Libraries Kansas Libraries listings http://www.joeant.com/DIR/cat/16526/Kansas_Libraries | |
4. Kansas Libraries Submission Page - Add URL Guaranteed review within the next five business days (One Time Fee US$39.99)-or- Register to become an editor http://www.joeant.com/DIR/add_URL/16526/Kansas_Libraries | |
5. Kansas Libraries - Public Library Details Free listing of Kansas libraries from premier provider of free reports on libraries nationwide. http://publiclibrarydetails.com/Kansas_Libraries.asp |
6. Home - KU Libraries Homepage - information, electronic resources, collections and services, news and events. http://www.lib.ku.edu/ |
7. Friends Of Kansas Libraries Startup grants for local Friends groups, sample constitution and bylaws, successful fundraisers, online membership application. http://www.fokl.net/ | |
8. Kansas Public Libraries Kansas Public Libraries. This page contains a list of public libraries in Kansas. If you do not see a link to your local branch library, please check out the library system http://www.publiclibraries.com/kansas.htm | |
9. Kansas Library Association “Combining Our Strengths” “Meeting the Challenge “Together We Grow” “Why Libraries Matter” “Kick Ass Kansas Libraries” “Back in Black” “Share the Vision http://kslibassoc.org/home/ | |
10. State Library Of Kansas Website Books, videos, CDs and books on tape from Kansas libraries Magazine and newspaper articles Downloadable audiobooks, music, movies and ebooks http://www.kslib.info/ | |
11. Kansas Libraries | Library In Kansas Find Kansas Libraries on MagicYellow. Yellow Pages online for Libraries in Kansas http://www.magicyellow.com/category/Libraries/-State_KS.html |
12. CJOnline.com - Grant To Help Kansas Libraries WASHINGTON The philanthropic organization established by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and his wife is giving nearly $11 million to public libraries in 37 states, including http://cjonline.com/stories/011305/kan_grant.shtml | |
13. Archaeological Collections Exhibits, research, public education, information. http://www.arc.ku.edu/ | |
14. Blue Skyways - A Service Of The State Library Of Kansas Books, videos, CDs and books on tape from Kansas libraries; Magazine and newspaper articles; Downloadable audiobooks, music, movies and ebooks http://skyways.lib.ks.us/ | |
15. University Of Kansas Libraries To Sell Large Science Fiction Collection - SFScop The University of Kansas Libraries will be selling off about 6,000 science fiction books in a public sale on 12 July http://sfscope.com/2008/06/university-of-kansas-libraries.html | |
16. Dykes Library, University Of Kansas Medical Center The mission of Dykes Library is to provide health-related information to students, faculty and staff of the University of Kansas Medical Center and to the public. http://library.kumc.edu/ | |
17. Kansas Libraries. Directory Of Libraries In KS. Kansas Library Directory. Find addresses and contact information for Libraries in Kansas. http://www.50states.com/kansas/libraries.htm | |
18. KU School Of Medicine–Wichita: Internal Medicine Located on the Wichita School of Medicine campus. http://wichita.kumc.edu/library/ | |
19. Kansas Library Card (KSLC) Administration Login for Librarians. Connect to Audio books, music more! The State Library of Kansas is proud to announce the arrival of Digital Audio Books http://www.kslc.org/ | |
20. Kansas Libraries Team Up To Teach Children To Read, Get Fit / LJWorld.com Photo by Richard Gwin. Enlarge photo. Doreen Cronin, awardwinning children’s author, center right, danced with students Monday at the Lawrence http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2009/nov/16/kansas-libraries-team-teach-children-re | |
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