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1. Www.kyvl.org unittitle Kentucky Education general /unittitle /did scopecontent list type= simple item 1. Public Education in Kentucky A Report by the Kentucky Educational Commission http://www.kyvl.org/kentuckiana/rawsgml/kuk/kukavead/test/61m158.sgm | |
2. KESDA Includes a handbook, tournament results, and registration information. http://www.kesda.org/ | |
3. Kentucky Education Association | Home Covers membership benefits and requirements, news, calendar of events, and legislative information. Includes photo gallery. http://www.kea.org/ | |
4. KET Instructional TV | Cyberchase Show description, episode summaries, Kentucky academic correlations, and show times. http://www.ket.org/itvvideos/offering/math/cyberchase.htm | |
5. Kentucky Educational Television: Education, Public Affairs, Arts And Culture, On Lexington. Program schedule and educational services. PBS http://www.ket.org/ |
6. Kentucky: Council On Postsecondary Education - Home Provides a list of state supported colleges and universities within the Commonwealth, including links. http://cpe.ky.gov/ | |
7. KATE - Kentucky Academy Of Technology Education Provides news articles and resources for public educators. http://coekate.murraystate.edu/kate | |
8. Kentucky High Schools Lists all high schools in Kentucky, along with addresses and phone numbers. http://high-schools.com/kentucky.html | |
9. Welcome To KYATE.org Includes bylaws, events, membership application, and directory of officers. http://www.kyate.org/ | |
10. The Family Foundation Articles on Kentucky education and homeschooling from the Family Foundation. http://www.tffky.org/education.htm | |
11. Featured Subject: Aaron Copland Kentucky Educational Television s distance learning program presents music and book reviews and articles by and about him from the archives of The New York Times. http://www.dl.ket.org/humanities/music/copland.htm | |
12. The Prichard Committee For Academic Excellence > Home An independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization of Kentucky parents and citizens working to improve education in the Commonwealth at all levels. http://www.prichardcommittee.org/ |
13. KHEAA :: Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority Provides useful information about college financial aid for students, parents, financial aid administrators, and high school guidance counselors. http://www.kheaa.com/ | |
14. KCEE Non-profit economic education organization that provides training for (K-12) teachers and provides EconomicsAmerica curriculum for the classroom. http://www.econ.org/ | |
15. CIPL Trains parents to work with teachers and other parents to raise student achievement in their home communities. Includes selection criteria and contact details. http://www.prichardcommittee.org/CIPL/tabid/31491/Default.aspx |
16. Kycss: Kentucky Center For School Safety Information about school safety programs and how to foster safe environments. Includes events and resource library. Located in Richmond. http://www.kysafeschools.org/ | |
17. NewCities Institute - Partnership For Successful Schools Independent, nonpartisan organization providing programs and strategies which focus community and employer energy on school improvement efforts. Includes a list of the board of directors, descriptions of programs, and ways to get involved. Located in Lexington. http://www.newcities.org/partnershipforsuccessfulschools/ | |
18. CKSEC.org - Home Provides professional development and support services to member districts and the commonwealth s department of education. Includes online registration, downloads, staff contacts, and links to members. http://cksec.org/ |
19. KLEA Home Page Statewide grassroots advocacy organization serving the needs of non-public school students and their families. Includes legislative history and agenda. http://www.kleaonline.org/ | |
20. Meredith-Dunn-School - Where Hearts And Minds Connect Louisville. Assists children (K-8) with specific learning difficulties in obtaining academic achievement commensurate with their learning potential. Provides contact information, admissions policy, calendar, and alumnae. http://www.meredithdunnschool.org | |
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