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21. Ballard County Kentucky Libraries Ballard County Kentucky Libraries Compiled by Teresa Skaggs, Coordinator for this County Site. Ballard/Carlisle/Livingston Public Library 410 Ohio Street http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ky/state/counties/ballard/libraries.html | |
22. University Of Kentucky Libraries Libraries' Catalog (InfoKat) Find UK Electronic Journals (ejournals, magazines, newspapers by title) ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) Electronic Reserves http://lib.uky.edu/ |
23. Kentucky Libraries Article | Eclectic Librarian Anna Creech is a university librarian with two cats, glasses, comfortable shoes, and a fear of turning into a stereotype. http://eclecticlibrarian.net/blog/2003/12/kentucky-libraries-article/ |
24. Flickr: Kentucky Libraries Kentucky Libraries Group Pool Discussion 34 Members Map Join This Group. Group Pool 194 items Only members can add to the pool. http://www.flickr.com/groups/kylibs/ | |
25. Resource Search - UK Libraries University of Kentucky Libraries Know what you're looking for? Search for the resource you want by Title, Publisher or Vendor. http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/dbsearch.php | |
26. Celebrating Research :: University Of Kentucky Libraries Library Overview. The University of Kentucky Libraries' Special Collections and Digital Programs (SCDP) is the commonwealth's largest repository of privately generated primary http://www.celebratingresearch.org/libraries/kentucky/index.shtml | |
27. WilsonWeb Journal Directory Kentucky Libraries ISSN 07325452 Publisher Name Kentucky Library Association Frequency Quarterly http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/Journals/getIssues.jhtml?sid=HWW:OMNIS&id=0 |
28. Kentucky Libraries Unbound: Overdrive Media Library Coming! | Facebook The Boyle County Public Library wrote a note titled Kentucky Libraries Unbound Overdrive Media Library Coming! Read the full text here. http://www.facebook.com/notes/the-boyle-county-public-library/kentucky-libraries | |
29. Kentucky Libraries Unbound With OverDrive Media Console v3.2, most WMA Audiobooks are iPod iPadâ„¢compatible! In just a few clicks, send titles to your Windows -formatted device; the 'Plays on http://kyunbound.lib.overdrive.com/060D80C4-73DA-4548-94F9-A1F22D9306CF/10/259/e | |
30. University Of Kentucky Libraries Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about University of Kentucky Libraries. Join Facebook to start connecting with University of Kentucky Libraries. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lexington-KY/University-of-Kentucky-Libraries/1437 |
31. Kentucky Libraries Choose TLC -- [Library Technology Guides] Press ReleaseKentucky Libraries Choose TLC. Kentucky libraries that have recently upgraded to TLC’s ILS, Library.Solution, are Magoffin County Library, Bracken County Public http://www.librarytechnology.org/ltg-displaytext.pl?RC=13710 |
32. Kentucky Libraries Choose TLC: Press Release: The Library Corporation: TLC: The Library Corporation INWOOD, WV, Dec. 12, 2008 Kentucky libraries that have recently upgraded to TLC's ILS, Library.Solution, are Magoffin County Library, Bracken County http://www.tlcdelivers.com/tlc/who-we-are/pressreleases/press2008/kentucky-libra | |
33. Read Reviews & Get Cheap Book Deals » Kentucky Libraries | CheapBookDeals.com Cheap Book Deals Kentucky Libraries. From thrillers, romance and classic novels to selfhelp, true crime and reference, CheapBookDeals has reviews and deals for everyone. http://cheapbookdeals.com/libraries/kentucky-libraries/ | |
34. University Of Kentucky Libraries -- University Of Kentucky [lib-web-cats 2293] University of Kentucky Libraries University of Kentucky. Type Academic. Address 500 South Limestone Street, Lexington Kentucky 405060456 United States Coordinates 38.037374 http://www.librarytechnology.org/lwc-displaylibrary.pl?RC=2293 |
35. Kentucky Libraries | Frankfort, KY | Company Profile, Research, News, Informatio Goliath's Kentucky Libraries Company Profile provides detailed company information on Kentucky Libraries located in Frankfort, KY. Company profile information includes sales http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/product-compint-0000722652-page.html |
36. Lexington Public Library | Lexington, Kentucky Provides locations, services, news and events, and details of special collections. http://www.lexpublib.org/ |
37. Kentucky Libraries Unbound | Boyd County Public Library Click here to get started More Digital Media AVAILABLE! The library patrons can download more free digital media – audio books, ebooks, music and video – to their personal http://www.thebookplace.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id |
38. ResourceBlog Article: Pilot Database Now Online/Searchable, U. Of Kentucky Libra Where dedicated librarians and researchers share the results of their directed (and occasionally quirky) web searches for resources and information. http://web.resourceshelf.com/go/resourceblog/59529 |
39. KLDivERS: Kentucky Libraries Diversity Education Recruitment And Support KLDivERS is a place for librarians, library employees, and people interested in the information profession. We will talk about projects, recruitment opportunities such as http://kldivers.blogspot.com/ | |
40. Louisville Free Public Library Features events calendars, real audio stories, and access to the library's webbased catalog. http://lfpl.org/ | |
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