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         Kentucky Teacher Certification:     more books (18)
  1. Teacher certification in Kentucky by Edith C Schwab, 1967
  2. Teacher training and certification laws and regulations (Kentucky. Dept. of Education. Educational bulletin) by Richard Elmer Jaggers, 1935
  3. Kentucky Department of Education, Goals 2000 Educate America Subgrant report: A plan for preparing educators to teach contemporary elementary schools : ... of Teacher Education and Certification by Sharon Brennan, 1995
  4. Types and validity of Kentucky teaching certificates (Teacher education circular) by Louise Combs, 1959
  5. Supplement, teacher evaluation and certification (Educational bulletin) by Richard Elmer Jaggers, 1941
  6. Reporting on teacher supply in public schools in Kentucky (Teacher education circular) by Sidney Simandle, 1966
  7. A proposed certification plan for Kentucky by James William Jewell, 1927
  8. CliffsTestPrep Praxis II: Education of Exceptional Students (0353, 0382, 0542, 0544) by Judy L. Paris, 2008-08-25
  9. Teacher education: Certification and competencies of elementary teachers / prepared by Division of Teacher Education and Certification, Louise Combs (Teacher education circular) by Louise Combs, 1963
  10. The preparation of public school personnel employed in 215 school districts in Kentucky in 1958-59 (Teacher education circular) by Louise Combs, 1959
  11. The professionalization of teaching: Centerpiece of Kentucky reform (Policy issues) by Mary S Leighton, 1992
  12. A school librarian and supervising teacher cooperate in the student teaching program (Teacher education circular) by Marethal B McIntosh, 1962
  13. The changing curriculum in mathematics in the elementary schools (Teacher education circular) by Louise Combs, 1964
  14. Reporting on teacher supply: Based on 1962 graduates (Teacher education circular) by Louise Combs, 1962

41. KY: Education Professional Standards Board Certification Division - Approved Alt
Welcome to Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board Northern Kentucky University. Approved Programs
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Approved Alternative Routes to Certification Programs
Northern Kentucky University Approved Programs World Language for certification in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish. Contact(s) Melissa Decker 859-572-6330 Email: Go to Alternative Routes to Certification Homepage Contact the EPSB Division of Certification
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42. Bachelor In Elementary Education And Teaching At Brescia University
The area of Elementary Education prepares students to earn a Bachelor of Science degree Elementary Education and Kentucky Teacher Certification in Elementary Education, grades P
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Online Bachelor Degrees Online Degree in Elementary Education and Teaching Degrees ... Degree in Elementary Education and Teaching
Bachelor in Elementary Education and Teaching at Brescia University

Bachelor degrees in Elementary Education and Teaching: A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the elementary grades, which may include kindergarten through grade eight, depending on the school system or state regulations. Includes preparation to teach all elementary education subject matter.
Brescia University

Bachelor degree

Elementary Education

... Brescia University
The area of Elementary Education prepares students to earn a Bachelor of Science degree Elementary Education and Kentucky Teacher Certification in Elementary Education
All elementary education students select an area of emphasis in English/Communications. Completion of a content area in addition to the professional Educational Studies courses provides an additional benefit for the elementary teacher who might find him/herself...

43. Haley Fishburn Moore - ReadWriteThink
Haley Fishburn Moore holds Rank I Kentucky Teacher Certification and has completed Ph.D.

44. Thomas More College
Completion of this degree leads to teacher certification for candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in a content area which qualifies for Kentucky teacher certification.
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    Master of Arts in Teaching Program
    Frequently Asked Questions
    What is the MAT Program?
    This is a Master of Arts in Teaching Program. Completion of this degree leads to teacher certification for candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in a content area which qualifies for Kentucky teacher certification. The program is offered in two (2) tracks. Track I, Alternative Certification Option 6 , is designed for persons currently teaching under a Temporary Provisional Certificate, who hold a Bachelor’s degree in a certifiable content area. Track II, Traditional Program , is for persons who wish to acquire their teacher certification while they maintain their current job or who may not be employed. Persons in either Track I or Track II can choose Middle Grades (5-9) in the content areas of: English, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Science, OR Secondary Education (8-12) in the content areas of: Biology, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Physics, or Social Studies. Persons who hold a non-teaching bachelor’s degree in Art or Theatre, and wish to be certified to teach Art or Theatre may be certified for Grades P-12. Business and Marketing persons who hold a non-teaching bachelor’s degree in business and/or marketing may be certified for Business and Marketing for Grades 5-12. Candidates in Track II may switch to Track I if they are employed by a local school/district in the content area for which they are seeking certification. Is there flexibility within the program schedule?

45. 16 KAR 2:120. Emergency Certification And Out-of-field Teaching.
16 KAR 2120. Emergency certification and outof-field teaching. RELATES TO KRS 157.390, 161.020, 161.028, 161.030, 161.100, 161.1211, 161.1221, 334A.030, 334A.033
����� 16 KAR 2:120. Emergency certification and out-of-field teaching. ����� RELATES TO: KRS 157.390, 161.020, 161.028, 161.030, 161.100, 161.1211, 161.1221, 334A.030, 334A.033, 334A.035, 334A.050, 334A.060 ����� STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 161.028(1)(a), 161.030(1), 161.100, 161.1221(1) ����� NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 161.100 authorizes the Education Professional Standards Board to establish qualifications for granting emergency certificates if qualified teachers are not available for specific positions. KRS 161.1221(1) requires the Education Professional Standards Board to establish a definition for out-of-field teaching. This administrative regulation establishes the qualifications and procedures for emergency certifications and establishes the definition for out-of-field teaching. ����� Section 1. Definition. "Qualified teacher" means a teacher who holds the appropriate certification for the position unless the superintendent of the employing school district has documented evidence that the teacher is unsuitable for appointment. ����� Section 2. (1) In order to comply with KRS 161.100 in establishing the need for employing emergency teaching personnel, the superintendent of the local school district and the board of education shall make the following declaration to the Education Professional Standards Board on Form TC-4F:

46. Kentucky Teacher Education Programs
Kentucky Teacher Certification Info Avg. Elementary Teacher Salary in KY $45,880 1 Avg. Secondary Teacher Salary in KY $48,340 1 Avg. Special Ed Teacher Salary in KY (PreK Elementary
Program Search Select State > Online Programs Only All States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming All Alternative Certification programs All Bachelors in Education programs All Doctorate in Education programs All Educational Specialist programs All Graduate Certificate programs All Masters in Education programs Art Education programs Early Childhood Education programs English Education programs Foreign Language Education programs Instructional Technology programs Math Education programs Music Education programs School Administration programs School Counseling/Psychology programs Science Education programs Special Education programs TESOL/ESL programs Vocational/Career Education programs BECOME A TEACHER ONLINE TEACHING DEGREES TEACHING SPECIALTIES BY DEGREE: Bachelors in Education Masters in Education Online Bachelors in Ed Online Masters in Ed ... Educational Specialist BY SPECIALTY: Early Childhood Ed Elementary Education Secondary Education Art Education ... Vocational/Technical BY STATE: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas ...

47. German Teacher Certification: World Languages And Literatures: Northern Kentucky
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Skip to page content. Enter keyword(s), phrases, etc to search our web site. Click to submit search. Use this drop-down menu to quickly jump to main areas of this site Quick Links Blackboard Calendars Directory / Find-It! Library, W. Frank Steely MyNKU Norse Express Registration Guide Schedule of Classes WebMail Click "Go" button to submit selected link.
German Links
German Major with Teaching Certification
Students pursuing a major in German with teaching certification (39 semester hours) should review the Teacher Education Program in the College of Education.
In addition to fulfilling 36 hours in the German major curriculum, students seeking P-12 teaching certification must complete GER 350: Methods of Teaching German and all required teacher education and general education courses. Students entering NKU under the 2010-2011 catalog or later must include either GER 401: German Phonetics and Pronunciation or GER 402: Advanced German Grammar and Syntax as part of their major curriculum.

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