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81. Kelp! Knits knitting, blogging, and the occasional rant about Houston, TX. http://www.kelpknits.com/ | |
82. My Knitting Machines And Me A knitter writes about experience with knitting and show some photos of projects. http://susyranner.blogspot.com/ | |
83. G.bella Knits A weblog that discusses knitting, yarn, and pattern design. http://gbellaknits.blogspot.com/ | |
84. Cass Knits! Sweaters And Socks And Wool, OH MY! Yarns About Knitting And Family, A personal knitting weblog by a Christian mother of eight. http://www.cassknits.com | |
85. Dulle Griet A Philadelphia graduate student s blog about knitting and knit design. Since 2008 01. http://dullegriet.wordpress.com/ | |
86. Knit 2 Par 3 Denise from Hoboken NJ, USA blogs about her craft (knitting) and her new sport (golf). Since 2006 04. http://whengolfinterferes.blogspot.com | |
87. To Knit Is Divine › My Random Ramblings About Knitting And Whatever Else Comes Ottawa, Canada knitter writes about her knitting projects, love of yarn, and offers some tips and free patterns. Since 2006 07. http://toknitisdivine.ca/ | |
88. Knitting Forums: Message Boards Where Knitters Gather And Gab Message boards for knitters to discuss knitting related topics. http://www.knittingforums.com | |
89. Knitting, Knitting Forum, Knitting Forums, Knitting Chat Room, Knitting Websites A forum, a few free patterns and answers to knitting technique questions. http://www.knittinghaven.com | |
90. Free Beginner To Advanced Knitting Patterns Blog with free beginner to advanced patterns. http://www.knitting2008.blogspot.com | |
91. Home | TKGA Hosts chat rooms, knitting conferences, and publishes Cast-On magazine. http://www.tkga.com/ | |
92. Welcome To The Windy City Knitting Guild Membership organization which encourages and fosters knitting in the Chicago area. http://www.windycityknittingguild.com/ | |
93. Barbara Kerr Knits Examples and class schedule of a designer and teacher specializing in patchwork knitting. http://www.barbarakerrknits.com/ |
94. Free Knitting Lessons. Provides lessons for beginners. http://www.houghtonavenue.com/knitting-lessons.html |
95. Knitting Basics Includes illustrated instructions and tips for beginning knitters. http://www.bhg.com/crafts/knitting/basics/ | |
96. Mason-Dixon Knitting Pictures and descriptions of the knitting projects of two friends. http://www.masondixonknitting.com/ | |
97. Welcome To StefanieJapel.com Pictures and posts about her knitting projects. http://www.glampyre.com/ | |
98. And She Knits Too! Commenting on her projects and news. http://acunningplan.typepad.com/ | |
99. Ravelry - A Knit And Crochet Community Ravelry is a community site, an organizational tool, and a yarn pattern database for knitters and crocheters. http://www.ravelry.com/ | |
100. Carolinas Machine Knitters Guild Newsletter with patterns, tips, and events and workshop listings. http://www.carolinasmkg.com/ | |
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