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41. Startseite - SLEWS Sensorbased Landslide Early Warning System Project aimed at the development of a prototype alarm- and early warning system to address different kinds of natural hazards, using landslides as an example. http://www.slews.de | |
42. Landslides | Buzzle.com landslides Geological phenomenon, landslides include failure of slopes, rock falls and shallow debris flows. They can also be called natural disasters. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/landslides/ | |
43. Portal Of The Geomorphology Research Group @ CNR IRPI In Perugia, Italy — IRPI Team of geologists, engineers and physicists interested in landslides, landslide hazards and the definition of the associated risk. http://palpatine.irpi.cnr.it/Geomorphology | |
44. Landslide Types of landslides . The term landslide describes a wide variety of processes that result in the downward and outward movement of slopeforming materials including rock http://www.eoearth.org/article/Landslide | |
45. Submarine Landslide - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Submarine landslides are marine landslides that transport sediment across the continental shelf and into the deep ocean. A submarine landslide is initiated when the downwards driving http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Submarine_landslide | |
46. CVO Photo Archives - Mount St. Helens - Mudflows And Lahar Images - 1980-2004 View pictures and descriptions of the landslides and their aftermath. http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/MSH/Images/mudflow_images.html | |
47. Landslide Hazard Information - Causes, Pictures, Definition landslides due to volcanic activity are some of the most devastating types. Volcanic lava may melt snow at a rapid rate, causing a deluge of rock, soil, ash, and water that http://geology.com/usgs/landslides/ |
48. D.J Scheffler, Inc./Landslides landslides Soldier Piles Tieback Anchor Systems Grading Solutions Hydraugers Drainage Galleries In general, landslides are complicated systems of geology, geomorphology, and http://www.djscheffler.com/landslides.htm | |
49. Haneberg Geoscience Consulting services in engineering geology, hydrogeology, and applied geomechanics. Research abstracts on landslides and related geologic hazards. Port Orchard, Washington. http://www.haneberg.com/ |
50. Landslides - Association Of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Association of Environmental Engineering Geologists landslides are part of a geologic process called mass wasting , which is characterized by the downslope movement of http://www.aegweb.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=4073 |
51. Science Topics / Learning / Home - GNS Science The Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences in New Zealand provides a week-by-week listing of hazardous events, including landslides, in that geologically active country. http://www.gns.cri.nz/hazardwatch/latest/ | |
52. Landslides landslides Extreme ground shaking along the steep slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains during the 1989 earthquake led to the reactivation of many ancient landslides and formed a http://emerald.ucsc.edu/~es10/fieldtripEarthQ/Damage4.html | |
53. Virginia Department Of Mines, Minerals And Energy - Division Of Geology And Mine Virginia Department of Mines, Mineral and Energy landslides. A landslide is the movement of any mass of rock, soil, or debris down a slope. http://www.dmme.virginia.gov/DMR3/landslides.shtml | |
54. Landslide Hazards In Oregon To learn more about landslides in Oregon, read our Landslide Fact Sheet. To learn more about debris flows, a dangerous type of fast moving, destructive landslide, click here. http://www.oregongeology.org/sub/Landslide/Landslidehome.htm | |
55. Landslides | Define Landslides At Dictionary.com ( for defs. 1, 2 ) . 1. the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope. 2. the mass itself. 3. an election in which a particular http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Landslides |
56. Landslides landslides a geological phenomenon lead to slope slides. Slides can occur offshore, onshore, or coastal environments. Gravity is prime cause for landslides; but adverse sub http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Landslides | |
57. Peninsulas Emergency Preparedness Committee - Landslides In Western Washington Helping family and neighborhoods prepare for earthquakes, volcanoes, fires and floods, in Gig Harbor, Key Peninsula, and Pierce County. Has water storage barrels for sale. http://www.pep-c.org/landslides/ | |
58. Landslides - Geology For Kids - By KidsGeo.com landslides . landslides take place when dirt, pebbles, rocks and boulders slide down a slope together. Sometimes these landslides are small, and hardly noticeable. http://www.kidsgeo.com/geology-for-kids/0071-landslides.php |
59. KANE GeoTech, Inc. Consulting services for geotechnical problems such as rock mechanics, tunnels, landslides, rockfall mitigation, and instrumentation. Specializes in time domain reflectometry (TDR) for landslide monitoring. http://www.kanegeotech.com/ | |
60. Landslides landslides As catastrophic events, landslides can cause human injury, loss of life and economic devastation, and destroy construction works and cultural and natural heritage. http://www.springer.com/new & forthcoming titles (default)/journal/10346 | |
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