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21. Visually Speaking Sign Language classes for hearing children and those who live, work and play with them http://visuallyspeaking.info/ |
22. Maori Language Teacher Education Resources Maori Language Teaching Resources Tea Maori language education resources teacher resources for Te Reo Maori; REO produce Maori language teaching resources for school teachers, parents Kohanga Reo; fun http://www.tereo.biz/ | |
23. Library: NATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING RESOURCES Home page of Lakehead University Library. Use this page to access the Library Catalogue (Inukshuk), find journal articles, online reference sites, and information on searching http://library.lakeheadu.ca/?pg=506 |
24. Teachitworld - Teachitworld English Language Teaching Resources - ELT Resources Welcome to Teachitworld, English Language Teaching resources online. Are you new to Teachitworld? Click here to start finding your way around. 2,876 pages of resources http://www.teachitworld.com/ |
25. Uncategorized | French Language Teaching Resources On this page Exploring Finding Viewing downloading Contributing Commenting Further Help. About this Collection. The French Language Teaching Resources repository http://www.lrc.columbia.edu/clbrepository/taxonomy/term/node/84 | |
26. Critical Analysis Of Language Teaching Resources - Term Papers - Keyas143 Read this term paper and over 200,000 others like it now. Don't miss your chance to earn better grades and be a better writer! http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Critical-Analysis-Of-Language-Teaching-Resources/ | |
27. Onestopenglish | Resources For Teaching English With over 7,000 resources, including lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards, onestopenglish is the world’s number one resource site for English language teachers. http://www.onestopenglish.com/ | |
28. European Commission - Language Teaching - Resources Go to main content shortcut key S, by skipping site tools, language selector, navigation path and navigation menu; Go to navigation menu, by skipping site tools, language http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/language-teaching/doc26_en.htm | |
29. Resource: Teaching Foreign Languages K-12: A Library Of Classroom Practices A video library for K–12 foreign language teachers; 28 halfhour and 2 one-hour video programs, library guide, and Web site Now on DVD http://www.learner.org/resources/series185.html | |
30. Teaching Materials For French Language Teachers | French Language Teaching Resou Explore This collection of French language teaching resources is open for browsing. You can explore the resource descriptions without a login. http://www.lrc.columbia.edu/clbrepository/ | |
31. Interesting Things For ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) A free study site for English as a Second Language (ESL) students with games, quizzes, puzzles, MP3 files with transcripts, listening practice, pronunciation practive, etc. http://www.manythings.org/ | |
32. Power Language Working http://www.powerlanguage.net/ | |
33. French Teaching Tips And Tools French teaching tips and tools projects, classroom games, teaching combined classes, and more for French teachers. http://french.about.com/od/teachingresources/French_Teaching_Tips_and_Tools.htm | |
34. Check Here For Information And Links World Language Teaching Resources Check here for information and links http://nacfla.net/pWLTR.aspx | |
35. English As 2nd Language - Learn English Learn English with the About.com guide to English as a 2nd language (ESL / EFL). Learn English using resources including English grammar explanations, quizzes, pronunciation help http://esl.about.com/ | |
36. French Language Teaching Resources, French Language Teaching Resources For further assistance in using any of the resources in the Lab, please ask at the Curriculum Lab Information Services Desk. Define your topic, and check basic http://www.uleth.ca/edu/currlab/handouts/french.html | |
37. Language Teaching Language teaching Resources for foreign language teaching. This list is designed mainly for foreign language teachers, but students may also find it useful. http://www.polyu.edu.hk/~engl/links/links10.htm | |
38. Linguistics: OPIE: English Study Contact information. Postal address OPIE, 155 Gordy Hall, Ohio University Athens, OH 45701 USA. Telephone 740593-4575. Fax 740-593-4577. E-mail opie@ohio.edu http://www.ohio.edu/linguistics/opie/ | |
39. ESL Teacher Resources - UsingEnglish.com Teacher resources including free ESL handouts and printables, TESL jobs, educational news and a directory of teaching resources. Also provides access to questions from students and http://www.usingenglish.com/teachers.php | |
40. Southend High School For Girls Schooltrends Create Portal Language Teaching Resources. On the following pages we aim to provide a comprehensive list of useful websites for teachers and students of MFL as http://southendgirls.school-site5.net/?_id=644 |
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