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1. Law Libraries Public Libraries; State Libraries; Presidential Libraries; National Libraries; College Libraries; Law Libraries; Books http://www.publiclibraries.com/law_libraries/ | |
2. Courts Tasmania : Law Libraries LAW LIBRARIES. The libraries of the Department of Justice, the Supreme Court of Tasmania, the Magistrates Court of Tasmania, and the Law Society of Tasmania were integrated by http://www.courts.tas.gov.au/law_libraries | |
3. Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries Website of the Public Law Libraries of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court http://www.lawlib.state.ma.us | |
4. Law Library - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia On the other hand, some university law libraries retain extensive historical collections going back to the earliest English reports. The American Association of Law Libraries is a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_library | |
5. Law Libraries | Library The legal field in the United States, as in every country with a healthy and functioning legal culture, is built on the experience and perspective provided by past legal cases http://www.yalibrarian.com/law-libraries | |
6. Library And Collections Describes the legal resources available at McGill University Faculty of Law. http://www.mcgill.ca/law-library/ | |
7. Law Libraries USA LawLibraries.com provides web browser based document access to legal resources. http://www.lawlibraries.com/ | |
8. Indiana Courts > Law Library > Legal Links > Law Libraries home law library legal links law libraries Legal Links Law and Other Libraries The following links are provided here for your convenience. The inclusion of links from http://www.in.gov/judiciary/library/links/libraries.html |
9. Wyoming State Law Library Legal resources for the state of Wyoming. http://www.courts.state.wy.us/LawLibrary/ | |
10. The American Association Of Law Libraries The American Association of Law Libraries, AALL 2010 American Association of Law Libraries http://aallnet.org/ | |
11. LawGuru.com: Internet Law Library Laws of all jurisdictions (arranged by subject) Law schools and law libraries Attorney and legal profession directories Law book reviews and publishers http://www.lawguru.com/ilawlib/ | |
12. Library_information.asp Library of the Louisiana Supreme Court, located in New Orleans. http://www.lasc.org/law_library/library_information.asp | |
13. Law Library Of Congress (Library Of Congress) The Law Library of Congress The worlds largest collection of law books and legal resources. http://www.loc.gov/law/ | |
14. Law Libraries Section | IFLA Law Libraries This Section aims at bringing together representatives of different types of law libraries......Section/Division number 48Short Url lawlibraries http://www.ifla.org/en/law-libraries |
15. New Hampshire Judicial Branch State Law Library http://www.state.nh.us/courts/lawlib.htm | |
16. Law Libraries And Librarians - Social Networking For Law Librarians And Friends Blogging, podcasting, Twittering, Gtalking, ooVooing, Flickring, networking law librarians http://lawlibraries.ning.com/ | |
17. Society > Law > Law Libraries A Law Library Company of the City of Philadelphia was founded inside 1802 by 71 attorneys, among whom were a virtually all large attorney of the instance. http://law-libraries.generalanswers.org/ | |
18. Library : Villanova Law School Law library of the Villanova University School of Law. http://www.law.villanova.edu/library/ |
19. Law Libraries, Legal Libraries - LibrarySpot.com Access the best law libraries on the Web at LibrarySpot.com. http://www.libraryspot.com/libraries/lawlibraries.htm |
20. Law Libraries | Library The legal field in the United States, as in every country with a healthy and functioning legal culture, is built on the experience and perspective provided http://www.yalibrarian.com/law-libraries.html | |
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