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61. Use Of The Bucks County Law Library Law library serving Bucks County, Pennsylvania; site contains information about the library s hours, location, and terms of use. http://www.buckscounty.org/courts/CourtInfo/LawLibrary.aspx | |
62. LA Law Library | Home The LA Law Library is committed to providing the best possible resources for both the legal community and the public community to engage in legal research. http://lalaw.lib.ca.us/ | |
63. Dorraine Zief Law Library - University Of San Francisco School Of Law Private law library only open to law students, alumni, and members of the bar. General public may request federal or state depository documents only. http://www.usfca.edu/law_library/ |
64. Guide To Law Online - Law Library Of Congress (Library Of Congress) The Guide to Law Online, prepared by the Law Library of Congress Public Services Division, is an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online. http://www.loc.gov/law/help/guide.php | |
65. Santa Barbara County Law Library Information on the McMahon Law Library in Santa Barbara and the Santa Maria Law Library in Santa Maria. Both are open to the public and provide legal information along with standard library resources. http://www.countylawlibrary.org/ |
66. Boston College Law Library Information and legal resources available at Boston College s Law Library. http://www.bc.edu/schools/law/library/ |
67. Law Libraries :: Justia Virtual Chase To view more detailed information on law libraries within a particular state, click on the links below. Don't see the library you're looking for? http://virtualchase.justia.com/law-libraries | |
68. Franklin County Law Library - Home Provides information about the Columbus (OH) Law Library Association and the law library in Franklin County, Ohio. Includes links to Court rules and city codes. http://www.columbuslawlib.org/ | |
69. CHAPTER 189 LAW LIBRARIES LAW LIBRARIES Table of Contents Sec. 1110. Sec. 11-10a. Retirement of librarians. Sec. 11-10b. Policies for establishment and maintenance of law library system. http://www.cga.ct.gov/2009/pub/chap189.htm | |
70. SCALL : Southern California Association Of Law Libraries Provides information about this local chapter of AALL, including membership, listserv discussion, and internet legal research resources. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/scall/ | |
71. Maryland Law Libraries: Resource Tools: Maryland State Law Library The Maryland State Law Library is located at 361 Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The phone number is 410260-1430. The library is open to the public on Monday, Wednesday http://www.lawlib.state.md.us/researchtools/otherlibraries.html |
72. Chicago Association Of Law Libraries Includes information about meetings, jobs, and professional development. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/call/ | |
73. Ohio Regional Association Of Law Libraries (ORALL) A chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries that includes libraries in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. http://orall.org/ | |
74. Ohio Regional Association Of Law Libraries (ORALL) Lists information for members (covering Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky), including scholarship information, chapter newsletter, committees, and Ohio legal resources. http://www.orall.org/ | |
75. Law Library Staff, Locations, Directions And Hours This is the official website for the Law Libraries of the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch and provides public access to legal resources. http://www.jud.ct.gov/lawlib/staff.htm | |
76. Minnesota Association Of Law Libraries (MALL) Home Page Lists information about the chapter, including publications, their calendar of events, and membership. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/mall/ | |
77. ABA Journal - Law News Now The ABA Journal is read by half of the nation's 1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street http://www.abajournal.com/blawgs/topic/law libraries |
78. Northern California Association Of Law Libraries (NOCALL) Lists information about the chapter, including membership, committees, jobs in the Northern California area, and California legal resources online. http://www.nocall.org/ | |
79. Welcome To The OCCLL Website Oregon Council of County Law Libraries Welcome to Our Website! The Oregon Council of County Law Libraries (OCCLL), organized in 1975, is a cooperative organization of county http://occll.org/ | |
80. Arizona Association Of Law Libraries Provides extensive information about the association, including a membership directory, job listings in the region, and access to AzAll-List archives and subscription information. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/azll/ | |
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