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1. ABC Business Law Pro Bono Award Nominee Packet 200 ABC Business Law Pro Bono Award Nominee Packet 2009 Organization State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project; Author Mike Monahan at mikem@gabar.org http://www.georgiaadvocates.org/library/item.248567-ABC_Business_Law_Pro_Bono_Aw |
2. Health Law | Pro Bono Opportunities Albany Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY. The Legal Aid Society’s Private Attorney Involvement (PAI) program refers to private, volunteer attorneys a wide variety of http://www.nysba.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Health_Law_Pro_Bono_Opportunities |
3. Family Law Pro Bono Adoption Initiative The scheduled webcasting is over. Please check back soon to view an archived recording http://www.georgiaadvocates.org/calendar/event.298218-Family_Law_Pro_Bono_Adopti |
4. Pro Bono Institute Exploring and identifying new approaches to and resources for the provision of legal services to the poor, disadvantaged, and other individuals or groups unable to secure legal http://probonoinst.org/ | |
5. SoCal Pro Bono Center Welcome to Southern California's Pro Bono Opportunities Network! The SoCal Pro Bono Center is a joint project of the Southern California Pro Bono Managers Directors, Public http://www.probono.net/ca/socal/ | |
6. DMCA And The Politics Of Copy Protection@Everything2.com Paper by Damian Yerrick about under the table laws such as the Bono Act and the DMCA sponsored by corporate lobbyists that dilute the public s right to publish. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=952746 |
7. International Humanitarian Law Pro Bono Project Comprehensive International Humanitarian Law Resources, including no cost academic research of fulltext materials. http://gistprobono.org/ | |
8. Pro Bono Program Overview As a secondyear student, John Paul Berlon, Class of 2000, founded Horizon House Alliance, a group of law school students who volunteer their time to help Horizon House, a http://indylaw.indiana.edu/career/overview.htm | |
9. ABA Business Law Pro Bono Project The ABA Business Law Pro Bono Project is a joint effort between the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service and the Section of Business Law. http://www.abanet.org/legalservices/probono/businesslaw/home.html |
10. LLM Student Central | Organizations And Activites | Pro Bono Program | Get Invlo BU Law Pro Bono Opportunities. The following opportunities are available to students participating in the pro bono program. Please contact the organization's contact directly http://www.bu.edu/law/central/llm/organizations/pro_bono_program/get_involved/op | |
11. UNC Law Pro Bono W elcome to the web site for the Pro Bono Program at the University of North Carolina School of Law. This program matches law students with practicing attorneys across http://www.unc.edu/~snovinsk/ | |
12. Pro Bono Recognition Program — College Of Law — Georgia State University Public Law School in Atlanta, Georgia Pro Bono Recognition Program http://law.gsu.edu/agora/index/pro_bono | |
13. Penn Law - Pro Bono Requirement Pro Bono Requirement. Over 20 years ago Penn Law was the first national law school to identify the importance and need for a mandatory pro bono requirement. http://www.law.upenn.edu/pic/students/probono.html | |
14. The Am Law Pro Bono 100: #4, Dechert Dechert attorneys recently won a key victory in a fight to win damages from foreign diplomats who allegedly brought dome http://www.uslaw.com/law_blogs/?item=528478 |
15. The Pro Bono Project - University Of Virginia School Of Law Through the Pro Bono Program, the Public Service Center manages pro bono opportunities available to students, including work with prosecutors, public defenders, legal service http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/publicserv/probono.htm | |
16. Oregon Law :: Pro Bono Executive Board Home; Officers; Pro Bono News; The Pro Bono Executive Board hosts two open houses throughout the year, to introduce students to pro bono opportunities in the community. http://www.law.uoregon.edu/org/probono/ | |
17. The Am Law Pro Bono 100 - The American Lawyer The American Lawyer is the leading daily news source for lawyers from across the U.S. and around the world. http://www.law.com/jsp/tal/probono.jsp |
18. LSE Law Pro Bono Opportunities These links provide details about external pro bono opportunities which have been provided to us by pro bono organisations outside the LSE. These links are provided for your http://lselawprobono.blogspot.com/ | |
19. UCI Law - Pro Bono Program Pro Bono Program. The Pro Bono Program at UC Irvine School of Law is a reflection of the school’s deep commitment to experiential learning and public service. http://www.law.uci.edu/pro_bono/index.html | |
20. New Paths For Health Law Pro Bono City, County, and Bar Associationsponsored pro-bono service programs are structured to deliver their services in many ways, including scheduled clinics accepting walk-ins and http://www.healthlawyers.org/Resources/PI/Pages/NewPathsforHealthLawProBono.aspx |
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