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21. Law Library Reference Services - UDC David A. Clarke School Of Law The UDC David A. Clarke School of Law is the District of Columbia's public interest public law school http://www.law.udc.edu/?page=ReferenceServices |
22. REX BOOK STORE INC. Wholesaler / retailer/ publisher of textbooks (basic education books, tertiary, law, reference materials, journals and other educational materials) distributed nationwide. http://siva-ph.jobstreet.com/_profile/previewProfile.asp?advertiser_id=44064 |
23. Education - Library Reference Dictionaries and Encyclopedias . Encyclopedia of Educational Research. REF LB 15 .E48 The fifth edition of a major reference work, containing 256 articles which summarize http://wiki.bradley.edu/library_reference/index.php/Education | |
24. NLRB | About Us | Careers | Job Descriptions & Listings | Student Positions Law National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the primary law governing relationship http://www.nlrb.gov/about_us/careers/job_descriptions_and_listings/student_posit |
25. Everyday Employment Law From G.Neil G.Neil has everything you need to get into compliance with federal and state employment laws. http://www.gneil.com/solutions/LaborLawCompliance/EverydayEmploymentLaw/default. |
26. Lien Law Reference Materials For Construction Professionals Lien Law Resource is a leading provider of Lien Law training for construction professionals including teleconferences, seminars, webinars and reference materials. http://www.lienlawresource.com/bookstore/browse_products.php?state=QC&topic_ |
27. Environmental Data Pages - Matthew Bender Articles of Interest . Upcoming Events. Environmental Law Reference Materials. Hot Topics http://www.techstuff.com/bender.htm | |
28. National Association Of Special Education Teachers: Teachers Teaching Exceptiona Special Education Web Site – Teachers Teaching Special Education National Association of Special Education Teachers http://www.naset.org/ | |
29. Special Education Finding Books Using DELCAT. Use DELCAT, the Library's online catalog, to search for books, journal titles, media, and other materials in the Library's collections. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/educ/resguide/speceduc.htm | |
30. WVU College Of Law | Reference Materials & Links | West Virginia University Reference materials Links. Federal Tax Materials Links. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS features a helpful and comprehensive web site that includes an array of tax http://www.law.wvu.edu/academics/clinical_law_program/tax_clinic/reference_mater |
31. Jobs At REX BOOK STORE INC. Wholesaler / retailer/ publisher of textbooks (basic education books, tertiary, law, reference materials, journals and other educational materials) distributed nationwide. http://siva-ph.jobstreet.com/_ja/jobstreetAssist.asp?companyid=44064 |
32. U.S. Department Of Labor - - Office Of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - D Law Reference Materials. Defense Base Act the Statute, 42 USC 1651 et seq. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, the Statute, 33 USC 901 et seq. http://www.dol.gov/owcp/dlhwc/lsdba.htm | |
33. IMMIGRATION SOFTWARE - ITA; United States IMMIGRATION MENU - Immigration Assista It is an easyto-use computer program that combines extensive U.S. immigration law reference materials, learning tools and all the http://www.immigration-usa.com/imm_asst.html | |
34. Government Documents Resources - Purdue University Libraries Purdue University Libraries Web Site. Purdue Libraries have many useful education law reference materials. http://www.lib.purdue.edu/govdocs/edlaw.html | |
35. Suffolk University Law School : Offices & Services : Bookstore Law reference materials (study aids) may be returned for a full refund within one week of the date purchased. Textbooks and study aids purchased during the last two weeks of a http://www.law.suffolk.edu/offices/bookstore.cfm | |
36. EXPRESS CONTRACTOR LICENSE Express Contractor License provides the law reference materials, your trade reference materials, and sample exams that help you get your California Contractor license. http://expresscontractorlicense.com/ | |
37. On-line System For Courts Postponed - New Straits Times | HighBeam Research - FR management of court cases, including law reference materials for the courts, has been temporarily postponed in view of the current economic situation. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-5280730.html |
38. Learning About Social Security a Webbased conference or discussion board that functions as an on-line analog of classroom discussion, and (5) Social Security Law reference materials. http://www.law.cornell.edu/socsec/course/ | |
39. Learning About Copyright Law of the material, topic by topic, (4) a Webbased conference that functions as an online analog of classroom discussion, and (5) Copyright Law reference materials. http://www.law.cornell.edu/copyright/fall2000/ | |
40. Leeds Met | Library Online | Resources | For Your Subject | Law | What Types Of Library Online's subject guide for Law page about Reference Materials. http://libraryonline.leedsmet.ac.uk/pages/subject_guides/law/types_of_informatio | |
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