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         Legal Ethics:     more books (107)
  1. Problems in Legal Ethics (American Casebook Series) by Mortimer D. Schwartz, Richard C.Wydick, et all 2007-10-11
  2. Problems in Legal Ethics, 9th (American Casebook) by Mortimer D. Schwartz, Richard C. Wydick, et all 2010-04-30
  3. Legal Ethics: Law Stories by David Lubin, Deborah L. Rhode, 2005-10
  4. Legal Ethics in Child Custody and Dependency Proceedings: A Guide for Judges and Lawyers by William Wesley Patton, 2006-06-26
  5. Law and Ethics of Lawyering, 5th (University Casebook Series) by Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., et all 2010-04-02
  6. Legal Ethics: Text and Materials (Law in Context) by Richard O'Dair, 2007-12-24
  7. Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues by Henry R. Cheeseman, 2007-01
  8. Legal Ethics (University Casebook) by Deborah L. Rhode, David Luban, 2008-12-19
  9. Ethics and Criminal Justice: An Introduction (Cambridge Applied Ethics) by John Kleinig, 2008-03-24
  10. The Ethics Project in Legal Education (Routledge Research in Legal Ethics)
  11. Classic Cases in Medical Ethics: Accounts of Cases That Have Shaped Medical Ethics, with Philosophical, Legal, and Historical Backgrounds by Gregory Pence, 2003-07-15
  12. Drugs, Ethics, and Quality of Life: Cases and Materials on Ethical, Legal, and Public Policy Dilemmas in Medicine and Pharmacy Practice by Bruce D. White, 2007-10-01

21. Legal Ethics - Lawyers - Jobs/Careers
Expert listing in Legal Ethics, Lawyers, Jobs,Careers at
zGL='0';zGR='ca-about-radlink';zGCID=" allexperts"; zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0 About AllExperts Search for Main Menu Ask a Question Browse Past Answers Meet Top Experts ... Tech Support You are here: AllExperts Jobs/Careers Lawyers
Category: Legal Ethics Sort By:
default Knowledge Timeliness Politeness Clarity Prestige QuestionsAsked Name Expertise Status Paul D. Friedman, M.A., Ph.D., J.D.
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I have been a practicing civil trial attorney since 1989 and have a master's degree in bioethics and a doctorate of philosophy in comparative ethics of law, medicine and business.
I am Certified as a Civil Trial Specialist by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and am Certified as a Specialist in Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation by the State Bar of Arizona Board of Legal Specialization.
I can answer questions dealing with general ethics principles, including legal ethics, medical ethics, bioethics and business ethics. I do not give legal advice over the internet.
For more information, you can view my website at WWW.EXPERTETHICS.COM

22. Legal Ethical And Professional Issues In Psychotherapy
Articles on ethical, legal and professional issues in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Table of Contents Legal Issues Ethical Issues Professional Issues ... Academy Programs Of National Interest EST, MCE, MCC: The Abbreviating of Psychology Linda J. Young, Ph.D. Recommended Principles and Practices for the Provision of Humanistic Psychosocial Services: Alternative to Mandated Practice and Treatment Guidelines Protecting Privacy With the Absence of Records Ivan Miller Privacy Petition Sign the Confidentiality Petition Proposal for an Archive for the Preservation of Psychotherapy Bernard McDowell Psychology: A Profession and Practice at Risk A Position Paper Adopted by the Michigan Psychological Association (MPA), July 1994 Mandatory Continuing Education for Psychology and Other Professions "What is ethical and what is legal are not equivalent. We need go no further than our own century to think of countries which passed laws that were deeply unethical. Citizens in those countries who refused to obey such laws, or who protested against them, did so because it was clear in their mind that to comply with unethical laws would be to commit a higher crime." Christopher Bollas

23. Cleveland Ohio Lawyer, Downtown Cleveland Lawyer, Cleveland Ohio Attorneys, Clev
Koblentz Koblentz the lawyers lawyer, cleveland ohio lawyers downtown cleveland lawyer, cleveland ohio attorneys, cleveland divorce attorney, cleveland criminal defense
Our experience in the area of legal ethics and professional responsibility has led to our firm also being retained, in numerous matters, as an expert witness delivering professional opinions relating to a wide array of issues. In addition to our primary practice area of professional responsibility and legal ethics, our firm practices in the areas of complex civil litigation, contract law, small business, corporate, real estate, criminal defense, white collar criminal defense, domestic relations, family, juvenile, probate and employment law.

24. LawMoose Minnesota - Legal Ethics
Legal Ethics Easyto-use, well-organized information. Hundreds of legal and government topics. Browse or search. State and federal coverage tailored for Minnesota.

Consultant for matters involving legal ethics and lawyer liability. Based in Chicago, Illinois.

26. Legal Ethics Forum
Brad Wendel (Cornell Law School) John Steele Member, State Bar of California; Visiting Professor (Spring 2010), Indiana University; David Hricik (Mercer University School of Law)
Legal Ethics Forum
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27. Legal Ethics: Ethical Considerations Arising From Representation Of Trade Associ
Opinion 305 Ethical Considerations Arising From Representation of Trade Association (The February 2002 Washington Lawyer “Speaking of Ethics” column addressed the
Legal Ethics Opinion 305
Ethical Considerations Arising From Representation of Trade Association 1. Representation Adverse to Member 2. Attorney-Client Relationship With Member of Association
If the new representation would require the lawyer to advance two adverse positions in a single matter, then Rule 1.7(a) prohibits the representation. In other circumstances, the applicable rule is Rule 1.7(b), which provides that a lawyer shall not represent a client with respect to a matter if: (1) that matter involves a specific party or parties and a position to be taken by that client in that matter is adverse to a position taken or to be taken by another client in the same matter even though that client is unrepresented or represented by a different lawyer;
(2) such representation will be or is likely to be adversely affected by representation of another client;
(3) representation of another client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by such representation; or
Rules 1.6 (confidentiality of information) and 1.10 (imputed disqualification) may also be implicated. . To overcome the conflict and continue the adverse representation, the lawyer must disclose the issue and obtain the consent of the member as well as of the prospective client, pursuant to Rule 1.7(c).

28. Home
Legal Ethics Expert
Legal Ethics Experts 38 years Experience - 24 as Testifying Expert Professional Responsibility
Phil Feldman
  • Legal Ethics
  • Professional Responsibility
  • Standard of Conduct
  • How will using an expert benefit your client?
  • When do violation of Disciplinary Rules or Rules of Professional Conduct become LEGAL MALPRACTICE?
  • What is the relationship between ethics and malpractice?
  • What is the Minimum Standard of Care?
  • Mr. Feldman is a former state bar prosecutor who today defends Ca lawyers before the bar and testifies as an expert witness everywhere.
  • 38 years experience in Professional Liability and Professional Responsibility. 24 years as a testifying expert. Board Certified in Professional Negligence- Legal by CA, ABPLA and ABA. Voted "Super Lawyer" 2005.
any State or Federal Court
For Expert Testimony in Ethics Or call (310) 534-6257 (310) LEG MALP For STATE BAR DEFENSE COUNSEL Call, write, fax or click

29. Legal Ethics: A Comparative Study - Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr. And Angelo Dondi
“Professors Hazard and Dondi have a very large understanding of the realities of contemporary law practice throughout the developed world. Their conversations with lawyers, judges

30. Attorney Defender
Covering Georgia laws and rules pertaining to legal ethics and conduct.

31. | All Things Legal Ethics
New York's attorney general is suing Federal Express' ground package delivery unit over its classification of drivers as independent contractors, rather than employees.

32. HVM Legal Ethics And Reform Home Page..(Contains A .legal/political Cartoon ...a
Arguments for drastic reform of the legal system.
.................. Welcome to the
Legal Ethics and Reform
............................ Home Page
Is it better to fix that which is broken or is it better to complain and joke about the problem ?
Are lawyer jokes solving our lawyer problem?
If you are interested in finding a solution to the perplexing problems being caused by America's lawyers and legal system, you should find this Web Site useful.
If you are into political humor instead of serious reading, check out the Legal Ethics and Reform Cartoon of the Month . If you already understand the lawyer problem and just need something to take to your next political meeting, try these lapel stickers . If you like interesting statistics or thoughts that have survived over time, check out these provocative quotes and alarming statistics about lawyers, judges, and the legal system.
Table of Contents -
+ Perjury : a Crime but not a Tort ... Why? + The Lawyer's Place in society ... then and now + The Cost of Civil Litigation Here and Abroad + Specific Reforms to Help the U S Legal System ... + Are Lawyers and Judges America's Aristocracy? True or False? ... a long essay + Legalistic, Multicultural Societies v. Religious, Traditional Societies

33. Cornell Law Library - Legal Ethics
The Model Rules currently in force are on the ABA's Center for Professional Responsibility website.

34. Cash Gifting Scams, Programs, Forums, & Articles | Cash Gifting Watchdog
Articles discussing the legality and ethics of cash gifting schemes, as well as resources for consumers who have lost money to gifting scams.

35. Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Questions And Answers |
Legal Ethics Professional Responsibility Search our free database of legal questions and answers from our network of attorneys. If you can't find an answer to your Workers

36. Delivering Behavioral Telehealth Via The Internet EHealth
Document by Maheau, Marlene on the history, current status and future of eHealth, integration, behavioral eHealth, websites, hospitals and managed care organizations, traditional programs, informal online affiliations for professionals, legal and ethical concerns, legal remedies.

37. Sheffield Institute Of Biotechnological Law And Ethics
An institute with an international reputation for cutting-edge research on legal and ethical aspects of biotechnology and the biosciences.

38. Legal Ethics -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
legal ethics, principles of conduct that members of the legal profession are expected to observe in their practice. They are an outgrowth of the development of the legal profession
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legal ethics
Table of Contents: legal ethics Article Article Background Background Dual responsibility of the legal profess... Dual responsibility of the legal professional Areas of application Areas of application - Conflict of interest Conflict of interest - Confidential communications Confidential communications - Advertising and solicitation Advertising and solicitation - Fees Fees - Criminal cases Criminal cases - Globalization Globalization Additional Reading Additional Reading Related Articles Related Articles External Web sites External Web sites Citations Primary Contributors: William P. Alford

39. Compliance Office - University Of Rochester Medical Center
Promotes legal and ethical standards of conduct among clinical employees, monitors compliance to those standards, and imposes sanctions for violations.
Welcome to the Compliance Office
The University of Rochester Medical Center Compliance Office promotes and supports a culture to build compliance consciousness into every employee's daily activities. This is accomplished through the implementation and maintenance of a Corporate Compliance Program that:
  • Establishes standards of performance for all employees to conduct business with honesty and integrity. Offers easy access to staff, managers and faculty for guidance, education and incident reporting. Monitors adherence to applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, guidelines and program requirements.
The Corporate Compliance Program developed a network of individuals committed to educating and assisting faculty and staff to proactively incorporate compliance at the department, division and/or individual position levels. These individuals include:

40. PCF - Pro-Choice Forum Homepage
A database for those with an interest in the social, legal and ethical aspects of abortion. Articles and research about abortion law, disability, ante-natal screening and contraception.
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What's New Fetal Pain Again
Read this commentary on the recent report from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) on fetal awareness, written by Stuart Derbyshire, Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, and member of the RCOG Working Party that authored the report. 'Green' family planning: where should we stand?

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