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21. A Century Of Lawmaking For A New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents And Debate United States Congressional documents and debates from 1774-1873. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html | |
22. Entertainment And Sports Directory (Unlv) @ UnbeatableLawyers.com Entertainment and Sports Directory. Includes North America, Society, College Life, Caribbean, Legal History, General Practice, Issues, Lawyers and Law Firms and Generations and Age http://www.unbeatablelawyers.com/Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/Ente |
23. Project Manager - Information Technology Resume Search •In order to perform my job, I often had to research shareholder account history, legal history, general tax information and Safeco Mutual Funds policies and procedures. http://www.jobspider.com/job/view-resume-39983.html | |
24. Bernard Hibbitts - Connections Unannotated links with an emphasis on ancient law, from Bernard J. Hibbitts, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. http://www.law.pitt.edu/hibbitts/connect.htm | |
25. Legal History Pathfinder Contents. General Miscellaneous Legal History; Ancient Law; Common Law; British Legal History; American Legal History; General Historical Databases; General Miscellaneous Legal History http://law-library.rutgers.edu/resources/legal_history_pathfinder.php | |
26. Resource Books, LLC Law and Legal History Connecticut Its History, Art, Antiques, Etc (5) Law and Legal History Education, Schools, Colleges, Text Lesson-Books (3) Law and Legal History General http://www.antiqbook.com/books/bookseller.phtml/res |
27. Tarlton Law Library - Aztec And Maya Law - Online Exhibit A bibliography, with summaries, from the Tarlton Law Library. http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/rare/aztec.html | |
28. LONANG.com: The Laws Of Nature And Nature's God Presenting historical writings in the natural law tradition. http://www.lonang.com/ |
29. History Of Law Overview of the development of law in various nations and time periods. http://www.historyoflaw.info/ | |
30. A Century Of Lawmaking For A New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents And Debate U.S. Congressional documents and debates from 1774 - 1875. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/index.html | |
31. History On Trial Information and discussion about some of the most famous and controversial trials in American history, from History.com. http://www.history.com/exhibits/trial/index.html |
32. Tarlton Law Library - Aztec And Maya Law - Online Exhibit Mexican and PreColumbian Legal History General Works; Aztec and Maya Legal History; Primary Sources of Aztec and Maya Law and History; Indigenous Law in the Colonial Era and Beyond http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/exhibits/aztec/ | |
33. Louis Brandeis Biographical information. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAbrandeis.htm | |
34. Records Of The Wickersham Commission On Law Observance And Enforcement Records of the Wickersham Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement Part 1 Records of the Committee on Official Lawlessness Research Collections in American Legal History http://www.lexisnexis.com/documents/academic/upa_cis/1965_WickershamCommPt1.pdf |
35. Selections From Learned Hand At Conservativeforum.org Selected quotations. http://www.conservativeforum.org/authquot.asp?ID=915 |
36. Asian Canadian - Law Centre Historical Sources. How Were the Funds Disbursed? Chinese Immigration Act 1885; Chinese Immigration Act - 1900 - Distribution of Fees (1/4 -to province) http://www.asian.ca/law/ | |
37. Learned Hand An assortment of quotations. http://www.commonlaw.com/Hand.html | |
38. History State Bar Of Wisconsin Celebrating Wisconsin's rich legal history General legal history. Wisconsin's legal history is interesting and colorful, but generally unknown to the legal community or to the http://www.wisbar.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=History&Template=/CustomSource |
39. Learned Hand — B < PL Expressing admiration for Hand s formula for determining negligence. http://www.learnedhand.com/ | |
40. Letters Received By The Attorney General, 1871-1884 A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Research Collections in American Legal History General Editor Kermit Hall Letters Received by the Attorney General, 18711884 Southern Law http://www.lexisnexis.com/documents/academic/upa_cis/16464_LtrsRecAttyGenSouth18 |
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