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         Lisp Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Introduction to Common Lisp by Taichi Yuasa et, 1987-10-12
  2. The t Programming Language: A Dialect of Lisp by Stephen Slade, 1987
  3. Visual Lisp: A Guide to Artful Programming (Autodesk's Programmer) by Phil Kreiker, 2000-06-26
  4. An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp by Robert J. Chassell, 2004-01
  5. Symbolic Computing With Lisp and Prolog by Robert A. Mueller, Rex L. Page, 1988-11
  6. Common Lisp and Artificial Intelligence by Patrick R. Harrison, 1990-05
  7. Common Lisp Drill by Taiichi Yuasa, Richard Weyhrauch, et all 1988-08
  8. LISP Lore: A Guide to Programming the LISP Machine by H. Bromley, Richard Lamson, 1987-06-30
  9. Object-Oriented Common LISP by Stephen Slade, 1997-08-09
  10. Lisp, Objects and Symbolic Programming by Robert R. Kessler, 1988-02
  11. On LISP: Advanced Techniques for Common LISP by Paul Graham, 1993-09-09
  12. Lisp: A First Language for Computing (VNR Computer Library) by John A. Moyne, 1991-04
  13. Programming in Common Lisp by Rodney Allen Brooks, 1985-08
  14. An Introduction to Programming in Lisp by H. Wertz, 1988-09

21. CC Mode
The development homepage of the Mode for editing C/C++ and other languages with similar syntax.
CC Mode Index

Manual (html)

Manual (info/PS/DVI)
SourceForge project page

CC Mode is an Emacs and XEmacs mode for editing C and other languages with similar syntax; currently C++, Objective-C, Java, CORBA's IDL, Pike, and AWK. It's a standard package in both Emacs and XEmacs. CC Mode is maintained by Alan Mackenzie, with numerous contributions from other people. Several other people have helped make CC Mode what it is today, notably Barry Warsaw who took over BOCM (Boring Old C Mode) back in 1992 and revamped it to CC Mode, and Martin Stjernholm, CC Mode's maintainer from 2000 to 2005. The current release available for download is 5.31.3. There is a detailed list of user visible changes , as well as installation instructions and Emacs/XEmacs compatibility details When a patch release is made, the last number in its version spec (e.g. 5.31.1) is the patch release number. Patch releases are made fairly frequently and contain only bug fixes since the last "real" release. The ChangeLog file lists the bugs fixed. You can browse the documentation on-line . It's also available for download in several formats.

22. [1-3] How Can I Improve My Lisp Programming Style And Coding Efficiency?
There are several books about Lisp programming style, including 1. Molly M. Miller and Eric Benson Lisp Style and Design Digital Press, 1990. 214 pages, ISBN

23. ILISP | Download ILISP Software For Free At
Integration of various Lisp implementations (mostly Common Lisp systems and various Scheme dialects) within Emacs.
/*jslint onevar: false, nomen: false, evil: true, css: true, plusplus: false, white: false, forin: true */ /*global unescape, window, jQuery, $, net, COMSCORE */ Welcome, Guest! Log In Create Account Find and develop open source software Search Find Software ILISP
by cracauer marcoxa A comprehensive (X)Emacs interface for an inferior Common Lisp, or other Lisp based languages. Download Now! ilisp-20021222.tar.gz (261.6 KB) OR View all files You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Separate each tag with a space.
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Emacs Integrated Development Environments (IDE) Software Development
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Developers End Users/Desktop
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Win32 (MS Windows) X Window System (X11)
Programming Language:
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24. Lisp Programming | Free Lisp Programming | Learn Lisp Programming | Lisp Program
Visit for Free Lisp Programming learn Lisp Programming for free at Academic Tutorials. Also contains Lisp Programming Quiz and Lisp Programming eBook Downloads. Well categorised

25. Lisp Programming Quiz
Lisp Programming Quiz for you. Lisp Programming Quiz for almost 70 different programming languages. Quiz

26. Hugs Mode For Emacs
Provides fontification and cooperation with Hugs, by Chris Van Humbeeck.

27. LISP Programming Language - Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical B
Free Computer Books, Free Mathematics Books, Directory of online free computer, programming, engineering, mathematics, technical books, ebooks, lecture notes and tutorials.

28. PHP Mode For Emacs | Download PHP Mode For Emacs Software For Free At SourceForg
Sourceforge project page of a major mode for editing PHP source.
/*jslint onevar: false, nomen: false, evil: true, css: true, plusplus: false, white: false, forin: true */ /*global unescape, window, jQuery, $, net, COMSCORE */ Welcome, Guest! Log In Create Account Find and develop open source software Search Find Software PHP mode for Emacs
PHP mode for Emacs
by ashawley turadg An Emacs major mode for editing PHP code. Features: Syntax coloring and indenting; Documentation browse and search functions; Support for Imenu and SpeedBar; Customization options Download Now! php-mode-1.5.0.tar.gz (42.7 KB) OR View all files You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Separate each tag with a space.
  • Syntax highlighting Indentation Integrated language documentation Source browsing Code completion
Release Date:
Emacs Integrated Development Environments (IDE) Software Development
Operating System:
OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)
GNU General Public License (GPL)
English French
Intended Audience:
User Interface:
Win32 (MS Windows) X Window System (X11)
Programming Language:
Lisp PHP
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29. Common Lisp - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Common Lisp, commonly abbreviated CL, is a dialect of the Lisp programming language, published in ANSI standard document ANSI INCITS 2261994 (R2004), (formerly X3.226-1994
Common Lisp
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Common Lisp Paradigm Multi-paradigm procedural functional ... generic Appeared in 1984, 1994 for ANSI Common Lisp Developer ANSI committee Typing discipline dynamic strong Major implementations ... Dialects CLtL1, CLtL2, ANSI Common Lisp Influenced by Lisp Lisp Machine Lisp MacLisp Scheme ... InterLisp Influenced Clojure Dylan Emacs Lisp EuLisp ... SKILL , Stella, SubL OS Cross-platform Family Lisp Common Lisp , commonly abbreviated CL , is a dialect of the Lisp programming language , published in ANSI standard document ANSI INCITS 226-1994 (R2004) , (formerly From the ANSI Common Lisp standard the Common Lisp HyperSpec has been derived for use with web browsers. Common Lisp was developed to standardize the divergent variants of Lisp (though mainly the MacLisp variants) which predated it, thus it is not an implementation but rather a language specification . Several implementations of the Common Lisp standard are available, including free and open source software and proprietary products. Common Lisp is a general-purpose

30. ANTLR-Mode For Emacs
Major mode that provides various features for editing ANTLR grammar files.
ANTLR -Mode Overview Details News Project Download
ANTLR -Mode for Emacs


The package ANTLR -Mode makes Emacs the perfect IDE for the development of ANTLR grammar files. ANTLR is a LL This package provides the following features:
  • Consistent Indentation. You do not have to insert or delete the correct amount of spaces or tabs manually to indent a line according to ANTLR's coding style: just press TAB . It is even done automatically if you insert an ANTLR syntax symbol (one of ). Use the menu to indent all lines in a selected region.
  • Syntax Highlighting. When enabled, this mode highlights grammar symbols (syntax symbols and keywords: bold black, rule references: dark blue, token references: dark orange, rule/token definition: bold blue) and the code in actions. See example.
  • Code Browsing. Find the definition of a rule, token, or grammar class by using the Index menu, a keyboard command or selecting an entry in the speedbar frame.
  • Fast Navigation. Move to the next or previous rule definition or to the beginning or end of the rule body by one or two key strokes.
  • Action Visibility.

31. Tutorial On Good Lisp Programming Style | Lambda The Ultimate
An outstanding tutorial on Lisp programming style by Peter Norvig and Kent Pitman. This to me is like Strunk White I reread it every year or so and it always makes me
@import "misc/drupal.css"; @import "themes/chameleon/ltu/style.css";
Lambda the Ultimate
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Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style
An outstanding tutorial The material is easy to relate to other higher-order languages. Translate your favourite slides into your language of choice and post them to the mailing list! By Luke Gorrie other blogs
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Nice tutorial, but you should
Nice tutorial, but you should throw out your copy of Strunk and White. Strunk and White's dysfunctional recommendations have very little to do with how actual good writers use English. If you're looking for an usage guide, you really can't do better than the Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage By em login or register to post comments
Nice rant, but offtopic

32. Python-mode.el For Emacs And XEmacs | Download Python-mode.el For Emacs And XEma
Python support for Emacs and XEmacs.
/*jslint onevar: false, nomen: false, evil: true, css: true, plusplus: false, white: false, forin: true */ /*global unescape, window, jQuery, $, net, COMSCORE */ Welcome, Guest! Log In Create Account Find and develop open source software Search Find Software python-mode.el for Emacs and XEmacs
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python-mode.el for Emacs and XEmacs
by bwarsaw klm montanaro As of 2009-01-31 0:00:00 UTC, this project may now be found at python-mode is an Emacs and XEmacs major mode for editing Python source code. Please note that ALL DEVELOPMENT HAS MOVED TO LAUNCHPAD: View all files You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Separate each tag with a space.
Emacs Software Development
GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
Intended Audience:
Programming Language:
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of 5 users recommend this project
  • Thumbs up how can i download?

33. An Introduction And Tutorial For Common Lisp
Advanced Common Lisp Programming No AI Slant On Lisp Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp by Paul Graham. Amazingly deep coverage of macros and closures.
An Introduction and Tutorial for Common Lisp
This document provides a small set of resources and references on Common Lisp. It was originally prepared for students in the Part-Time MS Program in Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University. Most of this document was written 10+ years ago, since much of my time is now spent doing Java and Ajax work. Nevertheless, please send corrections/suggestions to Marty Hall ( The original of this document is at Also see the Belorussian version of the tutorial , translated by Paul Bukhovko and provided by fatcow Note that some of the documents are in PostScript. If your WWW browser cannot display PostScript, they can still be saved and printed.
Table of Contents
Lisp-Related Books
Here are some of my personal favorite Lisp, AI Programming, and general AI texts. I can recommend all of them from personal experience.

34. Lisp Programming - The Orange Room -
This thread will be dedicated to Lisp programmers, a refuge to beginners and aces alike. Now im pretty much getting started with the language, any
advanced search Contact Us Register ... Login vbmenu_register("userlogin"); Forum Rules Arcade Blogs Facebook Groups ... Lisp Programming
Notices Click here to Register and become a member on The Orange Room - Forgot your password? reset it from here or contact us Science, Technology, Computers, Internet, Games, Mobiles, Hardware, and PC problems. Whether you are a computer Geek or a newbie, this section serves you
Thread Tools Search this Thread permalink ... Frisbeetarian Registered Member
Online Posts: 2,478 Thanks: 625 Thanked 323 Times in 264 Posts Last Online: 1 Hour Ago Join Date: Thu Aug 2007 Lisp Programming 3 Weeks Ago This thread will be dedicated to Lisp programmers, a refuge to beginners and aces alike. Now im pretty much getting started with the language, any tips and suggestions would be intensely appreciated. Im currently running Lispbox on windows, do you recommend that i switch to Allegro instead? Sponsored Links permalink Frisbeetarian Registered Member
Online Posts: 2,478

35. Welcome To David's Home Page
Additions to JDE.
Welcome to David's Home Page
This site is no more maintained. The latest versions of maintained packages are now available at the emhacks SourceForge project page.
Emacs stuff
As a contribution to the JDE I have written several Elisp libraries to improve Java development with Emacs. You can download their last versions from here.
jmaker (version 2.1 2002/01/09) updated
This library defines a command that generates makefiles needed to build all files in a project directory tree. You can use the JDE build command to run a generated makefile and thereby build all files in the current directory tree. See the file jmaker.el for details about installation and use.
Version 2 is a major rewrite of jmaker. There is no more meta Makefiles and new generated Makefiles automatically process all sub-directories of a project :-).
Starting with version 2 the Makefile template is not compatible with the one created by previous versions of jmaker. You must reset `jmaker-makefile-buffer-template' to its standard settings and redo any customization you have made. Sorry!
Old jmaker 1.21 (

36. LISP Programming
is LISP the most retarded language ever created or wat? this !! has me LISP programming Photo posted in The Faculty of Science Sign in and leave a comment below! style= max
@import url("");
LISP programming
is LISP the most retarded language ever created or wat? this !! has me LISP ...
LISP programming By Kakarot - 08-30-2010, 09:48 PM - Boxden The Faculty of Science is LISP the most retarded language ever created or wat?
this !! has me , C !!s all over this. i cant believe MIT publishes this schemer garbage... share this topic » comments for "LISP programming" 08-30-2010, 10:02 PM online JerseyLegend lol glad I was never required to take any course in them ancient languages. You go to MIT? 08-30-2010, 10:13 PM online Kakarot Originally Posted by JerseyLegend lol glad I was never required to take any course in them ancient languages. You go to MIT? homie HELL NO 08-30-2010, 10:21 PM online JerseyLegend I was about to say...shiiiieeettt
Why you looking up Lisp for? for your own personal knowledge? 08-30-2010, 10:28 PM online Kakarot Originally Posted by JerseyLegend I was about to say...shiiiieeettt
Why you looking up Lisp for? for your own personal knowledge?

37. The Lisp Programming Language
Why are macros so important to Lisp programmers? Because Lisp is its own metalanguage, the power of the entire programming language can be brought to bear on the task of
The Lisp Programming Language Why are macros so important to Lisp programmers? ... Because Lisp is its own metalanguage, the power of the entire programming language can be brought to bear on the task of transforming program text. ...
Why settle for anything less than the full programming language itself?
The Evolution of Lisp
Calling it the granddaddy of programming languages would be bad metaphor. Yes, Lisp predates most other languages. It's true that many other dynamic languages start out by being simple yet around the decade mark, seem to each add sufficient complexity such that one can see how these others e.g. , Perl, Python, PHP attempt to bolt-on features that are first class elements of Lisp. Others that begin as a simplified or 80% Lisp such as Ruby still leave us wanting things like macros. Why wait for certain ideas to be reintroduced when they're already available in Lisp? Retro-futuristic hype of the mid-twentieth century sold us on the idea that computers were supposed to make life better better, by speeding-up mundane tasks and taking the human out of the loop of tedious, repetitive actions. Lisp also emerged during that era, having appeared for the first time in 1958, but it's changed significantly over the years in ways that maintain a certain consistency, making it perhaps the most appropriate choice among languages today for the majority of programming.

38. Lisp Books: Best Lisp And Artificial Intelligence Books
A variety of books on Common Lisp programming and AI, personally chosen by an experienced developer.
Lisp and AI Books Here are some of my personal favorite AI and Lisp books. I can recommend all of these books from personal experience. Click on the book titles to see more information or to order them on-line. For more information on Common Lisp, see my Lisp resources page Find More Lisp Books

39. CLiki : Practical Lisp Programming
CLiki pages can be edited by anyone at any time. Imagine a fearsomely comprehensive disclaimer of liability. Now fear, comprehensively Lisp Programming
CL iki the common lisp wiki
Recent Changes About CLiki Text Formatting ... Create New Page
Practical Lisp Programming
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40. EuLisp Programming Language
Level-0 description document with history, definitions.
Programming Language EuLisp, version WWW
Programming Language EuLisp, Level-0
Level-0 Modules
Programming Language EuLisp, Level-1
  • classes and objects
  • object introspection
  • low level allocation primitives
  • expressions and control forms
Julian Padget,, this version May 19, 1995

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