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         Lisp Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Common Lisp by Wade L. Hennessey, 1989-03
  2. AutoLISP: Programming for Productivity by Bill Kramer, 1993-03-01
  3. An Introduction to Lisp and Symbol Manipulation by Sharam Hekmatpour, 1988-02
  4. Lisp: A Portable Implementation/Book and Disk by Sharam Hekmatpour, 1989-07
  5. Understanding CLOS: The Common Lisp Object System by Jo A. Lawless, Molly M. Miller, 1991-07
  6. Getting to Know Lisp by Ralph M. Deal, 1990-06
  7. A Common Lisp Workbook by John H. Riley, 1991-12
  8. Essential Lisp by John R. Anderson, Albert Corbett, et all 1986-08
  9. Lisp Programming Language Family: Lisp, Logo, Autolisp, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Dylan, Lisp Machine Lisp, Maclisp
  10. Lisp: Style and Design by Molly M. Miller, Eric Benson, 1990-05
  11. Parallel Lisp: Languages and Systems: US/Japan Workshop on Parallel Lisp, Sendai, Japan, June 5-8, 1989, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  12. LISP: A Difference Sort of Language (Computer Science) by Christian Queinnec, 1984-10
  13. Introduction to LISP (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications) by Ajit Narayanan, N.E. Sharkey, 1985-11-13
  14. The Semantics of Destructive LISP (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes) by Ian A. Mason, 1986-06-01

61. Haskell Mode For Emacs
An Emacs mode currently supporting font locking, declaration scanning, documentation, indentation, hugs interaction.

62. Inform-mode Homepage
A major mode to edit programs written in the Inform programming language. Supports the usual program mode functions automatic indentation, moving over expressions, comment and string filling, font locking, tags-file support, starting compiles and parsing errors.
inform-mode Homepage
This is the homepage for inform-mode, a major mode for emacs used to edit programs written in the Inform programming language. inform-mode supports the usual program mode functions: automatic indentation, moving over expressions, comment and string filling, font locking, tags-file support, starting compiles and parsing errors. It should work on GNU Emacs (v20/21) or XEmacs (v20/21) on any supported platform.
You can download the latest version of inform-mode here . It is also available at the Interactive Fiction archives: see the links section.
Latest Version
Version 1.5.8 , released 3 September 2002
New feature:
  • inform-run-project (C-c C-c) runs an interpreter on the z-code file for the current project. This allows you to test games from within the development environment.
    If 'inform-interpreter-command' is a string (eg "frotz") then it will be run as an external program. This program can either be a standalone program like xzip or winfrotz, or it can be a character-based application like frotz or jzip: in the latter case, set 'inform-interpreter-is-graphical' to nil and inform-mode will run it in a terminal window using 'term' mode.
    If 'inform-interpreter-command' is a symbol then inform-mode will call it as an Emacs Lisp function, which is useful if you want to run malyon on it or have a custom function you want to run on the story file.

63. Stylish Lisp Programming Techniques
Stylish Lisp programming techniques As the size of software systems being created and more importantly maintained increases, it becomes more important than ever to write clean
Stylish Lisp programming techniques
As the size of software systems being created and more importantly maintained increases, it becomes more important than ever to write clean, robust, modular programs. Hoare's ``Emperor's New Clothes'' is a spectre that haunts anyone engaged in the task of creating complex software systems today. And in a future that promises automatic generation and verification of programs, programming constructs and techniques that have simple, rigorous semantics will be of primary importance to help these intelligent tools function. In light of this, I've put together a short list of lisp programming techniques that increase the clarity, robustness, and elegance of your code. Some have been floating around for years, but I don't think they've ever been collected in one place. So have fun...
Technique n-2:
Even though dynamically scoped lisps lack the ability to close a function over some piece of local state, we can get the same effect with clever manipulation of quoted constants inside a function. Consider the following function, ELEMENT-GENERATOR . On every call, it side effects a quoted list which is part of its definition. Thus, each time we call it, it returns the next element in its state list.

64. ECB - Emacs Code Browser
A source code browser for Emacs. It is a global minor-mode which displays a couple of windows that can be used to browse directories, files and methods. It supports method parsing for Java, C, C++, Elisp. Open source, GPL

65. Lisp Programming Examples
Psych 285 Computational Statistics and Statistical Visualization Professor Forrest Young. Lisp Programming Examples These short examples follow Luke Tierney's text.

66. Emacs Packages
Mostly additional packages for JDE.
Emacs Packages
I have written a number of packages which work with emacs, which do a variety of different things. Some of them are JDEE related, but I include my stand-alone packages first.
  • This is my new abbreviation expansion mode. I called it pabbrev for predictive abbreviation. It works by gathering words as you type, and then offering them as expansions, as you type in the buffer. It seems fairly useful to me, and is particularly nice in program buffers. I'm really quite pleased with this. I didn't know whether it was going to be useful or not when I wrote it, but I use is heavily all the time. Lazy Desktop interacts with the standards desktop.el package. I really like desktop but it means my Emacs takes a long time to load (partly because loading the desktop forces a lot of autoloads). This package opens a few files to be going on with, and does the rest in the idle cycle. This package should make it into core Emacs sometime soon (or perhaps it already has). This is a relatively simple package that I wrote, for keeping my code lines relatively short. It changes the cursor colour the longer the line gets, although its generic enough to call any function when the line gets too long. Its called wide-column.el

67. Archive - PCL-CVS
Emacs interface to CVS, the open source Concurrent Versions System.
This area is an archive and is no longer actively maintained. Information found on this page is likely to be extremely out of date and therefore highly inaccurate. We recommend the Ximbiot - CVS Wiki for up-to-date information about CVS and its associtated tools. If you do find anything useful on this page that is not yet in the Ximbiot - CVS Wiki and you have the time, please add it!
The PCL-CVS package interfaces the Emacs editor/environment to CVS.
Development of VC VC and PCL-CVS are separate packages, both of which help you use CVS from within emacs. VC provides access to a more limited set of CVS features than PCL-CVS does. The version of VC distributed with XEmacs 20.3 and later is said to be significantly improved from the version in previous versions of Emacs. If you want to turn off the colors in the output from C-x v g, put this in your .emacs (tested with GNU Emacs 20.2). Presumably it would be useful to make this settable with M-x customize in future versions of VC but this patch doesn't do that. Light CVS Yet another emacs interface is Light CVS. See the page from

68. XSteve's Subversion Page
Provides a subversion interface for Emacs. Information on the module and the source code are available.
XSteve's Subversion page
Subversion interface for emacs
psvn.el is a subversion interface for emacs. It provides a similar functionality as pcl-cvs for cvs:
  • Show the status of a subversion working copy Show differences between revisions as diff Show differences between revisions via ediff Show the subversion revision log file Edit file properties Commit the changes of a working copy There is a simple interface to browse an corresponding trac website

The client contains the functionality that is needed to work with a checked out subversion working copy.
If you miss any functionality or find a bug, please send an email (
A detailed Changelog is available from the svn ViewCvs server.
Links to Subversion ressources on the net
SVN Cheat Sheet
My private cheat sheet for svn is here: svn.txt
Other emacs packages written by me
I provide a bunch of other emacs packages
Back to my Programming Homepage
Last modified: Thu Mar 29 20:44:40 CEST 2007

69. Java Development Environment For Emacs
A software package that turns Emacs into a comprehensive system for creating, editing, debugging, and documenting Java applications. Information about installing and using JDE, FAQ, package download and contributions.
JDEE Home Page JDEE Home Page

70. Emacs Ada-mode Homepage
Mode for programming in ADA. Downloads and documentation.
Emacs ada-mode homepage
My latest version.
Ada examples from the current Ada mode manual.
The current Ada mode manual. The distribution contains this and an Emacs info version.
My current patches to Ada mode; open for discussion about including in Emacs distribution.
My bindings, settings, and hooks for using Ada mode; provided as an example.
Utilities for automatically fixing errors reported by the gnat compiler; proposed addition to Ada mode.
Subscribe to the Emacs ada-mode mailing list Please report bugs both here and to the Emacs bug list . Put Package: emacs, ada-mode as the first line of the bug message. my home page Author : Stephen Leake Last modified: Fri Jan 29 04:39:54 EST 2010

71. Lisp Programming With Cusp
Lisp Programming with Cusp Sergey Kolos Ver 0.9.375 Cusp is an IDE for programming in lisp (Common Lisp flavor). It comes prepackaged with SBCL and a set of tested libraries.
Lisp Programming with Cusp
Sergey Kolos
Ver 0.9.375
Cusp is an IDE for programming in lisp (Common Lisp flavor). It comes prepackaged with SBCL and a set of tested libraries. Its package contains everything for it to work and Cusp doesn't have any external dependencies (other than Eclipse). Cusp contains all the basic features you expect from modern IDE and some more: code formatting and coloring, folding, outline, auto-completion proposals, hover quick-help, argument tips, jump to definition, project wizard, integrated testing, library management, code context sensitive help, debugger. In this tutorial I show what it takes to write Lisp programs in Cusp. The tutorial probably is too basic for many users, but it still worth looking through since it provides overview of all important features that Cusp has.
Table of Contents
What's Next
There are several excellent books and other resources for CL available online:

72. ANSI Common Lisp
By Paul Graham; Prentice Hall, 1995, ISBN 0133708756. Tutorial introduction of essential Lisp programming concepts, plus a convenient, up-to-date reference manual, for ANSI CL.
ANSI Common Lisp combines an introduction to Lisp programming, and a convenient, up-to-date reference manual for ANSI Common Lisp. Beginners will find that its careful explanations and interesting examples make Lisp programming easy to learn. Professional programmers will appreciate its thorough, practical approach.
Prentice Hall, 1995, 432 pages, paperback. ISBN 0133708756.
Buy at SoftPro (friends of mine and very reliable) or Amazon
  • An up-to-date reference manual for ANSI Common Lisp.
  • An in-depth look at object-oriented programming. Explains the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), and also shows how to write your own object-oriented language.
  • Over 20 substantial examples, including programs for ray-tracing, text generation, pattern-matching, logical inference, generating HTML, sorting and searching, file I/O, compression, and date arithmetic.
  • Special attention to critical concepts, including prefix syntax, code vs. data, recursion, functional programming, types, implicit pointers, dynamic allocation, closures, macros, class precedence, and generic functions vs. message-passing.
  • A complete guide to optimization.

73. Good Lisp Programming Style [PS]
Defines good style, and covers how utilizing built-in functionality can improve style.

74. LISP Programming Language Expert For Consulting, Expert Witness
Experts available for LISP programming language consulting, expert witness, or analyst services for business, legal, and technical professionals. programmin

75. CLiCC - The Common Lisp To C Compiler
s, documents, downloads. Open Source, GPL...... Not a CL system, compiles Lisp programs into working C programs; is coded in Lisp; supports strict, very large subset of CL + CLOS.
The Common Lisp to C Compiler
Wolfgang Goerigk Ulrich Hoffmann , Heinz Knutzen,
CLiCC is a C ommon Li sp to C C ompiler. It generates C-executables or modules from Common Lisp application programs. CLiCC is intended to be used as an addon to existing Common Lisp systems for generating portable applications. CLiCC supports a strict and very large subset CL Common Lisp of Common Lisp + CLOS. CLiCC is not a Common Lisp system. The generated C code, although human readable, is not primarily intended to be maintainable in C, hence, CLiCC is not CLiCC itself is a Lisp application. It has been developed using Franz Allegro Common Lisp 4.1. However, it does not require Allegro to run. Other Lisp systems including CLISP, GCL (AKCL) or CMU Common Lisp will do. The forthcoming release 0.6.5 will run under Allegro 4.3 as well. Moreover, CLiCC should compile itself to C. Unfortunately, this is impossible at present. As this bug is not yet fixed, release 0.6.2 has to be used in order to produce a stand alone compiler.
CLiCC is available via anonymous ftp from

76. Kirkpatrick Consulting - KirkCon - CNC Programming
LISP Programming LISP programming is mainly utilized inside the AutoCAD environment. LISP programs can be customized to provide the conversational programming interface
Kirkpatrick Consulting
Honesty / Integrity / Attention to Detail
Providing CNC (Computer Numeric Control) Programming Services
To Dallas, Texas and the surrounding area.
Mission Statement
Instruction Assistance What is CNC? Engineering Projects ... Useful Links
For those searching for specific CNC related topics, please use the feedback form to let us know your needs and we will gladly assist you.
Mission Statement
The mission of Kirkpatrick Consulting is to lend its knowledge and skills, especially regarding CNC (Computer Numeric Control) programming and machining, to members of the manufacturing community, businesses and individuals, to increase the quality of customer service and of manufactured goods across the industry.
Instruction Assistance
Kirkpatrick Consulting is currently assisting companies in the instruction and training of their employees in machining and CNC operation skills as well as CNC programming.
Instruction Points Include: Shop Math (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Trigonometry, Formulae) Manufacturing Language (Terminology, Words, Phrases, Usage)

77. Common Lisp Hypermedia Server (CL-HTTP)
A highly portable http/1. 1 server which supports cgi, server-side lisp programs, java, javascript.
Common Lisp Hypermedia Server ( CL-HTTP
What' New Benefits Features Information ... Site Map Last updated January, 2010
What's New
Development version 70.217: (January, 2010). Current development versions are running on LispWorks 5 and 6 (SMP), Scieneer Common Lisp 1.3.9 (SMP), Macintosh Common Lisp 5.2 and CMU Common Lisp 19. A unified port (provided by Karsten Poeck) allows basic use of CL-HTTP on other platforms like Clozure Common Lisp. Contact us if you want to use the development version CL-HTTP 70.217. Especially welcome are contributions to enhance/complete the unified port and to update CL-HTTP for Allegro Common Lisp and CMUCL.
Prerelease 70.216: Looking for beta-testers for the ports to LispWorks 5.0, MCL 5.1, SCL, ACL 8 (jkf), especially the advanced features for SSL and the proxy in LW 5.0 (October 18, 2006). Contact the developers. Other ports coming soon. New Web Site: Thanks to generous donations and some hard work, a new CL-HTTP distribution Web site is taking shape. Expect this to match the previous AI Lab infrastructure, and then, surpass it. Release 70.190a

78. Goodheart-Willcox
GoodheartWillcox is the premier publisher for Technical, Trades, and Technology; Family Consumer Sciences; and Business, Marketing Career Education.

79. A BibTeX System In Common Lisp
A BibTeX system in Common Lisp that aims is to enable the user to format bibliographic entries using Common Lisp programs. Project page, download and project status.
A BibTeX system in Common Lisp
CL-BibTeX is a replacement for the BibTeX program, written in Common Lisp. The aim is to enable the user to format bibliographic entries using Common Lisp programs, rather than using the stack language of BibTeX style files. It is released under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation or any later version, as clarified for use with Common Lisp programs by the preamble found in COPYING-preamble.txt Development pages on Download
A powerful tool is needed for dealing with citations in scientific documents. BibTeX is good for formatting bibliographies, but customizing the format is a pain because it requires writing/changing a program in BAFLL (BibTeX Anonymous Forth-Like Language Drew McDermott in comp.lang.lisp Other citation-related processing like producing a list of authors and citation indices is usually done with a combination of BibTeX, TeX macros, and ad-hoc scripting with perl or awk The new cl-bibtex system aims to replace all this.

80. Franz Inc: Certification Program
BECOME ALLEGRO CERTIFIED To obtain your Allegro CL Certification enroll in our LIVE Program which offers developers an opportunity to learn and improve their Lisp programming
Allegro CL Certification Program
NEW - Recorded versions of the Level I and Level II courses are FREE for download to work through at your own pace.
DOWNLOAD Training Sessions
BECOME ALLEGRO CERTIFIED - To obtain your Allegro CL Certification enroll in our LIVE Program which offers developers an opportunity to learn and improve their Lisp programming skills from the comfort of their home or office while interacting with the Franz instructor. Using GoTo Meeting Center, a web-based interactive environment with file and application sharing capabilities, travel and accommodation expenses are eliminated. Offered as a series, our certification program consists of three levels of proficiency training: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level includes three weekly sessions composed of lecture and lab/homework assignments.
Lisp Programming Series Level I: Basic Lisp Essentials
  • February 10, 17, and 24
  • April 7, 14, and 21

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