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21. The Logics Definition of Logic Mental, electronic, binary, and self-observed logics. Philosophy, Psychology, Physics June 23, 2008 http://thelogics.org/ | |
22. Peregrin, Jaroslav Professor in Logic and Philosophy of Language at the Academy of Sciences, Prague. http://www.cuni.cz/~peregrin |
23. School Years He also studied logics, philosophy and drawing. The educational methods of secondary schools around the beginning of the 19th century in the Kingdom of Sardinia were very much http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti/maths-history/mossotti/node4.html | |
24. Filozofia, Logika, Język, Kognitywistyka - Linki Do Zasobów Internetowych Links to resources connected with logic, philosophy of language, and cognitive science. http://www.e-philosophos.info/ | |
25. Info On Alexandre Costa Leite Logic (NonClassical Logics, Modal Logic, Universal Logic and Combination of Logics) Philosophy (Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic http://costaleite.info/info.html | |
26. Mediaeval Logic And Philosophy Resource maintained by Paul Vincent Spade at Indiana University. http://www.pvspade.com/Logic/index.html | |
27. Carnegie Mellon Department Of Philosophy Programs in logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, rational choice and applied ethics. http://www.hss.cmu.edu/philosophy/ | |
28. Institute For Research In Cognitive Science Institute fosters the development of the science of the human mind through the disciplines of Linguistics, Mathematical Logic, Philosophy, Computer Science, and Neuroscience. http://www.ircs.upenn.edu/ |
29. Logic And Philosophy Of Science News, program information, faculty directory, related links, and contact information. http://www.lps.uci.edu/ | |
30. Failure Of Deduction Theorem In Relevant Logics: Philosophy Forums Please note because you're not logged in, you may be viewing older cached versions of pages which are served up to reduce server load. http://forums.philosophyforums.com/threads/failure-of-deduction-theorem-in-relev | |
31. School Of Philosophy - University Of Tasmania Offers Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, and Gender Studies undergraduate programmes. Also provides facilities for postgraduate research in these areas. http://fcms.its.utas.edu.au/arts/philosophy/index.asp | |
32. Otter And Mace Users propositional logics, philosophy Albert C. Esterline , course in automated reasoning reasoning about agent behavior Branden Fitelson, UC Berkeley http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/AR/otter/users.html | |
33. (Germany) Institute For Natural Language Processing (IMS) At Universit T Stuttga Carries out basic and applied research in computational linguistics. Current working groups Experimental Phonetics, Formal Logic and Philosophy of Language, ParGram (Grammar Development), and the Text Corpora and Lexicon Group. http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/ |
34. KGS: Welcome International organization for the promotion of research in the areas of Logic, Philosophy, History of Mathematics, above all in connection with the biography of Kurt G del, and in other areas to which G del made contributions, especially mathematics, physics, theology, philosophy. http://www.logic.at/kgs/home.html | |
35. Gaia Hypothesis Unlike most modal logic textbooks, which are both forbidding mathematically philosophy and short on philosophical discussion, Modal Logics philosophy and Philosophy places its http://ed78.mstahly.com/gaiahypothesis.html | |
36. KGS: Welcome An international organization for the promotion of research in the areas of Logic, Philosophy, History of Mathematics, above all in connection with the biography of Kurt G del. http://www.logic.at/kgs/ | |
37. CiteULike: Comparer, Catégoriser, Faire Sens : Lanalogie, Des Figures Du Discou Igor Babou. (01 January 2006). categorisation communication logics philosophy http://www.citeulike.org/group/656/article/2372840 | |
38. 19th Century Logic Between Philosophy And Mathematics Online article by Volker Peckhaus. http://www.meta-religion.com/Mathematics/Philosophy_of_mathematics/19_century_lo |
39. CiteULike: Introducing Polylogue Theory In Recent Developments In Dialogue Logic Torsten_Holmer's tags for this article. 1985 dialogue informatics philosophical_logics philosophy_of_language http://www.citeulike.org/user/Torsten_Holmer/article/2038561 | |
40. Benjamin R. George - UCLA - Research Research Interests Embedded Questions Presupposition Projection; Characterizability in SecondOrder Logics Philosophy and Methodology of Linguistics http://brg42.bol.ucla.edu/research.html | |
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