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         Lupus:     more books (34)
  1. The Lupus Book: A Guide for Patients and Their Families by Daniel J Wallace, 2008-12-02
  2. The Lupus Recovery Diet: A Natural Approach to Autoimmune Disease That Really Works by Jill Harrington, 2007-05-01
  3. Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness by Sara Gorman, 2009-06-15
  4. The First Year--Lupus: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Nancy C. Hanger, 2003-10-02
  5. Lupus: Alternative Therapies That Work by Sharon Moore, 2000-09
  6. ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus: Eradicate Asthma - Now! by F. Batmanghelidj, 2000-08
  7. Lupus Handbook for Women: Up-to-Date Information on Understanding and Managing the Disease Which Affects by Robin Dibner, 1994-10-01
  8. Living with Lupus: The Complete Guide, Second Edition by Sheldon Paul Blau, Dodi Schultz, 2004-09-08
  9. Lupus, My Doctor and Me: A Sacred Dialogue by Anita A. Fricklas, Stuart S. Kassan, 2010-07-01
  10. Coping With Lupus: A Practical Guide to Alleviating the Challenges of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Robert H. Phillips, 2001-06-04
  11. Healing Lupus: Steps in a Personal Journey by Waverly Evans, 2008-05-27
  12. New Hope for People with Lupus: Your Friendly, Authoritive Guide to the Latest in Traditional and Complementary Solutions by Theresa Foy Digeronimo, 2002-04
  13. Lupus: The Essential Clinician's Guide (Oxford American Rheumatology Library)
  14. Taking Charge of Lupus:: How to Manage the Disease and Make the Most of Your LIfe by Maureen Pratt, David Hallegua, et all 2002-09-03

61. Lupus Information - Disease Symptoms - Treatment And Management
lupus information including disease symptoms and treatment options
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    Lupus Information
    by Michelle Petri, M.D., M.P.H. The following is a transcript of a talk Dr. Petri gave at the British Columbia Lupus Society Symposium in November, 2002. What are the Symptoms of Lupus? First off, lupus is not rare. But we definitely need a spokesperson. We need someone famous to take on lupus as their cause. The problem with lupus is, people can't tell how sick you really are. That's one of the reasons lupus doesn't get the respect it deserves. When my patients apply for disability, often they are turned down. One of the major things that happens in lupus is chronic fatigue, and there is no way to measure that. Looking at the malar rash in lupus, how does a doctor know it isn't the worst acne? Because it spares the areas around the nose and under the nose that are shaded from ultraviolet light. How do you know if it's lupus or another form of arthritis? Well, hopefully with diagnostic tests. In addition, the arthritis of lupus is not deforming. The ligaments and tendons around the joints loosen, but there is not permanent destruction of the bones.

62. Lupus Alliance Of America Long Island/Queens Affiliate : We're Here For You
Provides education, support and services to people with lupus, their families and friends, the medical community and the general public. Base at Bellmore, New York USA.

63. Living With Lupus
lupus is known as an autoimmune disease in which a person's immune system mistakenly works against the body's own tissues.

64. Lupus - Autoimmune Disorder, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE - Life Extension
lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect many organ systems. lupus affects the connective tissue, or the tissue that provides strength to joints, tendons, ligaments, and

65. Follow My Lupus
Follow Brett Borowski from initial diagnosis in 1994 to the present, including treatment with Cytoxan. It includes a narrative account, lab results, medications, and other resources.
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66. Minority Population Studies
Finding the genes that cause lupus (akaSLE or systemic lupus erythematosus), these Oklahoma-based studies work with families with 2 or more lupus patients, utilizing the genetic

67. LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS)
Maintained by consultant rheumatologist and featuring information and support for patients and those with variant and other autoimmune connective tissues diseases, such as Hughes syndrome.
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The LUPUS website, formerly supported by: Consultant Rheumatologist Professor Graham RV Hughes MD FRCP, St Thomas' Hospital Lupus Unit, London. Professor Graham RV Hughes is now at The London Bridge Hospital. For all enquiries, please contact the Webmaster . Last updated 17 October, 2010. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:
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The information contained in this web site is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to substitute for medical advice of physicians. The user should regularly consult a physician in all matters relating to his or her health, particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require a diagnosis or medical attention. The L U P U S web site makes no representation or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, or application of medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this web site. The L U P U S web site or webmaster will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or exemplary or any other damages arising therefrom. In all medical matters, the recommendation is to seek the advice of one's own physician. The

68. Disease Information From NORD, National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc.
National Organization for Rare Disorders is dedicated to helping people with rare, orphan diseases. contains information on the prevention, treatment and cure

69. Loopy Lupie | My Fight With Lupus
The effect of lupus on my life, information about lupus and support in the UK like benefits, care, wheelchairs, links to support groups and facts, a chat room.
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Loopy Lupie
My fight with lupus
About me and this website
My name is Sarah. I am 31 years old and live in the UK. After finishing my PhD I obtained funding to work as a university postdoctoral research fellow in pure mathematics. I also happen to have lupus, which has had a serious and disabling effect on my life. Indeed after 5 years work I have now had to stop due to continuing deteriorating ill health. This website is about my experiences and story of living and struggling with lupus. All is not bad and here is a link to my other website where you can learn about the other aspects of my life; like my friends, my favourite pastime of tropical fishkeeping and a page about some of the loopy things that I have done occasionally. I have included links to websites where you can get more information about lupus. I have also included a page about the help you can get in the UK such as benefits, care and wheelchairs. I've also got a guestbook where you can leave comments about this site or my other "fun" site.
About lupus
OVERVIEW: DIFFICULTIES FOR LUPIES: One big difficulty that lupies face is that they may look very healthy. Most symptoms such as pain, disabling fatigue, neurological disorders, kidney heart and lung disorders are not outwardly visible. Add to that a facial rash which give the patient healthy looking pink glowing cheeks and you can understand that people are not always sympathetic and often will have no idea of the obstacles the lupus patient is having to overcome. Often just getting up and dressed is a major undertaking. Debilitating fatigue will mean that a lupie cannot partake in all the activities most people take for granted. They may have to give up sports and pastimes that were dear to them. They will have to miss out on important social events. They desperately need more understanding and support from friends, family and the general population.

70. Lupus - How To Information |
lupus how to articles and videos including How do I Make a Brochure for lupus?, lupus Disability Benefits, Panniculitis on the Face … and much more!
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  • How do I Make a Brochure for Lupus? Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disorder affecting the skin, joints, kidney and other organs. People with lupus can have difficulty holding a job, caring for children or participating... Lupus Disability Benefits According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 322,000 and one million people in the United States suffer from some form of Lupus. Ninety percent of those diagnosed with Lupus are women.... Panniculitis on the Face Panniculitis is a painful reaction to pancreatic issues, such as pancreatic failure or malignancy, and can present itself in several forms, taking root in different parts of the human body. The... Uses of Cellcept with Lupus Though initially developed as a drug to help prevent organ rejection after a transplant, Cellcept has shown promise in treating lupus. It has fewer side effects than some more common lupus... How to Treat Lupus Lupus is a serious disease that has a variety of symptoms and effects on the body, especially the muscles and tissues of the body. It can be very serious because it is involved with the bodies'... Bladder Pain in Lupus According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, lupus, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), causes different symptoms in different people. One symptom...

71. Tuotromedico: Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico
Descripci n, s ntomas, diagn stico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad.
Otros temas Alergias Análisis de Laboratorio Aparato Digestivo Cáncer Cirugía Estética Cuidados del Anciano Cuidados Domésticos Dermatología y Piel Diabetes Dieta y Salud Dietas y Nutrición Drogadicción y su Tratamiento Endocrinología Enfermedades Cardiovasculares Enfemedades Comúnes Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual Enfermedades Infecciosas Enfermedades Pulmonares Enfermedades y Síntomas Comunes Estudios Diagnósticos Estudios Radiológicos Información sobre Medicamentos Intervenciones y Procedimientos Lesiones Deportivas Medioambiente y Salud Métodos Anticonceptivos Métodos Diagnósticos, Análisis y Radiología Navidad Obesidad Odontología Oftalmología Ottorrinolaringología Prevención para la Salud Primeros Auxilios Problemas durante Embarazo y Lactancia Psicología Reumatología y Traumatología Salud en el Hombre Salud en la Adolescencia Salud en la Infancia Salud en la Mujer S.I.D.A. y Diagnóstico Síntomas Tercera Edad Preguntas frecuentes Pregunta al doctor Inicio Compartir
BÚSQUEDAS DEFINICION CAUSAS DIAGNOSTICO TRATAMIENTO ... CONSULTAR DEFINICIÓN El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico , también llamado por sus iniciales LES, o simplemente Lupus , es una enfermedad que origina un amplio espectro de problemas y puede simular diversos procesos en el transcurso del tiempo, en el mismo paciente. Puede originar erupciones cutáneas, artritis, anemia, convulsiones o problemas psiquiátricos y, a menudo, afecta a otros órganos internos entre los que se incluyen el riñón, los pulmones y el corazón.

72. Web Blog De Pruebas
Asociaci n madrile a de enfermos de lupus, con foro, chat y modo de contacto con la asociaci n.

73. ALUA - Asociación Lupus Argentina
Alua es una instituci n Argentina dirigida por y para pacientes con lupus y cuenta con el asesoramiento de expertos en el campo del LES y de otras enfermedades reumatologicas e inmunologicas.
s/Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual Nº 095333 s/LEY Nº 11723
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Bien Público Nº 6834 s/Resolución 919/98 del 6.3.98
Pte. José E. Uriburu 950 - Entrepiso - Facultad de Medicina - UBA
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74. Lupus International - Foundation Providing Information On Research
lupus International Foundation providing information on research, medications, treatments and answers to what is lupus

75. Le Lupus Syst Mique (LS)
Orphanet pr sente son texte crit pour le grand public.

76. Lupus Information ~ APSFA
The APS Foundation of America, Inc. is the only United States nonprofit health agency dedicated to bringing national awareness to Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS), the
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Handout on Health: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Download this brochure in PDF format here. Publication Date September 1997
Revised August 2003
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus This booklet is for people who have systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly called SLE or lupus, as well as for their family and friends and others who want to better understand the disease. The booklet describes the disease and its symptoms and contains information about diagnosis and treatment as well as current research efforts supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other components of the Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health (NIH). It also discusses issues such as health care, pregnancy, and quality of life for people with lupus. If you have further questions after reading this booklet, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.

La Soci t tunisienne de m decine interne (STMI) de Tunisie pr sente les cas observ s. au maghreb.htm
LE LUPUS ERYTHEMATEUX SYSTEMIQUE AU MAGHREB LE LUPUS ERYTHEMATEUX SYSTEMIQUE AU MAROC. 166 OBSERVATIONS HARMOUCHE H, ADNAOUI M, MEZAALEK - TAZI Z, AOUNI M, MOHATTANE A, MAAOUNI A, BERBICH A. Service de Médecine interne, Hôpital Avicenne Rabat Le lupus érythémateux systémique(LES) est une connectivite fréquente dotée d'un grand polymorphisme clinique, caractérisée par la production d'auto- anticorps responsables des principales déterminations de la maladie. Nous avons colligés 166 cas de LES successivement dans le même service de Médecine Interne de l'hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat, entre janvier 1990 et décembre 1999. Cette série a comporté 151 femmes et 15 hommes, marocains, dont l'âge moyen au moment de la première hospitalisation était de 31 ans, l'âge moyen au moment du premier signe de la maladie était de 28,5 ans. Le diagnostic a été retenu selon les critères de l'ARA de 1982. Ainsi nous avons retrouvé des manifestations rhumatologiques dans 97.6%, dermatologiques dans 92, 1 % des cas, hématologiques dans 84,9% des cas, rénales dans 49,4 % des cas, cardiaques dans 44 % des cas, respiratoires dans 37,9% des cas, neuro - psychiatriques dans 36,7 % des cas, digestives dans 13,9 % et oculaires dans 12 % des cas. Un syndrome des anti-phospholipides (non recherché systématiquement) a été retrouvé dans 8,4 % des cas. Nous avons aussi relevé un cas de lupus

78. Lupus - Definition Of Lupus In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free Online Medic
lupus /lu pus/ (loo pus) any of a group of skin diseases in which the lesions are characteristically eroded. chilblain lupus erythematosus a form due to coldinduced

79. Association Fran Aise Du Lupus Et Autres Maladies Auto-immunes (AFL+)
Pr sentation de l association et informations sur le lupus ryth mateux et les autres maladies auto-immunes. Cuvry, Moselle (57), France.

80. Minority Women's Health - African-Americans - Lupus
Minority Women's Health AfricanAmericans lupus. Additional Resources; lupus (LOO-puhss) is a disease in which the body attacks its own healthy tissues and organs.
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Asthma Breast Cancer Cancer Cervical Cancer Diabetes Glaucoma and Cataracts Heart Disease High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol HIV/AIDS Infant Death Kidney Disease Lupus Mental Health Problems and Suicide Osteoporosis Overweight and Obesity Pregnancy-related Death Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Sickle Cell Anemia Smoking Stroke Tuberculosis (TB) Uterine Fibroids Violence Minority Women's Health African-Americans Lupus (LOO-puhss) is a disease in which the body attacks its own healthy tissues and organs. It can damage the joints, skin, kidneys, and other parts of the body. No one knows for sure what causes lupus. But some groups of people have higher rates of lupus. African-American women are 3 times more likely to get lupus than white women. African-American women tend to develop lupus at a younger age and have more severe symptoms than white women. The signs of lupus differ from person to person. Some people have just a few signs, while others have more. Common symptoms include:

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