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         Malta History:     more books (100)
  1. A History of the Fortress of Malta by Whitworth Porter, 2009-12-20
  2. Malta: Webster's Timeline History, 2002 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  3. The Last Corsairs of Malta by Thomas Freller, 2007-07-01
  4. Costume in Malta: A History of Fabric, Form and Function by Nicholas De Piro, 1998-12-01
  5. A history of the Knights of Malta, or The Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem by Whitworth Porter, 2010-08-23
  6. The Ohio and Malta: The Legendary Tanker that Refused to Die by Michael Pearson, 2004-05
  7. Historical Conversations for Young Persons: Containing : I. the History of Malta and of the Knights of St. John : Ii. the History of Poland by Markham, 2010-03-24
  8. Malta: A Panoramic History: A Narrative History of the Maltese Islands by Joseph S. Abela, 1997-01
  9. The Cross and the Ensign: A Naval History of Malta 1798-1979 by Peter Elliott, 1982
  10. Ancient and Modern Malta, As Also, the History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
  11. The History of the Knights of Malta (Melitensia Book Club Facsimile Editions) by L'Abbe de Vertot, 1989-12-01
  12. A History of Malta During the Period of the French and British Occupations, 1798-1815 by William Hardman, 2010-03-26
  13. The early history (1803-1859) of the "Knights of Malta" Lodge, Hinckley, (Leicestershire) by John T. b. 1849 Thorp, 2010-07-30
  14. Malta, the islands and their history by T Zammit, 1926

21. Time-Line
TIMELINE OF MALTA HISTORY by Martin Debattista B.C. Prehistory and classical Malta (5000-218 B.C.)
by Martin Debattista
B.C. Pre-history and classical Malta (5000-218 B.C.)
First human settlers. Ghar Dalam phase. Megalithic temples constructed. Bronze-using people. Phoenician rule Greek influence. Carthaginian rule. Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome. Roman rule begins during the 2nd Punic War.
A.D. Classical and Medieval Malta (60-1530)
Shipwreck of St. Paul the Apostle. Islands become municipium under Emperor Hadrian. Byzantine rule. Islands occupied by the Vandals (?) Islands occupied by the Goths (?) Islands restored to Byzantine rule (?) Arab rule. Aglabiti (Tunisian) Arabs invade Malta and expel the Byzantine. First Byzantine attempts to regain islands. Norman rule. Count Roger of Hauteville, aka the Norman, takes Malta and imposed taxes but leaves Arab rulers Roger II, Count Roger's son, establishes Norman rule Arab uprising fails. Second Byzantine attempt to regain islands. John made Bishop of Palermo and Malta. Genoese influence. Swabian rule. Final expulsion of Arabs from Sicily and Malta. Angevin rule. Creation of the Universita' (body of administration and not academic institution).

22. Air Malta - History Of Air Malta, Cheap Flights To Malta
Air Malta was set up by a Resolution of Malta's House of Representatives on 21st March 1973 and was registered as a limited liability company on 30th March 1973. The previous

23. Welcome To | The Website Of The Malta University History Societ
It is very easy to miss the old building in St Christopher Street, Valletta. No flashy signs advertise its contents and few persons know of its import.
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The website of the Malta University History Society Skip to content
A Maltese Treasure House: The Notarial Archives
Posted on August 16, 2010 by Admin It is very easy to miss the old building in St Christopher Street, Valletta. No flashy signs advertise its contents and few persons know of its import. Sited just around the corner from the busy Passport Office, this large silent building houses a veritable treasure. It is the repository for more than 20,000 registers containing an uninterrupted sequence of notarial records reaching back across the centuries to the very earliest ones dating to the 15th century. Between the covers of the beautifully bound volumes lies a highly interesting, and mostly still undiscovered, social and economic history of Maltese private and public life. Typical contracts found here, include sales and exchanges of land, animals or slaves. Others record business transactions such as contracts of loan, business ventures and investments, including bills of exchange and commissions. Agreements of a social nature include marriage contracts, wills and donations. The registers in these archives therefore provide a snapshot of the daily lives and activities of a diverse span of the population over a period of six centuries. These notarial registers represent a very important primary source for historians and it is from these archives that ground-breaking research, such as the Wettinger/Fsadni discovery of the Kantilena, has emerged.

24. FOCUS On MALTA - History
I n 1530, many hundreds of years after the eolithic period, the Knights of the Order of St. John brought about another epoch of great cultural significance to the island.
I n 1530, many hundreds of years after the eolithic period, the Knights of the Order of St. John brought about another epoch of great cultural significance to the island. This is not to say that between the sudden disappearance of the Neolithic culture and the arrival of the Knights nothing happened. Quite the contrary. Many relics and remains bear witness to important historical events in this period. However, no unique or individual culture had originated from the many peoples - the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Castilians - who colonized the island during this prolonged interval. T he history of the Knights of St. John begins in the middle of the 11th century in the Holy Land. The Order's original duties were to care for the sick and wounded Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land and to help the poor. But soon after, their duties expanded. The fight against the "infidels" became of equal or even greater importance. The Knights also became "Soldiers of Christ". They acquired and maintained huge states and castles in the Holy Land and eventually owned a large fleet. W ith the loss of Acre to the Moslems in 1291, however, the fate of the Knights was sealed. They withdrew to Rhodes and acted as a shield against the Turks for two centuries until 1522 when Suleiman the Magnificent ousted the Knights from Rhodes. They needed a new homeland and, in 1530, moved to Malta to where they were given tenure by Emperor Charles V.

25. Malta History | IExplore
Malta’s situation in the central Mediterranean has made it an important strategic base since the earliest days of navigation. The first civilization to leave any significant

26. Malta History - Maltese-And-Worldwide-Visitors-Meeting-Place
This webset page was assembled on Wednesday February 4, 2009 with graphics from the public domain using one of the many autoscripters available at Chat_Central_Gateway All
The Friendliest Island Ever
Malta History

Main events in the Maltese Islands
The silent city of Mdina, LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR HISTORY. Malta Temples.

27. Malta:Crossroads To Civilizations
In 1870, an amateur archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann, determined to find the real Troy of the Trojan War, the war that is the center of the Homeric poems.
MALTA HISTORY crossroads to the civilizations, marker of the great ages In 1870, an amateur archaeologist, Heinrich Schliemann, determined to find the real Troy of the Trojan War, the war that is the center of the Homeric poems. Prehistory The Temple Period
  • Ghar Dalam Ggantija-Goddess Hagar Qim Mnajdra ... easter Temple MAGIC HYPOGEUM -tARX-lINKS mnajdra+3temples atlantis ... equinoX MaltA? Story of the Ages aquarius taurus prehistory precession The temple builders of prehistoric Malta share some symbols with the first civilization of the Mediterranean on the island of Crete .(7000BC to 1500BC) There is an active archeological dig taking place in Turkey at the site of the first City Catal Hayek (7500 BC) which considers its best recoveries to be small goddess figurines We know very little about the Minoans of ancient Crete, yet the remains on their island indicate they were likely the first traders of the Mediterranean who were ultimately ruined by natural disasters as well as growing Greek rivalry. Their role as the traders of the Mediterranean was taken over by the Phoenicians who are considered the first Maltese Early Neolithic Period (c.5000-4300 BC)

28. Malta History - History Of Malta
Malta History. Learn about the long and rich history of Malta, from the megalithic temples of the Neolithic Age to the legendary Knights Hospitaller of Malta.

29. Malta: Encyclopedia II - Malta - History
Main article History of Malta Malta has been inhabited since around 5200 BC. A significant prehistoric civilization, that predates the Pyramids of Giza by a millennium, is

30. Malta History - TravelPuppy
Malta history overview to the history of Malta and its people
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Last updated : Nov 2009 Malta History Mediterranean has made it an important strategic base since the earliest days of navigation. The first civilisation to leave any significant remains flourished during the third millennium BC, building many megalithic temples. Later the island was occupied by the Phoenicians , the Carthaginians and the Romans . Christianity arrived early, in about AD 60, when St Paul was shipwrecked off the island, and the religion rapidly established itself.

31. History Of Malta - Lonely Planet Travel Information
Malta’s oldest monuments are the mysterious megalithic temples at Ġgantija near Xagħram on Gozo, and Ħaġar Qim and Mnajdra on the southwest coast of the main island

32. Malta History
Malta history informs the people about the foundation and subsequent growth of the country. Malta history features a series of foreign invasions and subsequent colonizations.
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Malta History
Malta history informs the people about the foundation and subsequent growth of the country. The island of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea. The country of Malta is surrounded by Tunisia, Libya and Sicily from all the sides. The history of Malta can be traced back to the period of 5200 BC. The civilization of Malta is very old. The name of the island of Malta was adopted from the Phoenicians who named this country as �Malat� which means �safe heaven�.
The history of human inhabitation in Malta is very old, and dates back to the Neolithic age. However, Malta history features a series of foreign invasions and subsequent colonizations. The Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and the Carthaginians were the early rulers of Malta. The Arabians started ruling the place from 870 AD. The Normans belonging to Sicily captured the island in circa 1090. In 1530 Malta was handed over to the knights by Charles V of Hapsburg.
From the period of 19th century Malta was under the authority of a military governor. After the establishment of the Suez Canal in 1869, Malta turned to be a popular coaling hub in East Asia. In the year 1921 self government was finally accorded to Malta after long revolt against the rule of British. But in the year 1936 this self government was lifted up. In 1964 Malta became an independent country and in 1974 it turned into republic.

33. Malta: History —
Encyclopedia — Malta History. Malta was settled in Neolithic times; the HalSaflieni Hypogeum is the site of what is believed to be the largest group of prehistoric European

34. Melanie Farrugia | Welcome To
The MUHS was founded in 1963 by Professor Andrew Vella with the aim of encouraging the study and appreciation of history especially at the tertiary level.

35. Malta/History Facebook
Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Malta/History, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Malta/History.
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36. Search Malta�>�History
'Malta at War' magazine My page lists all the articles published in 'Malta at War' magazine by John A. Mizzi and I am also adding English language interactive exercises based
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  • 'Malta at War' magazine My page lists all the articles published in 'Malta at War' magazine by John A. Mizzi and I am also adding English language interactive exercises based on the articles taken from the magazines. (Added: Fri Aug 09 2002 Hits: 1340 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Review It
  • A Lawyer's History of Malta A website dedicated to Malta's history (Added: Sat Oct 29 2005 Hits: 854 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Review It
  • Historic Events Photos From the Search Malta Photo Gallery (Added: Fri Feb 22 2002 Hits: 3256 Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0)

37. : Malta History
Information of Malta History, Civilization, independence, king, rural, war
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Malta : History
Malta was an valuable cultic center for earth-mother worship in the 4th millennium B.C. Recent archeological work shows a developed religious center there long before those of Sumer and Egypt. Malta's written history began well before the Christian era. Originally the Phoenicians, and later the Carthaginians, accomplished ports and trading settlements on the island. During the second Punic War (218 B.C.), Malta became part of the Roman Empire. During Roman rule, in A.D. 60, Saint Paul was shipwrecked on Malta at a place now called St. Paul's Bay. The people of Malta rose against French rule, which lasted 2 years, and with the help of the British evicted them in 1800. In 1814, Malta voluntarily became part of the British Empire. Under the United Kingdom, the island became a military and naval fortress, the headquarters of the British Mediterranean fleet. During World War II, Malta survived relentless raids from German and Italian military forces (1940-43). In recognition, King George VI in 1942 awarded the George Cross "to the island fortress of Maltaits people and defenders." President Franklin Roosevelt, describing the wartime time, called Malta "one tiny bright flame in the darkness." Malta obtained freedom on September 21, 1964. Malta
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38. Malta History 1000 AD - Present
The proper name of the Knights of St John is the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights Hospitaler of St John of Jerusalem the Knights of St John, the
HISTORY CONTINUED- Knights of Malta to present The proper name of the Knights of St John is the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights Hospitaler of St John of Jerusalem - the Knights of St John, the Knights of Rhodes, the Knights of Malta, and the Knights Hospitalers.
  • Great Siege French Connection Fortress Malta Madonna on Mount Phileremos ... easter Temple MAGIC HYPOGEUM -tARX-lINKS mnajdra+3temples atlantis ... equinoX MaltA? Story of the Ages aquarius taurus prehistory precession Knights of St. John (1530 - 1798) On 23 March 1530, the islands passed under the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, a chivalrous religious order initiated in 1099 and officially founded in Jerusalem in 1113. According to the chronicles, merchants from the ancient Marine Republic of Amalfi obtained from the Caliph of Egypt the authorization to build a church, convent and hospital in Jerusalem, to care for pilgrims of any religious faith or race.
    Together with the Knights Templar , who were formed later in 1119, they became one of the most powerful Christian groups in the Middle East. The order came to distinguish itself in battles with the Muslims, its soldiers wearing a black surcoat

39. About Malta - History Of Malta -
For such a small island there is an immense amount of history surrounding it. Here is a brief look at what has happened through the ages from ancient times to the present day
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About Malta Useful Information History of Malta
It can sometimes be hard to believe that an island so small can have such a rich and fascinating history and heritage!
For such a small island there is an immense amount of history surrounding it. Here is a brief look at what has happened through the ages from ancient times to the present day.
It is thought that the first settlers made their way to Malta from Sicily bringing with them basic tools for survival. There is also evidence of pygmy hippos and deer from Africa that suggest that settlers may have come from far and wide. It was during the copper age that the temples were thought to have been constructed, with recent research suggesting that they are 1000 years older than the Pyramids of Giza.

40. History, Malta, Republic Of Malta
History, Malta, Republic of Malta, tourist attractions, information, pictures, maps
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  • Home Flights Hotels Cars ... Republic of Malta
    Malta - History
    document.write(''); Malta Hotels Hotels in Malta Description About 2400 B.C., Bronze Age peoples from Sicily and the Peloponnese came to Malta. War, which had been unknown to their predecessors, now played a part in their lives, and they built the islands first fortifications to provide defense against attack from the sea.
    In the ninth century B.C. the Phoenicians established a colony and an important trading post on Malta, giving it the name of Melite. Thereafter the islands, lying at the intersection of the shortest route between Sicily and Carthage in North Africa with the seaways between the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Strait of Gibraltar, occupied a position of great political and strategic importance - as indeed they still do. The Greeks tried unsuccessfully to gain control of Malta in order to strengthen the position of the colonies they had founded in Sicily in the eighth and seventh centuries. What they failed to do was soon afterward achieved by the Carthaginians, who occupied the islands about 600 B.C. and held on to them until the outbreak of the Second Punic War (218 B.C.). They were then conquered by Titus Sempronius for Rome. Although Roman rule lasted for almost 1,000 years and the people of Malta achieved a high degree of prosperity during this period, it has left surprisingly little in the way of architectural and artistic remains.
    Attractions Near History, Malta, Republic of Malta

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