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1. LegislationNewZealand economic policies, Maori (Indigenous Peoples) advocating the right to selfdetermination, and some migrant communities. One newspaper editorial commented The state religion changes http://www.peace.ca/legislationNewZealand.htm | |
2. Journal Of American Indian Education-Arizona State University issues pertaining to Native Peoples of the world, including First Nations (Aboriginal People of Canada), Native Hawaiian, Maori, Indigenous Peoples of http://jaie.asu.edu/about.html | |
3. Janet Moses – News Stories About Janet Moses - Page 1 | Newser Choose to see hard or soft news (or both) Mark stories you've More About Maori • indigenous peoples • witches • New Zealand http://www.newser.com/tag/40183/1/janet-moses.html |
4. Defining Indigenous People's Identity In The Law An Example From Article discussing Maori indigenous peoples identity and the law with an example from New Zealand/Aotearoa. http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article |
5. Oxford Scholarship Online: Anglicanism And The British Empire, C.1700-1850 In both colonies, Anglican missionaries and bishops continued to construct identities for colonizers and the Aborigines and Maori indigenous peoples in ways similar to the 18th http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/content/religion/9780199218042/acpro |
6. Ngongo - Roto Aira (sic) - King Country - Collections Online - Museum Of New Zea Depicts. Women; Maori; Indigenous peoples; Tree stumps; Storage facilities; Lakes ponds; Type of gelatin dry plate negatives; blackand-white negatives http://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/objectdetails.aspx?oid=23042 |
7. Representing Multiculturalism In A Bicultural Nation: The Question Of Diversity Historically, New Zealand has always represented itself as a bicultural nation of Maori (indigenous peoples) and Pakeha (white settlers), and this is reflected in its national http://eprints.usq.edu.au/643/ | |
8. Genealogy Insider - Conference Wrap-up: New Zealand Genealogical Society on topics geared to New Zealand research, which covered a broad range of ethnic groups representing New Zealand’s melting pot Irish, Scottish, English, Maori (indigenous peoples http://blog.familytreemagazine.com/insider/2008/06/11/ConferenceWrapupNewZealand |
9. NZ Herald: New Zealand's Latest News, Business, Sport, Weather, Travel, Technolo We all know that New Zealand was the first country to give the vote to women in 1893, but do we know too that 25 years earlier Maori became members of Parliament? http://www.nzherald.co.nz/indigenous-peoples/news/article.cfm?c_id=464&objec |
10. Mining, Protected Areas And Biodiversity Conservation Searching and Fauna International 1705 1725 Perspectives of Communities and Indigenous Peoples on Best Practice in Mining and Biodiversity Conservation Aroha Mead, Maori Indigenous Peoples, New http://liveassets.iucn.getunik.net/downloads/minworkshopprog.pdf |
11. SEEK - New Zealand's No.1 Jobs, Employment, Career And Recruitment Site Our community is characterised by a diverse socioeconomic and cultural mix of people from over 150 ethnic groups, with a high proportion of Maori (indigenous peoples who first http://www.seek.co.nz/ADVHOMES/JESS_SENIOR/9900099_1.HTM | |
12. Reclaiming The Past To Inform The Future: Contemporary Views Of Maori Sexuality Keywords Maori; indigenous peoples; indigenous sexuality; colonisation; health and wellbeing View Full Text Article Download PDF in English (~232 KB) View Article Online http://informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a779853956~db=all |
13. T U T I N A Based in Otaki, New Zealand, Tutina Pasene™ is a whanau (family) based company of Maori (indigenous peoples of Aotearoa/New Zealand) and Polynesian descent. http://www.tutinapasene.co.nz/about.htm | |
14. Maori - Slider Māori is the name of the indigenous people of New Zealand, and their language. New Zealand Maori Indigenous peoples http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Maori | |
15. Databases About access to databases who can get what, and from where . Database trials currently available . Which database should I choose? (PDF, 14kB) user guide http://library.lincoln.ac.nz/Search/Databases/ |
16. Aroha Mead - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Climate change Maori Indigenous Peoples Traditional Knowledge Relationships IUCN Researchers Commission Maori Business Aotearoa Life Patents Research Experiences Patents Genes Governments http://www.123people.com/s/aroha mead |
17. Personal Views: Cultural Safety And The Health Of Adolescents Barriers to providing good health care for adolescents parallel those facing minority groups such as the Maori. Indigenous peoples often feel disenfranchised and dominated by a http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC188531/ | |
18. Tribal Law Indigengous Intellectual Property Home Page Introduction and Mission Statement. The Tribal Law Intellectual Property List is a topically restricted, majordomo managed mailing list, and a project of the Tribal Law List with http://world.std.com/~iipc/ | |
19. Consultation Concerning Novel Biotechnologies Who Speaks For Article discussing biotechnologies and intellectual property and the indigenous Maori of New Zealand http://indigenouspeoplesissues.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article |
20. KOHA Project, Embracing The Indigenous Community KOHA Project, embracing the indigenous community KOHA in Maori (indigenous peoples of New Zealand) tongue translates as a gift from the heart. ASKI received a koha from TEAR http://www.bwtp.org/files/Resources/Newsletters/2009/Member-News-ASKI.pdf |
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