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41. Deep Tow Group Research on deep water marine sediments that applies deep tow high resolution seismic and sediment core analysis. Gulf of Mexico bathymetry maps and marine geology links are available. http://deeptow.tamu.edu/ | |
42. The Marine Science Institute - University Of The Philippines Diliman, Quezon Cit Pursues research, teaching, and extension work in marine biology, marine chemistry, physical oceanography, marine geology, and related disciplines. http://www.msi.upd.edu.ph/ | |
43. Marine Geology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia marine geology, scientific discipline that is concerned with all geological aspects of the continental shelves and slopes and the ocean basins. In practice, the principal focus of http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/365263/marine-geology | |
44. Geo-Marine Letters An international journal for the publication of short, original studies and reviews dealing with all marine geological aspects. Online and print versions. http://www.springer.com/earth sciences/geology/journal/367 | |
45. Home Page - USGS Pacific Coastal And Marine Science Center Coastal Marine Geology. About PCMSC; PCMSC Staff; Program Offices; Menlo Park/Santa Cruz, CA; St. Petersburg, FL; Woods Hole, MA; Coastal Marine Geology http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/ |
46. Coastal Geoscience Research A marine, geological and environmental survey company that provides bottom profiling, sound surveys and water sampling. http://www3.telus.net/lhlinden/ | |
47. Marine Geology | Define Marine Geology At Dictionary.com –noun the branch of geology dealing with the rocks, sediments, and processes of the floors and margins of the oceans. Use marine geology in a Sentence See images of marine http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/marine geology |
48. USGS Coastal And Marine Geology Program Describes ongoing projects and research plans for assessing coastal, estuary, and continental shelf processes, sediment transfer, and related geologic hazards. http://marine.usgs.gov/ |
49. USGS NATIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP DATABASE - HOMEPAGE Searchable catalog of paper and digital geologic maps, mostly for the U.S. Maps and related data cover geology, hazards, earth resources, geophysics, geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and marine geology. http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ |
50. Geo-Marine Technology Marine geology and geophysics consultancy services to offshore oil and gas industries, offshore survey industries, and governments. http://www.geomarinetech.com/ | |
51. Marine Research Station Layang Layang, Malaysia MARSAL undertakes research into biodiversity, fisheries, coral reefs, biotechnology and marine geology in a unique area within Malaysian waters in the South China Sea. http://www.fri.gov.my/marsal/ |
52. Welcome To Marine Sciences At UNC-Chapel Hill — UNC-CH Marine Sciences Program Works in areas of Marine Biology and Ecology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Geology, and Physical Oceanography. Includes course list and detailed faculty biographies. http://www.marine.unc.edu/ | |
53. NSU Oceanographic Center - Distance Education - Marine Geology Nova Southeastern University's Oceanographic Center pursues studies in experimental and theoretical oceanography http://www.nova.edu/ocean/marinegeology_disted.html | |
54. PGI - Pañstwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Strona G³ówna Manages multi-disciplinary scientific research on the geological structure of Poland in order to use the knowledge for purposes of domestic economy and environmental protection. Besides scientific research in all fields of modern geology, the Institute fulfils the role of a geological and hydrogeological survey of Poland. Regional branches, regional geology, environmental geology, marine geology, economic geology, geological databases, cartography, hydrogeology, engineering geology, geophysics, history of Polish geology, publications. http://www.pgi.gov.pl/ | |
55. The Index To Marine Geological Seafloor Samples Also known as the Curators Database, this is a cooperative effort among nineteen oceanographic institutions and governmental agencies to provide information on the contents of their collections of seafloor samples to researchers. More than 100,000 samples can be searched on-line by specifying any combination of institution, cruise, ship, collection date, water depth, sampling technique, or geographic location. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/curator/curator.html |
56. Marine Geology Recent events 810 Sept. XRF workshop 2010 more information A national marine-geosciences group has been initiated. http://www.nioz.nl/nioz_nl/c52acf09bc528c9d8fe127ed758d2297.php | |
57. Marine Geology The Reef Tank Community of reef and salt water aquarists http://www.thereeftank.com/blog/marine-geology/ |
58. Bhattiprolu Ganesh - India | LinkedIn CAREER OBJECTIVE To make myself flexible working in a creative environment. Not only to enjoy the challenges posed during my work in the organization but also to show my http://www.linkedin.com/pub/marine-geology/16/476/720 | |
59. Marine Geology Jobs - Browse Keywords | Juju Job Search Browse marine geology jobs from 1,000s of job boards and employer web sites in one place. Juju makes your marine geology job search faster and more comprehensive. http://www.job-search-engine.com/keyword/marine-geology/ |
60. Marine Geology :: Related Articles -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia marine geology, Related Articles, Britannica Online Encyclopedia, Email is the email address you used when you registered. Password is case sensitive. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/365263/marine-geology/365263rellinks/R | |
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