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41. Hampden County Massachusetts Genealogy Chicopee Public Library 31 Springfield Street Chicopee, MA Phone (413) 5941805 Hampden Free Public Library 625 Main Street http://www.kindredtrails.com/MA_Hampden.html | |
42. Nantucket County, Massachusetts Genealogy And History Welcome to Nantucket County, Massachusetts Genealogy and History. A site of the Massachusetts, USGenWeb Project The official mailing list for this project is at The Nantucket http://www.feliixplace.com/mass/nantucket.html | |
43. Beverly Massachusetts Genealogy Welcome to the Beverly, Massachusetts Genealogy Project. Serving family history research in the City of Beverly, County of Essex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in the http://beverly.essexcountyma.net/ | |
44. Massachusetts Genealogy Search online databases for your ancestors* * Subscription may be required. Free trial available in some cases. Search Massachusetts State Records on Footnote.com http://www.mycinnamontoast.com/perl/results.cgi?region=1022&sort=n |
45. Hamilton Massachusetts Genealogy Project Massachusetts Genealogy . Updated March 19, 2008. Hamilton Data. Clicking on these links will take you to actual town records, newspaper articles, and other data. http://hamilton.essexcountyma.net/ | |
46. Newberry Library | Massachusetts Genealogy Bibliographies on Massachusetts genealogy at the Newberry Library. Researchers should consult the Newberry's New England Genealogy pathfinder sheet for listings of http://www.newberry.org/genealogy/massachusetts.html | |
47. Massachusetts GenWeb To subscribe to the Massachusetts genealogy list, send email to GenMassachusettsL- Request@rootsweb.com with the single word SUBSCRIBE in the text area of your message. http://magenweb.bettysgenealogy.org/ | |
48. Massachusetts Free Genealogy Look Ups From GeneaSearch Lookup Volunteers Massachusetts Genealogy Lookups . Instructions Click on the email address next to the source you want checked. http://www.geneasearch.com/lookups/ma.htm | |
49. Massachusetts Genealogy Resources To Find Ancestors In Massachusetts State Genea Massachusetts Genealogy Resources. 1867 Scituate, Massachusetts General Directory Source The Plymouth County Directory and Historical Register of the Old Colony, Middleboro http://surnamesite.com/states/massachusetts.htm | |
50. Topsfield Genealogy Project Updated March 19, 2008. Topsfield History. The following history of Topsfield is taken from the Historical Collections of the Topsfield Historical Society. http://topsfield.essexcountyma.net/ | |
51. Massachusetts Genealogy | MA Family History, Vital Records, & Free Resources Massachusetts Genealogy Family History. This is a listing of LDS Family History Centers generated from data sent by users like you. It is not a complete list of Family http://www.archives.com/resources/state/massachusetts-genealogy/ | |
52. Newbury Massachusetts Genealogy Project Welcome to N e w b u r y, Massachusett. Founded 1635. Brief History of Newbury. First Settlers. Maps Essex County; Newbury; Plot Plan 1635; 1790 US Census Heads of Households http://newbury.essexcountyma.net/ | |
53. Massachusetts Genealogy, Vital Records, Cemeteries, More - GenealogySpot.com Explore the best Massachusetts genealogy resources on the Web. http://www.genealogyspot.com/state/ma.htm |
54. Massachusetts Genealogy - Looking 4 Kin Genealogy & Family History Network & Cha This group is dedicated to helping people with researching their ancestors in Massachusetts. Can you help by offering tips, suggestions or lookups? Do you have… http://www.looking4kin.com/group/massachusettsgenealogy | |
55. Worcester County Genealogy Links; Massachusetts - Geneology genealogy links for Worcester County, Massachusetts including census records,military records, cemetery.. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/massachusetts/worcester.htm | |
56. Massachusetts Genealogy : Marriages 1841-1850 Massachusetts marriages 1841 to 1850 from the registration books of marriages for all Massachusetts cities and towns http://www.genealogysearch.org/massmarriages/ | |
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