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61. Preschool May Day Crafts - By Lisa Putnam - Helium May Day is celebrated the first day of May across the world. The following crafts are sure to delight any preschooler no matter where they l , Lisa Putnam http://www.helium.com/items/1689924-may-day-crafts | |
62. May Day Crafts For Kids: 10 Crafts From The Web That You Can Do Together - Seatt May Day maypole May Day is coming, and it's a perfect time to do some crafts with your kiddo to celebrate this holiday. Here are some crafts that I found on http://www.examiner.com/family-in-seattle/may-day-crafts-for-kids-10-crafts-from | |
63. May Day Crafts For Kids : Ideas For May Day Arts And Crafts Projects With Activi May Day Crafts for Kids Ideas for May Day and Crafts Projects with activities, instructions, patterns, and printables for Children, Teens, and Preschoolers http://www.artistshelpingchildren.org/may-day-spring-artscraftideaskids.html | |
64. ParentsTalk: Family Fun: Crafts: May Day Baskets From Lindsey (USA) Materials markers; tape ; stickers ; stapler ; scissors ; glitter and glue ; any other decorations you'd like Directions Using a 9X12 piece of paper, fold to form a square http://www.parents-talk.com/familyfun/crafts/cr_0057.html | |
65. May Day Crafts - Discussion Discussion board for May Day Crafts May Day Crafts Discussion Add Comment http://www.mahalo.com/may-day-crafts/discuss | |
66. May Day Crafts | Skip To My Lou May Day is just a few days away. Here is a little download for a simple cone and gift tag. mayday-cone-template. Print out on card-stock or decorative paper(my paper was two http://www.skiptomylou.org/tag/may-day-crafts/ |
67. Hawaiian Lei : May Day Celebrations In Hawaii Learn how May day is celebrated in the island of Hawaii. Celebration in Hawaii is unique and special, with carnations, orchids, shells and pagents. http://www.theholidayspot.com/mayday/hawaii.htm | |
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