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         Mens Issues:     more books (100)
  1. Men of Integrity Devotional Bible
  2. Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time (The Every Man Series) by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, 2009-08-18
  3. The One Year Devotions for Men by Stuart Briscoe, 2001-10-01
  4. Every Man, God's Man (The Every Man Series) by Stephen Arterburn, Kenny Luck, 2003-04-15
  5. Being God's Man in Tough Times (Every Man) by Stephen Arterburn, Kenny Luck, et all 2003-07-15
  6. Men Under Construction: Building a Life That Honors God by Bob Barnes, 2006-03-01
  7. The Secrets Men Keep: How Men Make Life and Love Tougher Than It Has to Be by Stephen Arterburn, 2007-11-06
  8. A Guy's Guide to Life: How to Become a Man in 208 Pages or Less by Jason Boyett, 2004-11-17
  9. Strong Men in Tough Times: Curriculum (Majoring in Men: The Curriculum for Men) by Edwin Louis Cole, 2003-09-05
  10. Effective Men's Ministry
  11. Every Young Man's Battle Guide: Weapons for the War Against Sexual Temptation (Every Man Series) by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, 2003-05-20
  12. From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality by Richard Rohr, Joseph Martos, 2005-08
  13. Checklist for Life for Men: Timeless Wisdom & Foolproof Strategies for Making the Most of Life's Challenges & Opportunities by Checklist for Life, 2002-10-08
  14. How Can a Man Control His Thoughts, Desires, and Passions? (40-Minute Bible Studies) by Bob Vereen, 2004-02-17

21. Mens Issues - Alpha
Men's Issues Alpha
Men's Issues - Alpha
Men's Health (emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, and addictions) which has been included below as its own subset. See the same 300 issues divided into 10 major categories or by 42 major issues . You might check out each format to see which one works best for you. We also discuss one of these issues each day at Today . See the list of issues for this month. Photo above: credit Thomas Frederick Arndt We have worked since 1982 to end men's isolation. We welcome your input, especially on any issue that is not highlighted. Please pass along pertinent information at Feedback . If you'd like to be an advisor and cover one of these issues, please let us know your area of expertise. Emergency Numbers A B C ... P Q R S T U ... W X Y Z Health Issues at Men's Health A Abortion Parental Consent Laws
Absentee Voting

... Emotional + Physical + Research Ritual Sexual Spiritual ...

030.2 ADD + Books
Akami University

030.1.3 Best Kids Albums Software Videos
Alimony/ Manimony Allergies Alerts Newsbytes ... Alternative Medicine (Also called Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)) Alternative Resources Alternatives to Violence Resources Alzheimer's AMBER Plan (Amber Alerts) Amnesia Andropause Menopause Anemia ... Anxiety (Fear) Anxiety Stress Apnea Archives ... "A Real Man?"

22. Bliss Psychotherapy And Dancing Your Bliss: Mens Issues
Bliss Psychotherapy and Dancing your Bliss Rachel Fleischman is a Body-Centered Expressive Arts therapist and the founder of Dancing Your Bliss, a fun, healing and empowering
Men's Issues
Men and women speak different languages. Once we accept this, we can work together and you can see your life change.
Are you ready to make some changes in your life?
I love reminding clients that we are not broken - we don't need to be fixed.
You just need to learn some tools that will put you on the right track.
I can help you put these tools in place. Through my guy-friendly approach, we will crack the code. Some of the "take home treats" you will receive are" Homework Assignments
Skills Training Stress-Management Action Plans Tips and Resources
Expect a tailor-made system that gets you out of a rut, and back into
a full, rich and wonderful life. As a relationship expert, I will also help you to discover the love and connection you are looking for. Together we create a safe environment so that we can work towards your goals efficiently. Call today. (415) 820-3223 Rachel is uniquely qualified to help you get in touch with your emotions through your body. She led me through a guided imagery that got in touch with what was the most essential issue for me at that time. She gently helped me gain clarity around that issue without feeling pressured at all.
Rachel's sweet office is a warm and comforting space. I immediately felt relaxed. She has a wonderful caring and nurturing manner that makes you feel safe and honored. And she has a delightful and intelligent sense of humor, which I really appreciated!

23. Index
Digest of information about men s issues from around the world; includes material likely to offend the sensitive in a separate area.
. . . giving men a voice Welcome to our new and updated site. On Manorama we deal frankly and fairly with men's issues from around the globe. domestic abuse Welcome to MANORAMA This site was launched because, for many years past, men have been denied a voice. We often hear the platitude: "It's a man's world" trotted out by a variety of media chatterers, but the truth is that America and the Western World has been designed around women and girls for decades.
MANORAMA appeared to introduce some sort of balance and to tell it from the man's point of view. We therefore invite you to look around the site to find the truth about what is happening in our world, and not what the media tell us is happening. If you wish to contact the webmaster, click here
Massive discrimination against men by Welsh Assembly, UK.
Read horrifying facts on domestic abuse page. Important notice for all visitors
FREE e-book to download. Go to "feminism" page. Because we believe in freedom of expression we have tried to make this a politically-"correct"-free zone. If you detect any contamination by political "correctness" anywhere on this site please let us know. Contributors are free to use any word found in any responsible and respected dictionaries. Our standard is the

24. Men's Issues On The Internet - -
FACTS ENCYCLOPEDIA MEN'S ISSUES ON THE INTERNET. Dr. Warren Farrell's Home Page; Dull Men's Club What are the three most exciting things you have ever done?

25. Men's Issues From ShopCBN
ShopCBN online Christian store 2009 Retailer's Choice Award winner Super Bowlwinning coach and 1 New York Times best selling author Tony Dungy has had an unusual opportunity to

26. Manhood Online
Australian site building a global community around men s issues. Articles, newsgroups, and special advisers on men s health, fatherhood and issues.
Better men for a better world
Good things Dad did

We all know the stories of fathers who got it wrong. In fact, we know these stories so well we often forget the things our fathers did get right. We believe it's important to tell the good stories. That's why we invite you to tell us how your father got it right. Manhood Forums
The place where you get to have your say on the topic of your choice. Manhood Online Snapshots
Men from all walks of life answer the 16 big questions about what it means being a man today. Over 100,000 hits to this site per month from over 2,000 IP's
Old Manhood Online Site

About Manhood Online


Special Advisers
Men's Resources

Manhood Online ver 7.0 min recommended Sun Java 2 is recommended some parts of this site� special advisers events snapshots ... home Updated:21.4.2005

27. Men's Issues Resource Page
Men's Issues Resource Page. Web Links The Men's Bibliography Acomprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities and sexualities compiled by Michael Flood
Men's Issues Resource Page Web Links: The Men's Bibliography
Acomprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities and sexualities
compiled by Michael Flood
The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity
American Men's Studies Association The National Organization for Men Against Sexism Men for Change (Halifax) ... Men's Issues Home Page (Australia)
(see also Changing Men Collections Suggest a Link

28. Fatherhood At Resources And Support For Fathers
Annotated list of web sites on fatherhood and men s issues, from
zWASL=1;zGRH=1 zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Fatherhood
  • Fatherhood
    Must Reads
    Guide since 2002 Wayne Parker
    Fatherhood Guide zSB(3,2)
    Browse Topic
    New Fathers 411
    From DINK to Dad
    What issues should a man deal with as he makes the transition to fatherhood from being a dual income, no kids couple? Read more
    More for New Fathers
    Take Your Child on a Date
    Spending one on one time with your children is one of the best ways to build memories and to build a positive relationship. Here are some tips for making these one on one "dates" fun and memorable, as well as some ideas for things to do together. Read more
    More on Great Family Activities
    Fatherhood Spotlight
    Wayne's Fatherhood Blog
    Laptops May Hurt Male Fertility
    Sunday November 14, 2010

    29. Men's Issues - Paul F Davis Articles And Blog
    ManPower worldwide inspirational speaker Paul F Davis to uplift and empower men for self-mastery and a life of victory!

    30. Welcome To Men
    Large listing of men s services and publications locally and nationally committed to a positive change in male roles and relationships.
    Welcome aboard!
    We offer thousands of men's resources and hyperlinks, hundreds of men's issues, events, periodicals and groups and thousands of on-site men's book reviews and covers. We are an educational volunteer web site which serves a diverse men's community (men's rights, mythopoetic, pro-feminist, recovery, re-evaluation counseling, and religious). We provide information on over 100 men's issues regarding positive change in male roles and relationships (including abuse, aging, circumcision, divorce, fathers, health, isolation, kidstuff, mid-life, multicultural, prostate, sexuality, spirituality, transition, violence, work, etc.) We hold a 4-star rating with and update our site weekly. If this is your first time, check out First Visit
    Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. - Arthur Schopenhauer
    and Relationstuff" are registered trademarks of Gordon Clay

    31. Men's Issues - Home Page
    Provides views and opinions on issues relating to men. Lists men's groups in Victoria, plus books, articles and courses on men's issues.
    Men's Issues - Home Page
    The purpose of this web page is to act as a point on the WWW where views and opinions can be expressed concerning men. Those expressing these views are not just limited to men. The views and opinions of those expressed here, are those of the individuals expressing them NOT the views of the system provider (vicnet), or necessarily the volunteer maintainers of the page. It is our belief that the current experience of men across the world is a shared one, hence the purpose of this page. However, the general flavour of what is contained will have an Australian perspective to it, but we are eager to have input and contributions from the World. The provision of this page was initiated by members of the Essendon Men's Group (EMG) Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Contact with these members by EMAIL can be made to the following addresses:-
    Graham Clarke
    Michael Holden Nigel Senior
    We acknowledge the ideals of MENTOR MENS NETWORK Inc. in respect to the following visions. The purpose of this page and the work performed by those associated with it in what ever way is to enable:-
    • Men continually developing a better world for all; and

    32. MND: Your Daily Dose Of Counter-Theory | Gifts For Men | Gifts For Men
    Men s international news and review. The latest on news and views pertaining to men s issues.
    var cmt_digg_vote_down = "No";var cmt_digg_vote_up = "Yes";var url = "";
    Freeman Dyson, Global Warming, and the Lost Debates
    Monday, November 15, 2010 By Jerry Pournelle Kenneth Brower, son of Sierra Club transformer David Brower, and onetime friend of Freeman Dyson, has been writing about Dyson and climate change. As is usual with books by writers who are not scientists, the scientific issues are not addressed. Those are settled. Instead the purpose of the article is to find out why...
    A Liberal-Progressive Abstraction: Caring For The Little Guy
    Monday, November 15, 2010 By Thomas Brewton
    Coffee, Tea, Caffeine and Brain Cancer Risk
    Monday, November 15, 2010 By Robert A. Wascher, MD, FACS Coffee and tea are widely enjoyed around the world, and both have been the subject of numerous health claims (most of them unproven). Tea, and green tea in particular, has been the focus of extensive research, with many prior studies suggesting that tea may improve cardiovascular health and, to a much lesser extent, may decrease...
    When Will We Have Artificial Intelligence?

    33. Getting Older Home
    Grey, fat and middle aged is no way to go through life. Men s issues including career, family, health and growing older.
    Search: All Categories My Body My Health My Entertainment test My Family My Job Grey, fat and middle aged is no way to go through life. My Body My Health My Entertainment My Family ... Blog Burger, the final cholesterol. This is the plight of the men in their 30's, 40's and beyond be they baby boomers or baby busters. To boldly go where no middle aged guy has gone before. Eat the burger and rejoice. Worry about it later.
    My Entertainment
    TV Shows that are worth your time

    Some shows are worth a second (sometimes a first) look, but the time to come up to speed can be arduous. While comedies and self enclosed dramas are easy to pick up along the way, story arc dramas are different and require you to do some homework or be lost in a story you don't understand.
    Feb 28, 2010, 12:12
    My Health
    10 Tips on how to avoid germs without looking like a nutcase

    A 10-point list of things to do (or not do) to avoid getting sick
    May 1, 2009, 08:00
    My Family
    Loss of Identification - or how to become a non-citizen in 3 minutes flat.
    The trials of re-identification after you lose your credentials. May 3, 2008, 11:00

    34. Health-and-Fitness - Mens-Issues EzineArticles
    article submission, articles, writers, writing, publishing, ezine, email marketing, email newsletter, email

    35. The New Breed Of Sexism..Towards Men
    If a straight men cooks or cares how he looks he is labeled a femme, or as the new trend setters call it metrosexual.
    Johnny Depp's charcter Jack Sparrow is based on Rock Star Keith Richards, Not Jack McFarland, and the black stuff under the eyes was KHOL I don't know why one magazine writter spoke of Bradd Pit as being a Metro. Why? Cause he's good looking and NOT ugly as hell? If you are an handsom man then THIS means you are a feme? Since when? Ever wondered where the phrase "sheik" came from? Rudolph Valantino was the Bradd Pit of the 1920's. Any man who was popular with the ladies back then was called "sheik". But note his picture on the left. Look how much make-up he's wearing. As much as his girlfriend..if not more! But anyone call him feme? Maybe all the boyfriends of the women who were this guy's groupies! The following has quotes taken from an article from... Staying Well Healthy Sexuality Article By Richard Trubo Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD on Monday, July 28, 2003 WebMD Feature Metrosexuals. "An emerging breed of man, the metrosexual, shows(1) his soft, sensitive, (2) feminine side." (3) "It's not not a gay man". "Judging by the popularity of the new TV program Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, many more once slovenly men want to join the ranks of this new breed of Renaissance man." " So what makes a metrosexual man? He's been defined as a (4) straight, sensitive, well-educated, urban dweller who is in touch with his (5)feminine side. "He may have a standing appointment for a weekly manicure, and he probably has his hair cared for by a stylist rather than a barber. He loves to shop, he may wear jewelry, and his bathroom counter is most likely filled with male-targeted grooming products, including moisturizers (and perhaps even a little makeup). He may work on his physique at a fitness club (not a gym) and his appearance probably gets him lots of attention and he's delighted by every stare."

    36. Men’s Issues « Men Mentoring Men
    Men’s Issues Men Mentoring Men An Experiment That Works. I have long believed that traditional definitions of masculinity are too narrow and shallow to encourage full and creative
    Men Mentoring Men
    Men Mentoring Men: An Experiment That Works I have long believed that traditional definitions of masculinity are too narrow and shallow to encourage full and creative expression of the masculine.  Seventeen years ago I began meeting with men to explore what it means to be thoughtful about their lives as men. These meetings evolved by  “word-of mouth” into Men Mentoring Men (M3), a not-for-profit organization that provides a unique, empowering, and seasoned structure to support and expand men committed to being thoughtful about exploring the best of masculinity in their personal and professional lives. We believe that a happy man is one who is fulfilled in his own expansive definitions of masculinity. The day of limiting the expression of masculinity to “provider” and/or “warrior” is no longer viable.  Mission of M3: Who participates?: M3 invites men who are healthy and searching for more meaning, connection, and growth in their lives. Men join us from all walks of life and at various stages of career, age, and from many backgrounds. They become willing to trust, think, process, laugh, support, encourage and model the pursuit of a fulfilling life.  They participate so authentically because M3 creates a safe atmosphere by imposing only one rule….no man shames another man. M3 does not provide therapy or accept men in serious distress.  Men seen as having psychological issues are referred to outside resources.  At the same time, the M3 experience has been an effective support for men currently in therapy. It can be a catalyst for experiences and change perhaps not accessible through individual or couple therapy. The influence of M3 goes far beyond the participants; the beneficiaries of the M3 experience are also the wives, family, and other significant relationships connected to the M3 member.

    37. Library
    A review of studies highlighting the genders of the attackers and victims of domestic violence.
    The Library
    Studies on Spousal Abuse The following statistics were provided by The Easton Alliance, (416) 691-1113,
    Henton, Cate, Koval, Llyd, and Christopher (1983) discovered that 78 out of 644 high school students had experienced courtship violence. A closer examination of 70 students revealed that 50 students (71.4%) reported that at some time, each partner had assumed the role of both victim and aggressor. Of the remaining 28.6%, the relationships were described as follows: 1.4% - male abuser only; 5.7% - female abuser only; 8.6% - abused male only; and 12.9% - abused female only. Henton, Cate, Koval, Lloyd, and Christopher (1982) found that their sample of 355 college students yeilded 79 who had experienced premarital violence. Once again, nearly 70% (53 of 79) were involved in relationships in which the abuse was mutual. O f the remaining students, 10% were in relationships where the male was the only abuser, while 22% said that the female was the sole abuser. These studies indicate that much of courtship violence is mutual, but when it is not, the female is just as likely to be the sole abuser as the male. Straus et al. (1980)

    38. SocioSite: Men's Issues - Masculinity, Fatherhood
    An annotated selection of sociological resources on masculinity and men's issues. Editor Albert Benschop (University of Amsterdam).

    39. Review: The Battered Woman
    Book review by Robert Sheaffer.
    Review: The Battered Woman
    by Lenore E. Walker
    (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1979)
    reviewed by Robert Sheaffer
    January 1, 1996 F ew books of modern times have had as great an impact in law, in popular culture and in understanding, as has this one. We have all heard of the "Battered Woman Syndrome," which originated with this book. Later feminist writings on the subject credit Prof. Walker for establishing the contemporary feminist theory and jurisprudence on "Domestic Violence," which they invariably depict as violence by a man against a woman. Every woman who has obtained mitigation in punishment for an act of violence against her mate by pleading the "battered woman syndrome" is a direct beneficiary of Dr. Walker's feminist advocacy and research. The Battered Woman is long overdue. P So the conclusions reached by the study that Prof. Walker mischaracterizes as "the first epidemiological study of battered women" are dramatically different from what she wants us to believe. Scholars do not consider it ethical when citing authorities to selectively refer only to those portions of a work that confirm your position, while concealing from your readers the fact that the authority you are citing reaches a conclusion in substantial disagreement with yours. The accepted scholarly practice would be for Prof. Walker, having invoked the authority of Straus et. al. to bolster certain of her arguments, to note that those authors have reached a conclusion substantially different from hers, and then to explain why she believes her conclusion is correct and theirs is not.

    40. Husband Abuse: Questions & Answers
    Online brochure on male victims of domestic violence.
    Question: Lately, I've been reading in the newspapers and seeing reports on television saying that men in relationships are about as likely to suffer from domestic violence as women are. How can this be? Answer: A large and growing number of university research reports is indicating that men are about as likely as women to suffer from relationship violence. One study by the renowned University of Calgary researcher Eugen Lupri , reported that while 17.8% of husbands had admitted to abusing their female partners, 23.3% of the wives admitted to abusing their male partners . While similar studies show slightly different results, there is a consistent trend of about one in five women and one in five men suffering from domestic violence. Question: If this is true, why don't I hear about any men in hospital recovering from domestic violence? Answer: Although men and women are about as likely to use violence in the home, assaults by men are seven times more likely than women to cause injuries requiring medical treatment . Since men are generally stronger than women, it is unfortunately easy to understand why abuse by men towards women is so much more damaging. It is also this difference in strength which makes abused men virtually invisible, since only a small number of male abuse survivors require medical treatment.

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