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1. Committee For Public Counsel Services :: Index News. Important Notices; CAFL Newsletter; Legislative Highlights; Administration; Practice Areas. Criminal Defender Links; Public Defender Division; Private Counsel Division http://www.publiccounsel.net/Practice_Areas/Mental_Health/civil_mental_health_in | |
2. Mental_health_index [psych] Part of Art Therapy; See also Well Being. Heubeck, B., Neill, J. T. (2000). Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability of the Mental Health Inventory for Australian Adolescents. http://www.wilderdom.com/psych/doku.php?id=mental_health_index |
3. Internet Mental Health The 52 most common mental disorders, medications, news, recovery stories, links. http://www.mentalhealth.com/ |
4. Health & Wellness: Mental Health - Mental Illness Health Wellness Mental Health Mental health information center - Provides information and statistics about mental health problems related to substance abuse. , Mental illness http://health.holplus.com/Health/Mental-Health/index.html | |
5. Santé Mentale L Union europ enne (UE) pr sente initiatives et actions concernant ce sujet. http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/health_problems/mental_health/index_fr.htm | |
6. NIMH � Health Topics Lists NIMH information resources for mental health topics and outreach efforts. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/index.shtml | |
7. Application Of Two Risk Adjustment Techniques In Multi-Agency General WellBeing Schedule (GWB) General Well-Being Schedule (GWB) Positive Mental Health Index Positive Mental Health Index Instrument has good to excellent psychometric properties http://www.mhsip.org/mhstatpres/wayneowen.pdf |
8. A Mental Health Organization Combating The Stigma Of Mental Illness - The Carter Despite growing knowledge of how to diagnose and treat mental illnesses, myths and misperceptions about these disorders persist, leading to stigma and discrimination toward those http://www.cartercenter.org/health/mental_health/index.html |
9. Mental Health Association In NC, Inc. Notfor-profit association with 27 local affiliates throughout the state providing resources for consumers and professionals in the treatment and prevention of mental illness. http://www.mha-nc.org/ | |
10. A Simple Check-Up For Mental Health Psychology Today A test known as the Mental Health Index5 (MHI-5) is accurate and simple enough to be included in the standard check-up, finds recent research from Texas A M University http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200309/simple-check-mental-health |
11. Mental Health Division Resources and information for citizens about public mental health services in Washington State http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/mentalhealth/index.shtml | |
12. Artest Finds Purpose In Tackling Mental-health Awareness | NBA.com Ron Artest is promoting mentalhealth awareness. Lakers forward Ron Artest is auctioning off his championship ring to benefit mental-health issues. http://www.nba.com/2010/news/features/scott_howard_cooper/09/08/artest.mental.he | |
13. Discovery Health "Mental Health" Mental Health articles address mental disorders and general mental health issues, such as stress. Learn about mental health issues and their effects. http://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health | |
14. The Psychiatric Contents Mental Health Index. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD) Autism and Asperger's Disorder; Bipolar Disorder in Children; Brain Injury http://www.childadvocate.net/psychiatric_toc.htm | |
15. NIMH � Child And Adolescent Mental Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Many mental disorders have their beginnings in childhood or adolescence. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/child-and-adolescent-mental-health/index.s | |
16. Wyoming Department Of Health Mental Health Division . Wyoming Expertise in Washington Rodger McDaniel testifying before the Senate hearing. May 8, 2007 Senator Mike Enzi called on Rodger McDaniel, Deputy http://health.wyo.gov/mentalhealth/index.html |
17. Centre For Public Mental Health Mental Health Resources. www.mentalhealthobservatory.org.uk. www.childhealthmapping.org.uk http://www.dur.ac.uk/mental.health/index.php | |
18. Screening For Mental Health - Home Organization dedicated to coordinating nationwide mental health screening programs and to ensure cooperation, professionalism, and accountability in mental illness screenings http://mentalhealthscreening.org/ | |
19. Mental Health Index Mental Health Index, featuring mental health news, mental health photos, mental health blogs, mental health articles, mental health videos, mental health shopping, mental http://www.fostermyhealth.com/mental-health/ | |
20. Alameda County Mental Health Board The Alameda County Mental Health Board has a commitment to ensure that the County's Behavioral Health Care Services provide quality care, which treats http://www.acgov.org/board/mentalhealth/index.htm |
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