UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - AFRICAN STUDIES CENTER K-12 On-line Resources for Teaching Editor: Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, Ph.D. Previous Menu Home Page What's New ... Country Specific For Teachers: - Based on the project's CD-ROM, the site contains information on106 African peoples, profiles of 27 African countries and an online searchable Catalogue of the Stanley Collection of Africa Art (with images and descriptions of over 500 items). For 47 le sson plans from K-12 teachers in Iowa based on the CD-ROM
Teaching about Africa Lesson plan from "Ask Eric". Suggestions, art, language, music, bibliography Continent of Africa Museum-oriented. Objectives: previsits, on-site activities, and follow-up activities and for helping students to make broader generalizations about the history of their community, their state and their country. . Grade: 7-12 Explore the Word's Newest Contry! A bunch of web sites can help to keep you and your students current on news about the world's newest country, the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). Deep in the Bush Teachers in grades K-8 can use folktales to bring Africa alive in their classrooms. The site, developed by teacher Phillip Martin while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa, includes lesson plans, the folktales, plays, African r ecipes, links to other African resources, and ideas for students to create and produce their own plays. | |