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41. Michigan Genealogy | Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=54113196878 |
42. Michigan Genealogy Societies Michigan Genealogy Society Directory. Links for all the genealogy societies and historical societies in Michigan. Find the Michigan Historical or Genealogical society in the http://www.censusfinder.com/michigan-genealogy-society.htm | |
43. Michigan Genealogy Queries Search and post genealogy queries for Michigan 1. HARPER MCNEIL I am searching for information on the parents of my Great grandfather, George P. McNeil. http://www.cousinconnect.com/p/a/1023 | |
44. Michigan Genealogy - Michigan Birth Records. Michigan Family Search Page. Michigan Genealogy, Michigan Birth Records, Michigan Marriage Records, Michigan Death Records, Michigan Census Records and Michigan Genealogy Databases. Genealogy for Michigan http://www.genealogy.org/state.asp?state=MI |
45. Michigan State Genealogy Links - MI StateGenSites Search for Genealogy in Michigan State. The StateGenSites database gives visitors websites in 27 different categories. http://www.genealogytoday.com/genealogy/states/michigan.html | |
46. Western Michigan Genealogical Society Online Searchable Database Obituary Obitua WMGS is a Generations Network Affiliate. A portion of Ancestry Subscriptions purchased after clicking the link below will benefit Western Michigan Genealogy. http://data.wmgs.org/ | |
47. Michigan Genealogy Links: Over 450 Links - MI Geneology over 450 genealogy links for Michigan including ships passenger lists, censuses, military records, cemetery transcriptions http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/michigan/ | |
48. Michigan Genealogy- Jolene Kelly Pillars, New Page 1 Search billions of records on Ancestry.com http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jkpillars/genealogy.htm | |
49. Michigan Genealogy Forum Next Page Page Listings All Messages. William A. Bryce b. 1834 Marvin Kusmierz 10/24/10. Phyllis and Antonio Militello Family - Debbie Digilormo 10/23/10 http://genforum.genealogy.com/mi/ | |
50. Michigan Genealogy - Looking 4 Kin Genealogy & Family History Network & Chat This group is dedicated to helping people with researching their ancestors in Michigan. Can you help by offering tips, suggestions or lookups? Do you have theā¦ http://looking4kin.ning.com/group/michigangenealogy | |
51. Michigan Genealogy Search online databases for your ancestors* * Subscription may be required. Free trial available in some cases. Search Michigan State Records on Footnote.com http://www.mycinnamontoast.com/perl/results.cgi?region=1023&sort=n |
52. Michigan Genealogy Naturalization Records Home Resources Records Naturalization Naturalization. Naturalization, the way in which an immigrant ancestor became a U.S. citizen, was accomplished in two http://michigan.genealogystuff.com/naturalization.html | |
53. Michigan Genealogy | MI Family History, Vital Records, & Free Resources Michigan Genealogy Family History. This is a listing of LDS Family History Centers generated from data sent by users like you. It is not a complete list of Family History http://www.archives.com/resources/state/michigan-genealogy/ |
54. Chippewa County Michigan Genealogy & History My name is Christine Walters , your County Coordinator for Chippewa County. Welcome to the Upper Peninsula , that unique part of Michigan that is so special, in so many http://genealogytrails.com/mich/chippewa/ | |
55. Bay County Michigan MIGenWeb Site Database of genealogical and historical information. http://www.mifamilyhistory.org/bay/ | |
56. Manistee, Michigan Genealogy Resources Genealogy Search in Manistee. Vital Records for Manistee, Michigan Vital records information, coming soon http://www.gendir.com/locales/2369 | |
57. Antrim County Michigan Genealogy The land of the free the home of the brave. God Bless America! Antrim County, in the north west corner of Michigan's lower peninsula was formed March 8, 1843 from its http://www.online-isp.com/~maggie/antrim/ | |
58. Hillsdale County, Michigan Genealogy Links - Geneology genealogy links for Hillsdale county including census records,military records,cemeteries,birth, marriage, death records.. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/michigan/hillsdale.htm | |
59. VanBuren County Michigan DeHaven Reunion Decatur, Michigan about 1907 Photo sent to me by Marcia DeHaven Can anyone identify any of the people? Van Buren Co., MIGenWeb Project http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mivanbur/Mivanbur.html | |
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