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61. NERC - Gane The Natural Environment Research Council s Global Nitrogen Enrichment (GANE) research programme. Project details and contact information for many projects relating directly and indirectly to soil microbiology. http://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/programmes/gane/ | |
62. ISO 7251:1993 - Microbiology -- General Guidance For Enumeration Of Presumptive ISO 72511993 Microbiology General guidance for enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli Most probable number technique. General information http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=13905 |
63. Environmental Microbiology Researchers are studying the microbiological transformations of contaminants in the environment. http://www.receto.dk/Research/Environmental-Microbiology.aspx | |
64. Microbiology - General Guidance For Microbiological Examinations | International This International Standard gives general instructions for carrying out microbiological examinations in accordance with specific standards. The purpose of this International http://www.icc.or.at/standard_methods/206 | |
65. PathCon Laboratories - Home Offers consultancy services in microbiology, epidemiology, public health and clinical microbiology, and laboratory services including microbiological analyses of air and other environmental samples from both office and industrial-type settings. http://www.pathcon.com/ | |
66. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY GENERAL MEETING. 109TH 2009. ABSTRACTS Proceedings of a meeting held 1819 May 2009, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.proceedings.com/06509.html | |
67. Home Of CELLS Alive! Good general microbiology information, with images and videos. http://www.cellsalive.com/ |
68. Microbiology/general MRCP part II Save Count represents the number of people who have saved this card set to their flashcard list. http://www.flashcardexchange.com/flashcards/view/1356851 |
69. Microbiology Microbes Bacteria Information And Links This site links to an enormous amount of microbiology articles and information. http://www.microbes.info |
70. Jobs.co.za | Microbiology/general Lab Technician Job Advert Details | Jobs In So Jobs.co.za, Microbiology/general Lab Technician Job Advert Details. Jobs in South Africa. Microbiology/general Lab Technician Required. R11 000 + large company benefits http://www.jobs.co.za/job-seekers/jobs/21886/microbiologygeneral-lab-technician | |
71. MicrobeLibrary: Premier Visual Resources And Protocols Used In Teaching Microbio Contains visual and curricular resources of use to teachers of microbiology. http://www.microbelibrary.org/ | |
72. The Times Microbial Blog by Tim Sampson who takes a look at recent developments in the world of microbiology. http://www.phagehunter.org/ |
73. The Journal Of Virology American Society for Microbiology journal which covers all aspects of virology http://jvi.asm.org/ |
74. The Journal Of Bacteriology American Society of Microbiology journal covering all aspects of bacteriology http://jb.asm.org/ |
75. KTH | BB2100 Microbiology, General Course 9.0 credits At present this course is not scheduled to be offered. Homepage of the course ; Learning outcomes. After passing the course, the student should be able to http://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/BB2100?l=en |
76. Microbiology. A Resource For Research Microbiologists A comprehensive collection of links for microbiologists. http://www.horizonpress.com/gateway/micro.html | |
77. AutoAdvisor - Programs - Biological And Biomedical Sciences - Microbiology, Gene Home Programs - Biological and Biomedical Sciences - Microbiology, General My Advisor; Occupations; Programs. Areas; Biological and Biomedical Sciences http://vcc.asu.edu/autoadvisor/Programs/26/Biological_and_Biomedical_Sciences/05 | |
78. American Society For Microbiology General Meeting : The Lancet Infectious Diseas American Society for Microbiology General Meeting. By John McConnell http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(08)70139-7/fullte |
79. Microbiology Webbed Out Timothy Paustian from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has created an excellent microbiology textbook. http://www.bact.wisc.edu/microtextbook/index.html |
80. Most Popular Schools For General Microbiology Major & Degree Program This list indicates the number of students enrolled in Microbiology, General at the schools above. It is not necessarily an indicator of academic rigor or quality of education. http://www.stateuniversity.com/program/26-0502/Microbiology-General |
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