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         New Jersey Education General:     more books (100)
  1. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  2. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  3. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  4. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  5. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  6. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  7. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  8. Annual report of the New Jersey State Board of Education
  9. Governor's Message Transmitting Report Of The Commission On Industrial Education: To The Senate And General Assembly Of The State Of New Jersey, To Which ... Report By Commissioner George C. Tennant
  10. Report Of The Commission On Industrial Education Submitted To The Senate And General Assembly Of The State Of New Jersey In Accordance With Joint Resolution No. 11, Approved April 14, 1908
  11. Report of the Commission On Industrial Education Submitted to the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey in Accordance with Joint Resolution No. 11, Approved April 14, 1908
  12. New Jersey Education in Perspective 2003-2004 by Kathleen O'Leary Morgan, 2003-09
  13. New Jersey Education in Perspective 2008-09
  14. Report of the Committee on education transmitting to the One hundred and forty-third session of the New Jersey Legislature the findings, judgments and ... study and revision of the state school law

21. Mathcounts-NJ
Full details about the program, results, and rules and upcoming events for New Jersey teams and sponsors.
2009-2010 MathCounts Program Chapter Competitions: February 6, 2010 SNOW DATES ALL REGIONS
February 13, 2009 MERCER: FEBRUARY 20, 2010 State Competition:
March 13, 2010 Somerset Holiday Inn Hotel
2007 Competition Results
2007 National Competition FORT WORTH, TX May 12, 2007 Wenyu Cao of Belle Mead, New Jersey placed second in individual overall competition. The New Jersey team placed third, to Texas. The eighth-grader from First Colony Middle School competed against 227 other middle school students in this prestigious competition, hosted by Lockheed Martin, a MATHCOUNTS National Sponsor �Congratulations to each of these students on their amazing accomplishments,� said E. Bruce Lawson, Chairman of the MATHCOUNTS Foundation. �These Mathletes, and all of their counterparts around the nation, deserve our praise and acknowledgement of their talent and dedication. MATHCOUNTS is honored to support the efforts of U.S. middle school students to develop strong mathematical abilities.� Student representatives of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Department of Defense and State Department schools worldwide participated in the Lockheed Martin MATHCOUNTS National Competition. The top four students in each state competition in March earned the honor of forming a team and advancing to today�s culmination of the MATHCOUNTS competition.

22. Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission
Public institution providing a range of educational services to students of all ages in Monmouth and Ocean counties. Program overviews and contact details.

23. PSK12
Offers rankings and ratings of K-12 schools based on data from the New Jersey Statewide Assessment Reports. Also offers educational news links. Dated results are free, current results by subscription.

24. New Jersey Department Of Education
View school report cards, issued by the state of New Jersey. Rates various points of the school, such as attendance, teacher degree level, and computer use.
NJ Home Services A to Z Departments/Agencies FAQs
Search: All of NJ NJ DOE NJDOE Home NCLB School, District, and State Reports The federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act has imposed specific accountability and reporting requirements on states. The NCLB reports present school-, district-, and state-level information in those areas mandated by NCLB, which are as follows: status regarding Adequate Yearly Progress; information on highly qualified teachers; attendance and dropout data; and assessment data that has incorporated all of the conditions mandated under NCLB for meeting federally approved proficiency levels. The results displayed on NCLB Reports are based on the state assessment data with the NCLB conditions applied. Additionally, the NCLB data incorporates the data appeals submitted by districts/schools that have been granted by the NJDOE. Therefore, the data in the NCLB Reports may be different from the data displayed on the NJ School Report Cards. New Jersey School Report Card The annual New Jersey School Report Card is required under a 1995 state law. It presents thirty-five fields of information for each school in the following categories: school environment, students, student performance indicators, staff, and district finances. The assessment results displayed on the New Jersey School Report Cards are based on the state assessment data without any NCLB conditions applied. Therefore, the assessment data in the NJ School Report Card may be different from the assessment data displayed on the

25. Durand Academy & Community Services
Offers day school, group homes and adult training services for special needs students at locations in central and southern New Jersey. Donations, directions, employment.

26. Rainbow Academy � A Family Of Child Care Centers
Provides a full-day, year-round program for children 6 weeks through 10 years of age. Locations in Brick, Cranford, Edison, North Brunswick, Rutherford, Summit, Whippany, Woodbridge, and Iselin.

Terms and Conditions
Site Map
Terms and Conditions
Site Map

27. New Jersey Association For Gifted Children
Meeting schedules, message boards, member directories, and resource links.

28. NJSBA Home Page
Meeting schedules, board member directories, news, and details of labor relations, legal, and training services.
NJSBA Questions Need for Administrator Salary Caps (11/9) ... read 29% of Schools 'In Need of Improvement' (11/9) ... read School Board Notes: Panel to Recommend Teacher Evaluations System (11/3) ... read Newsroom School Board Notes Daily Clips ... Delegate Assembly Registration
Register online for November 20, 2010 Delegate Assembly The 2010 - 2011 $2000 Service Credit
NJSBA is offering a $2000 service credit for training and services. Learn more. Waiting for Superman
Documentary will prompt debate and challenge school boards that want to keep the issues in context. New Board Member Orientation Training Dates
Ask your Business Administrator to register you now for mandated New Board Member Orientation training. Register Now for Mandated Training
Download the registration form to register for the upcoming Mandated Training programs. SUBSCRIPTIONS Sign In AMPSA Negotiations Advisor PERC Index School Law Decisions Enrollment
COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS Find your local County Association Atlantic Bergen Burlington Camden Cape May Cumberland Essex

29. Foreign Language Educators Of New Jersey — Welcome To FLENJ
The non-profit foreign language organization that represents all New Jersey world language educators.
Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey
Signin Contact NJDOE ... NJ Resources
FLENJ, a professional organization that promotes excellence in world languages education by advancing policy and practice
World Language Makes News
Read More
Become A Member
Interested in becoming a member of FLENJ? Click below to find out more. Read More
FLENJ Advocacy
STAND UP FOR LANGUAGES, STAND UP FOR NJ KIDS! The FLENJ Advocacy page has resources for members to use as they promote their world languages programs with boards of education, administrators, and community members. Consider giving testimony at the State Board of Education Meetings. Write to your state legislators. Send postcards to district officials. Read More
Whats new in the E-Verse forum?
HoLa, a new elementary school that will open with grades K-2 in September 2010, is seeking a Principal/Director. HoLa will offer a traditional core curriculum through instruction in both Spanish and English to children of all language backgrounds. The school will utilize the established Two-Way Immersion approach to dual language education with a range of opportunities for creative expression and experiential learning. Students will become bilingual and biliterate in a culturally diverse and nurturing environment. Read More
News From The Profession
Click below to get updates from other World Language Associations Read More
2010-2011 Profesional Development Schedule
FLENJ is proud to announce our upcoming Professional Development schedule.

30. NJASP Homepage
Committee directories, conference schedules, job openings, and resource links.
New Jersey Association
School Psychologists
Member Access
    Mailing List
    Executive Board Dates - 2010
    November 18
    January 13
    March 10
    April 14
    Please note all meetings will be held at the NJEA Office unless otherwise noted.
    180 West State St. Trenton, NJ 08067
    Meeting Time: 5:30 - 9:30
    Click here for Directions
    If you would like to attend a board meeting, please email Karen Abrams
    You will need the Adobe Acrobat reader for PDF Files. You can download it free here
    NJASP Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 4069
    Hamilton, NJ 08610
    Online Conference Registration
    November 8, 2010
    The online registration for the 2010 Winter Conference is now active. You can register for the conference here Please Note:
    There has been a change to the BRIEF presentation. We are excited to announce that Dr. Peter Isquith, author of the BRIEF will be presenting for us. This will be a full day session which will include evaluating executive functions using the BRIEF and other assessment tools in the morning with the afternoon session discussing case study and intervention. You may still choose to participate in either the am or pm session.
    Part-time School Psychology Position
    November 4, 2010

31. New Jersey Science Teachers Association
Provides legislative contacts, an event schedule, lesson plans, and newsletter archive.
  • Home Resources About NJSTA Membership ... Strategic Plan of Action cssdropdown.startchrome("chromemenu") Welcome The New Jersey Science Teachers Association (NJSTA) mission is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.
    The vision of the Association is to excite, empower and energize all science teachers in the State of New Jersey. NJSTA strives to support and recognize science educators at all levels for their dedication and professionalism, advocates high quality science instruction in varied and diverse settings and through leadership and service seeks to generate and promote public interest in science and science education for all.
    • Be sure to visit the new NJSTA Online Store If you check-out the Featured Web Sites to the right, you will be amazed at the dozens of great ideas, activities and interesting information you will find through a multitude of vetted sites. Go there!
    The NJSTA involves students and science educators in the sponsored or co-sponsored functions; Chemistry Day, Physics Olympics, Physics Exploratorium, Odyssey of the Mind, Biology Essay Contest, Science Expo, Merck State Science Day, Junior Academy of Sciences, Science League, Science Olympiad, and numerous other educational activities.

32. New Jersey School Buildings And Grounds Association
Oversees the maintenance and operation of school facilities. Includes an email newsgroup, membership forms, scholarship details, and announcements.
New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association P.O. Box 294 West Milford, N.J. 07480 ** PROFESSIONALS DEDICATED TO THE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN'S SECOND HOME**
New 10/18/10 Member Downloads Upcoming IPM Training Classes Rutgers Integrated Pest Management Link ... Web E-Mail Login - Sign in here to retrieve your E-Mail
Introduction :
The New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association has a membership of approximately 360 Facility Management Professionals. The Association was formed in Bergen County in 1952 and has extended throughout the State of New Jersey. Members of the Association are currently employed by Public and Private School Systems, and hold the positions of Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Facility Managers and Director of Operations.
An Educational Facility Manager is typically responsible for the following : Budget Development and Implementation, Long Range Planning, Capital Improvements, Preventative Maintenance and Housekeeping, Grounds Maintenance, Environmental Regulation Compliance, Health and Safety Code Compliance, State Department of Education Facility Code Compliance, Employee Training, Risk Assessment, PEOSHA Regulation Compliance and Transportation.
Mission Statement:
The Members of the New Jersey School Buildings and Grounds Association agree to :
A. Achieve excellence by promoting the Certified Educational Facility Manager Program. This program will elevate membership status through education and training, there by enabling the individual to better serve his or her School District.

Organized to discuss issues that are important to the two-year colleges, such as transferability of credits to universities. Page includes list of members, events, and newsletter (in pdf format).
Mathematics Association of
Two Year Colleges of New Jersey
Mathematics takes us into the region of absolute necessity, to which not only the actual world, but every possible world, must conform,
Bertrand Russell
MATYCNJ, Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges of New Jersey, was started in the summer of 1973 by the community college participants of an NSF funded summer workshop held at Middlesex County College. These educators decided to form a state organization for two-year college mathematics faculty of New Jersey and to meet on a monthly basis. From that time, a meeting was held each month at a different two-year college around the state. The early goals of the organization were to look at the various college's curricula to try to achieve uniformity among the colleges, and to improve transferability of two-year college courses to the four year colleges. Today, MATYCNJ has more than 110 members representing 19 community/county colleges in NJ. Membership is open to faculty, learning/lab assistants, and students. The MATYCNJ Newsletter is published twice a year. The organization has two regular meetings, one in the fall and one in the spring. These meetings are held at different two-year colleges around the state. Both local and nationally known speakers are invited to present at these meetings. Workshops on the latest technology, such as HP48G, TI-92 and TI-83 graphing calculators, are held during these meetings. Issues and topics relevant to two-year college educators are discussed formally, by means of panels consisting of faculty from around the state and informally, at the refreshment breaks during the meetings.

34. Sacred Heart School - File Missing
Lyndhurst, New Jersey. Educational programs for students in grades pre-K through eight. Provides information on the events, curriculum, policies and operations of the school.
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