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         New Jersey Family Resources:     more detail
  1. Family planning in New Jersey;: Current services & resources and need for expansion by John W Jordan, 1971
  2. City Wedding, 3rd Edition: A Guide to the Best Bridal Resources in New York, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey & Connecticutt (City and Company) by Joan Hamburg, 2006-01-10
  3. Peer Leadership: A Human Relations Process To Reduce Substance Abuse And Improve School climate by Thomas Turney Supervisor of Social ScienceRoselle Park School DistrictNew JerseyUSA., 1994-06-01
  4. The Reichmanns: Family, Faith, Fortune, and the Empire of Olympia & York by Anthony Bianco, 1998-10-20
  5. An everyname index to Some descendants of James McCain Sr. of Somerset County, New Jersey,: Compiled by Mabel McFatridge-McCloskey, 1952 by Ann Burton, 1999
  6. Housing the single-parent family: A resource and action handbook by Mary Lou Pettit, 1987
  7. Evaluation of the dissemination of Family Connections for the Laboratory Network Program (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:374955) by Susan T. Danin, 1993
  8. Personal and family finances: A resource guide for teaching by Denise M Matejic, 1979
  9. Irvington Public Library final performance report for Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Title VI : Library Literacy Program (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:416873) by U.S. Dept of Education, 1994
  10. HIV and AIDS in children: Questions & answers by Nancy Lerner-Weiss, 1999

1. New Horizons Un-Limited: Community And Internet Resources On Down Syndrome
New Jersey Family Resources Associates Down Syndrome Support Group is a New Jersey nonprofit agency located in Shrewsbury, NJ that offers services and a center for families with
New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
Community and Internet Resources
Community: Support Groups and Disability Specific Organizations Down Syndrome
National is an online social network for families of those with down syndrome. Share your child's accomplishments, learn from others, educate your community. Down Syndrome On-Line offers a range of information resources and online services to the international Down syndrome community published by Down Syndrome Education International, a leading international charity dedicated to advancing the understanding of effective ways of help the development and education of people with Down syndrome. This site offers a comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date range of information, resources and services for families, practitioners and researchers caring for, supporting and investigating Down syndrome. For more information, visit their website. National Association for Down Syndrome provides critical counseling and support for parents of newly diagnosed infants with Down syndrome as well as advocacy, and information and referral services. In addition, NADS sponsors conferences and educational programs for parents and professionals. Their website features a number of helpful resources, the latest news and legislative updated as well as an informative fact sheet on Down Syndrome. For more information, visit their website or call (800) 221-4602. National Down Syndrome Congress National Down Syndrome Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the awareness and acceptance of people with Down syndrome. They focus on education, research and advocacy by distributing timely and informative materials, encouraging and supporting the activities of local parent support groups, sponsoring conferences and scientific symposia and undertaking major systems advocacy efforts. Their website features an Advocacy Center that empowers people with Down syndrome and their families to take action on the issues that affect their lives as well as current news and events. For more information, call (800) 221-4602.

2. New Horizons Un-Limited: Community And Internet Resources On Community And Famil
New Jersey Family Resources Associates is a New Jersey nonprofit agency located in Shrewsbury, NJ that offers services and a center for families with infants, children, adolescents
New Horizons Un-Limited Inc.
Community and Internet Resources
Community: Family Resources: Disability Specific: ... Intellectual/Developmental Disability
Community: Family Resources: Disability Specific: Intellectual/Developmental Disability offers family resources for children and adults with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities, their families and caregivers. For Family Resources for general or all disabilities, visit Community: Family Resources New Horizons Un-limited is not endorsing and assumes no responsibility in guaranteeing the products, services, programs or conditions as described. If you are interested in a resource listed below, call or contact the resource to verify the current situation. Evaluate the information, analyze your unique circumstances, use your best judgment and make your own decisions when using the information. Before making any change, consult your health care professional.
State Listings
Mat-Su Services for Children and Adults, Inc. (MSSCA) is a non-profit corporation serving the Mat-Su Borough of Alaska. MSSCA offers a Family Support program, which supports individuals with developmental disabilities and their families so that personal and / or family crisis can be averted or minimized. In support of this program they offer information and referral, short term case management, crisis respite, advocacy and technical assistance. The Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (DMHDD) determines eligibility for this program. For more information, call (907) 352-1200 or e-mail

3. New Jersey Family Dentists & New Jersey Family Dental Services At New - Jersey -
needs, is your once source for New Jersey Family dentists, New Jersey Family businesses, New Jersey Family dental services and New Jersey Family resources
New Jersey Family
Dentist Directory :: New Jersey Family Dentists New Search NJ Dentists Submit a Site Browse by Service: Browse by Counties: Related Topics: New Jersey Family Dentists Below you will find a list of New Jersey Dentists,
dental services and Services to Family. New Jersey Family Dentists Results: Allyson K. Hurley DDS, MAGD, AACD 'Cosmetic-Restorative Dentist. Only Woman in NJ that is ACCREDITED in the AACD and earned her MASTER�S in the AGD. Where Technical and Artistic Excellence are One!' Listed Under: Cosmetic, Family, Implant, Prosthodontic, Laser, $$HEADING8$$ 585 Main Street
Chatham, New Jersey 07928 Tel: 973-635-0698 Fax: 973-635-1590 Visit our website at: Scott D.Galkin DMD Providing Complete Orthodontic care for Adults and Children. Honoring all Dental and Union Insurance. We also offer convenient monthly payment plans. Se Habla Espanol. Listed Under: Orthodontic, Family, General, $$HEADING8$$

4. Somerset County, NJ
Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders 20 Grove Street, P.O. Box 3000 Somerville, NJ 088761262 Main Switchboard 908-231-7000

5. Department Of Human Services
New Jersey Department of Human Services Serving more than one million of New Jersey's most vulnerable citizens, DHS serves individuals and families with low incomes; people with
NJ Home Services A to Z Departments/Agencies FAQs Search All of NJ This Site
DHS Home
About DHS FY Budget DHS Services A to Z ... Get Involved with DHS: Employment, DHS Police, Nurses, Public Boards/Councils
Serving more than one million of New Jersey's most vulnerable citizens, DHS serves individuals and families with low incomes; people with mental illnesses, disabilities or special needs; and parents needing children’s healthcare, child care or facing catastrophic medical expenses for their children. Commissioner DHS Central Registry IOC Stakeholder Letter Contract Amendments Featuring
You will need to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to correctly view and print PDF (Portable Document Format) files. News / Events More - Central Registry of Offenders against Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Effect TRENTON – Department of Human Services (DHS) Commissioner Jennifer Velez today announced that the law signed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on April 30, 2010 establishing a “Central Registry of Offenders against Individuals with Developmental Disabilities” within DHS, goes into effect today. 
Press Release
- Martone chosen president of National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
WASHINGTON –Recognized for his diligence in improving and expanding programs that help people recover from mental illness, New Jersey Department of Human Services Deputy Commissioner Kevin Martone this week was elected president of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors  (NASMHPD.) Martone, who has received state and national recognition for his accomplishments in New Jersey, was chosen to lead NASMHPD during an annual conference of his peers from each state.  NASMHPD represents the state mental health agencies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

6. Sunny Days New Jersey :: Family Resources
We hope you will find the various articles, links, and downloadable documents helpful to you and your family.

7. Sunny Days New Jersey :: Family Resources :: Downloads
Sunny Days Early Childhood Developmental Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

8. Resources
NJ PCORE 3836 Quakerbridge Road Suite 108 Hamilton, NJ 08619 Phone 609588 New Jersey Family Resources

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