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21. New York State School Boards Association An organization of the states school boards. http://www.nyssba.org |
22. New York School Of Dog Grooming, New York Dog Grooming School Offers basic and advanced courses. Contains an online application form and a photo gallery. Located in Manhattan. http://www.nysdg.com | |
23. Amherst Central School District - Schools - Amherst Central School District Amherst, New York. General school information. http://amherstschools.org/schools.cfm?subpage=12852 |
24. RIT News Includes releases, newsletter, podcasts and videos from the New York school. http://www.rit.edu/news/ | |
25. BBC News | EDUCATION | New York Schools Return Most New York schools are now open again, with alternative arrangements for those most affected by the World Trade Center attacks. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/1548736.stm | |
26. Mt. Pleasant Police D.A.R.E. Program (New York) Introduces program that is integral part of health education in the Mt. Pleasant, New York schools. http://www.angelfire.com/ny/mppdnydare/ | |
27. NYSORA - The New York School Of Regional Anesthesia Featuring an overview of techniques and principles of regional anesthesia as taught and practiced at the Department of Anesthesiology at St. Luke s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY. http://www.nysora.com |
28. Graphic Art School: Art Education School In New York, The School Of Visual Arts Official web site. http://www.sva.edu/ | |
29. St. William Of York School - Proud Heritage Catholic pre-kindergarten through eighth grade school in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Site offers information for prospective and current students, teachers and parents including class projects and curriculum. http://www.stwilliamofyorkschool.org/ | |
30. Abstract Expressionism — FactMonster.com Brief article about the movement, also called also called action painting and the New York school. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/ent/A0802228.html | |
31. Mark Rothko - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Encyclopedia article about the abstract expressionist artist who was a founding member of the New York School. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Rothko | |
32. Real Estate Classes - NYC | NY Real Estate Licensing | Manhattan | Brooklyn | Qu New York school offers courses in real estate, appraisals, mortgage, insurance, home inspections, property management. Locations in Brooklyn and Queens. http://www.reedc.com |
33. NYS School For The Blind : Special Education : P-12 : NYSED Providing high quality education to visually impaired children who have multiple disabilities. http://www.vesid.nysed.gov/specialed/nyssb/home.html | |
34. New York School For The Deaf Providing educational programs that meet the varied needs of deaf and hearing impaired infants, students (K-12) and their parents. White Plains. http://www.nysd.k12.ny.us/ |
35. Pike Delta Schools Home of the Panthers. Includes information about the administration, calendar and links to schools. http://www.pdy.k12.oh.us/ |
36. Library - CUNY School Of Law Queens College http://www.law.cuny.edu/library/ | |
37. The York School A small private school in Toronto offering classes from pre-kindergarten to grade 12. http://www.yorkschool.com/ | |
38. Jefferson County Schools - Jefferson County, New-York Schools - USCounties.com List of secondary schools in Jefferson County, New York http://www.uscounties.com/New-York/Jefferson-County/schools.html | |
39. Westchester County School Music Association A county unit of the New York State School Music Association and the Music Educators National Conference. Provides listings of upcoming music festivals and events. http://www.wcsma.org/ | |
40. NorthEast New York - SchoolJobs.org Non-profit site lists positions in school districts located in the Northeast region of New York State. Includes email addresses for each school district. http://neny-schooljobs.org | |
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