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1. Newsgroups - Resources This is your spot to discuss Corel software, how you're using it, what you've created, and provide us feedback on what features you'd like to see in future versions. http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Content/1152796556333 |
2. Setup Error Message: Failed To Register C:\Program Files\Common Files\designer\M NET (7, 7.1, 8, ) issues only, so, your Visual Basic 6 question is an offtopic here and this isn't the best place to ask it, here is a list of forums, newsgroups, resources and http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vblanguage/thread/47a7f881-9559-49 | |
3. Ostomy Supplies And Ostomy Information Ostomy, Ileostomy, and Stoma information including links for newsgroups, resources and supplies. http://www.medicalsupplies-elite.com/index.html | |
4. Newsgroups - Resources - Education Resource - StudySphere Education Portal, Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver education http://www.studysphere.com/education/Reference-Newsgroups-Resources-1759.html |
5. IE4 Central > Resources IE4 Central Covering the best browser on the net. Includes news, software, reviews, links, features, FAQs, and more. http://www.barkers.org/ie/ie-resources.html | |
6. EriksRailNews.com Includes a searchable archive, today s press releases and other information from rail organisations, as well as links to rail news, newsgroups, and resource sites. http://eriksrailnews.com/ | |
7. Connections: Newsgroups Resources From Connections English Home Page Allyn Bacon Home Page. ab_webmaster@abacon.com 1997 Allyn Bacon Newsgroups Resources from Connections We believe that newsgroups provide one of the most http://www.abacon.com/connections/resources/connect.newsgroups.html | |
8. How To Find The Right Place To Post (FAQ) Keywords newusers help newsgroups resources newbie news URL http//www.cs.ruu.nl/wais/html/nadir/finding-groups/general.html Archive-name finding-groups/general Last-Modified http://www.faqs.org/faqs/finding-groups/general/ |
9. NEWSGROUPS RESOURCES Newsgroups Resources on the Internet 15Minutes Slide Shows Relating to Newsgroups from Internic What is a Mailing List? — http//rs.internic.net/cgi-bin/15min/mkmodule.cgi http://www.wisdomportal.com/Newsgroups.html | |
10. Science In The News, Science In The News Ask Me Newsgroups Resources Search News Login Athletics Bookstore Facilities Governance Human Resources IET Material Management Plaza Kwantlen Home Webmaster http://plaza.kwantlen.bc.ca/sites/sciences.nsf/pages/Science in the News | |
11. Olympus Microscopy Resource Center | General Web Resources - Newsgroups Resource This site contains a listing of Internet news groups dedicated to various aspects of microscopy http://www.olympusmicro.com/primer/resources/newsgroups.html |
12. Theological Resource Links - Web Sites/ Military Chaplains Provides list of Catholic organizations, diocesan web sites, Catholic internet newsgroups, resources to help your parish created its own homepage. http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/theo99/theo1.htm | |
13. Newsgroups Resources : Computers : Web Resource : Newsgroups Authoritative active file Maintained by David Lawrence at isc.org. David has authorit http://ipaki.com/content/html/67/270.html |
14. Index Environmental Directories. Wetlands Shorelines. Water Pollution Water Quality. Environmental Newsgroups . Resources for NonProfit Organizations http://www.greenwest.net/psgp/ | |
15. MoneyWeb: Newsgroups:Resources Financial search directory, resource center and community. Free web sites, free email, free financial tools, free classifieds, chat, financial book club and much more. http://www.moneywebsearch.com/directory/Newsgroups/Resources/ | |
16. Genealogy On The Web Links Other People's Pages / Newsgroups / Resources by Geographical Area. Other People's Pages. Mike Chamber's Home Page Jack Chapman's Home Page Churchyard/Orr Family Museum http://www.mindspring.com/~dna/genealogy/links.html | |
17. Knowledge Base Menus - Knowledge Base Login is for authorized groups (e.g., UITS, OVPIT, and TCC) that need access to specialized Knowledge Base documents. Otherwise, simply use the Knowledge Base without logging in. http://kb.iu.edu/data/menu.html | |
18. VB 6 MDI Child Refresh/set Focus Issue So your Visual Basic 6 question is an offtopic here and this isn't the best place to ask it, here is a list of forums, newsgroups, resources and sites, to get an answer about your http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/Offtopic/thread/b04053a0-aa9c-4ca2-83d4 | |
19. Connections: Newsgroups English Home Page Allyn Bacon Home Page. ab_webmaster@abacon.com 1997 Allyn Bacon Newsgroups Resources and Information Resources from Connections http://www.abacon.com/connections/resources/newsgroups.html | |
20. E.Central - Extremely Useful Things - Useful Hotlinks Sports Parents Kids Games Just for Parents Kids' Stuff Newsgroups Resources X Denver Colorado Federal Government Online Directories Reference Desk http://www.ecentral.com/useful/useful.html | |
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