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         Norway Government:     more books (100)
  1. Constitutional government in Norway by James Alvin Storing, 1938
  2. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Concerning ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1995: 2862: No. 35) by Norway, 1995-06-14
  3. Division of work between the central and local governments and rules for grants-in-aid to local governments in Norway, Sweden, England and Wales, and Holland ... Municipal Government. Publications, new ser) by Kjeld Philip, 1948
  4. The political institutions and government of Norway, by Frank J Duffy, 1956
  5. The political institutions and government of Norway;: A survey by Frank J Duffy, 1953
  6. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Amending ... and (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1995: 2721: No. 1) by Norway, 1995-02-26
  7. The history of the ancient Scots. In three parts: I. Their origin and history, to the beginning of the ninth century. II. From the beginning of the ninth century to the end of the thirteenth. III. The Hebrides under the government of Norway.--Somerled.--Chiefs descended from Somerled
  8. Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government ... cod ; London, 15 March 1974 (Treaty series) by Great Britain, 1974
  9. A general survey of the development of cooperation among fishermen in Norway and methods by which the government has assisted the organizations by Aslak Aasbö, 1959
  10. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Concerning ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1995: 3111: No. 97)
  11. Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway relating to the ... Kingdom, London, 10 May 1976 (Treaty series) by Great Britain, 1977
  12. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Concerning ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1996: 3334: No. 71)
  13. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Concerning ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1995: 3131: No. 98)
  14. Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Amending ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1993: 2234: No. 15) by Great Britain, 1993-12-31

81. NATO - Brussels
The Norwegian Delegation to NATO, with policy papers and agreements.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs > ... Contact details Utenriksminister og forsvarsminister under møtet i Brussel 14. oktober
NATO ser fremover
14. oktober gikk NATOs felles utenriks- og forsvarsministermøte av stabelen i Brussel. Møtet markerte startskuddet for forhandlingene av NATOs nye strategiske konsept og er en viktig etappe på veien mot toppmøtet i Lisboa i november. Fra norsk side stilte utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre og forsvarsminister Grete Faremo. Les mer
Gearing up for a busy autumn season
The summer break is behind us and old and new colleagues at the Norwegian Delegation are gearing up for what seems to become an unusually hectic autumn season. Les mer
NATO supports defense reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Norway, Slovenia and the Netherlands are lead nations for a new NATO Trust Fund for the Resettlement of Discharged Ministry of Defense Personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fund was launched Friday in a signing ceremony at NATO Headquarters. Read more on NATO’s web site Les mer
Treaty on maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean signed today
Norway and Russia signed the treaty on maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean in Murmansk today. It was signed by Foreign Ministers Jonas Gahr Støre and Sergei Lavrov in the presence of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and President Dmitry Medvedev. “This is a historic milestone. The treaty resolves what for several decades remained the most important outst...

82. Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
With contact information for and an FAQ from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Riyadh.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A
UN calls on member states to stop executions
News and events The UN General Assembly today called on member states to establish a moratorium on executions as a step towards the abolition of the death penalty. Norway, in cooperation with a group of countries from all parts of the world, led the initiative, which was supported by 107 countries. Read more
Næringspraktikant ved ambassaden i Riyadh
Embassy Vi søker en praktikant for tidsrommet medio januar til juli 2011. Praktikanten vil inngå i ambassadens stab og få innsikt i Saudi-Arabia, Oman og Yemen, og Norges forhold til landene, samt en allsidig innføring i ambassadens næringsfremmende virksomhet. Read more
Politisk praktikant
Embassy Vi søker praktikant for tidsrommet januar 2011 til juli 2011. Praktikanten vil inngå i ambassadens stab og få en allsidig innføring i ambassadens drift med politiske og administrative arbeidsoppgaver. Praktikanten vil bla. ta del i ambassadens rapportvirksomhet. Ambassaden dekker Saudi-Arabia, Jemen og Oman. Read more
Deputy Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide visits Saudi-Arabia
News and events The Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister paid a visit to Riyadh on 19-20 October. Strengthening the bilateral relationship, regional and global security, energy and human rights were all issues on in his agenda.

83. United Nations - New York
Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations. Includes official Norwegian statements of policy.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... Informasjon på norsk Counsellor Svein Michelsen, point person on human rights at the Norway Mission (left), and Ambassador Morten Wetland (centre/right). Photo: Norway UN Mission/Emma K Lydersen
UN calls on member states to stop executions
The UN General Assembly has called on member states to establish a moratorium on executions as a step towards the abolition of the death penalty. Norway, in cooperation with a group of countries from all parts of the world, led the initiative, which was supported by 107 countries. Read more
Norway to serve on UN Women’s Executive Board
Norway has been elected to serve on the Executive Board of the UN’s new gender entity, UN Women. Iran was not elected, despite the fact that the Asian Group initially had nominated the country as one of ten to ten seats. In the last week before the vote, East Timor launched its candidacy thus becoming the eleventh Asian candidate. East Timor went on to beat Iran with 36 to 19 votes. Read more
Stoltenberg delivers report on climate change financing
Climate change financing is challenging, but feasible. That was the main message when Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg handed the final report of the High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Mr. Stoltenberg has been co-chairing the group with his Ethiopian counterpart, Meles Zenawi.

84. Mozambique - Maputo
Promoting development-friendly investment into Mozambique.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A August Sousa (EDM), Kjell Roland (NORFUND), Norwegian Ambassador to Mozambique Tove Bruvik Westberg, Carlos Yum (EDM), Fatima Arthur (EDM), Manuel Cuambe (EDM) and Einar Stenstadvold (SNPower). Photo: Thor Oftedal
Master cooperation agreement signed between SNPower and EDM
News and events Friday 29th of October a Master Cooperation Agreement was signed by EDM President Manuel Cuambe and SNPower’s Chief Executive Officer Einar Stenstadvold. Norwegian Ambassador Tove Bruvik Westberg and NORFUND managing Director Kjell Roland were present at the signing. Read more
Civil Society Seminar in Maputo 14-15 September
News and events The seminar presented success stories on how civil society has achieved political change in Mozambique, but also highlighted the many obstacles and frustrations encountered along the way in the dialogue with authorities. Also, the participants were challenged on their views on traditional beliefs and culture, such as the use of witchcraft and the practice of “lobolo”. The main objective of the ... Read more
First four Mozambican MA students graduate from University of Bergen
News and events On August 12th 2010, four Mozambican MA students graduated from the University of Bergen, two with Master’s Degrees in Physical Oceanography and two with Master’s Degrees in Chemical Oceanography.

85. Nigeria - Abuja
With comment about the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Nigeria, news releases, and related links and contacts.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A Members of the Nordic Energy Delegation on site visit to Gurara Multipurpose Project. The project is supplying water to Abuja as well as well as having a 3 x 10 MW power plant.
Sustainable Solutions for the Power Sector
News and events The Embassies of Norway, Finland and Sweden in Abuja, in cooperation with the Federal Ministries of Power, Water Resources and Environment in Nigeria, organized a Nordic Trade Delegation to Abuja from the 18th to the 22nd of October 2010. Read more
The Land of the Midnight Sun
Visit Norway In Northern Norway, the sun never sets during the summer months. Go on a midnight sun cruise, join a safari or play golf in the middle of the night. Read more
Nigeria – næringslivets samfunnsansvar
Norsk Notat om næringslivets samfunnsansvar i Nigeria. Les mer
Norwegian development policy adapting to change
News and events The last twenty years has witnessed a substantial decrease in global poverty. Hundreds of millions of people are experiencing an improvement in living standards. Today, nearly all children have access to primary education. The number of democracies in the world has doubled. The opportunities for sustainable global development are many. But so are the obstacles.   The fight against poverty ... Read more
Norsk Les mer
Visit Norway
Visit Norway Read more
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Weather in Oslo 16 November 18:00 - 17 November 00:00 Last updated: 16.November 10:30

86. Israel - Tel Aviv
Visas, contact information and Norwegian links.
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The Peace Prize Ceremony 2010 – media accreditation
News and events The Nobel Peace Prize 2010 will be awarded in the Oslo City Hall on Friday 10 December at 13:00 (CET). Read more
Liu Xiaobo is awarded 2010 Nobel Peace Prize
News and events The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo for his longstanding non-violent fight for human rights in China. Read more
Norway urges parties to continue Middle East peace talks
News and events The peace talks between Israel and the PLO have entered a critical phase now that Israel has decided not to extend its partial moratorium on the construction of settlements in the West Bank. “I urge Israel and the Palestinians to do their utmost to make it possible to continue the negotiations,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Read more
Pass - Overgang til biometri
Norsk Fra og med 7. april 2010 vil ambassaden ta i bruk nytt utstyr for opptak av biometriske data i forbindelse med passøknader. Les mer
Festivals to suit all tastes
News and events Norway hosts a great variety of popular festivals during the summer months, extending across the entire music spectrum, from the more classically-based Bergen International Festival to the modern Øya Festival in Oslo.

87. Jordan - Amman
Features information about Norway, news, and information about visas from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Jordan.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A The Nordic stand provided Norwegian and Icelandic waffles, Swedish meatballs and Finnish coffee. Photo: Thomas Ølberg
Thousands gathered at annual Diplomatic Charity Bazaar in Amman
News and events Norway participated Saturday in the annual International Diplomatic Bazaar in Amman. A joint Nordic stand provided visitors with traditional Swedish meatballs, Norwegian and Icelandic waffles and Finnish coffee. Read more
Studentpraktikant Amman, Jordan
News and events Ambassaden i Amman tilbyr en praktikantplass våren 2011 for tidsrommet 4. januar – 4. juli. Søknadsfrist er 15. november 2010 Read more
Liu Xiaobo is awarded 2010 Nobel Peace Prize
News and events The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo for his longstanding non-violent fight for human rights in China. Read more
Norway urges parties to continue Middle East peace talks
News and events The peace talks between Israel and the PLO have entered a critical phase now that Israel has decided not to extend its partial moratorium on the construction of settlements in the West Bank. “I urge Israel and the Palestinians to do their utmost to make it possible to continue the negotiations,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Read more
International Diplomatic Bazaar
News and events Come and shop the world in one day. Proceeds in support of the children of Mabarrat Um Al Hussein

88. Kenya - Nairobi
Information about the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kenya, and also about visas and about Norway.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A
Stronger focus on climate change in development policy
News and events The Norwegian Government will allocate NOK 27.1 billion (USD 4.6 billion) to the fight against poverty in 2011. Increased efforts to promote clean energy and support adaptation to climate change will put a stronger focus on climate change. Read more
Norway to assist African coastal states
News and events Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim has signed an agreement with six countries in Africa that will help them to gain jurisdiction over their own oil and gas resources. Read more
Ambassaden i Nairobi: Påminnelse om sikkerhet til norske borgere i Kenya
Norsk På bakgrunn av de 2 eksplosjonene i Uhuruparken i Nairobi sentrum den 13. Juni 2010, vil ambassaden gjerne få minne om det gjeldende reiserådet, ambassadens anbefalinger for norske borgere i Kenya, samt om våre råd om generell sikkerhet. Les mer
Norway supported workshop on World Heritage Conservation in Africa
News and events From 4th to 6th May 2010 The National Museums of Kenya hosted a Norwegian funded conference in Nairobi on World Heritage Conservation. The Norwegian Ambassador Elisabeth Jacobsen opened the conference. Site managers and focal points from East-, Central and West African Anglophone Countries were invited with the purpose of capacity building, sharing of experiences and mutual learning.

89. Syria - Damascus
Includes a staff list for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Syria.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A Photo: Scanpix/Reuters/Handout
Liu Xiaobo is awarded 2010 Nobel Peace Prize
News and events The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo for his longstanding non-violent fight for human rights in China. Read more
The Embassy will be closed 17th and 18th of November.
Embassy The Embassy will be closed during the holiday of Adha Feast, Wedesday 17th and Thursday 18th of November. Read more
Nils Petter Molvaer, with band, in Damascus
News and events The Norwegian jazz trumpeteter Nils Petter Molvaer, with band, performed at the Dar Al Assad Opera in Damascus 30 September. The concert was arranged by Liban Jazz, with The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Damascus as proud main sponsor. Read more
Norway urges parties to continue Middle East peace talks
News and events The peace talks between Israel and the PLO have entered a critical phase now that Israel has decided not to extend its partial moratorium on the construction of settlements in the West Bank. “I urge Israel and the Palestinians to do their utmost to make it possible to continue the negotiations,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Read more
Program for Palestinian youth supported by Norway
News and events In 2004 UNICEF started a life skills program to help the adolescents among the 100.000 Palestinians living in the refugee camps of Syria. The Norwegian government is pleased to be a significant contributor to this initiative.

90. Serbia - Belgrade
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. News, events and contact details.
var addthis_pub = "hattis"; A A A Yoeun Sam En of Cambodia lost both arms and his sight in 2004 as he attempted to destroy four “bombies” his children had found while playing. He has since been actively involved in efforts to ban cluster munitions through Ban Advocates, a survivors’ organisation. Photo:
A milestone for the Convention on Cluster Munitions
1 August 2010 marks a triumph for international humanitarian efforts as the Convention on Cluster Munitions enters into force. Read more
Message of support from the Norwegian Embassy for the Belgrade Pride Parade 2010
News and events On the occasion of the Belgrade Pride parade on 10 October 2010, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade would like to extend a message of support to all those that are celebrating diversity on this day. Read more
Skal du delta på Belgrade Pride Parade 2010?
Norsk Ambassaden råder alle som planlegger å delta på Belgrade Pride Parade om å sette seg grundig inn i sikkerhetsanvisninger og instrukser fra arrangøren. Les mer
Contact information
Embassy Welcome to the Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade Read more
Kontakt informacije
Embassy Radno vreme Ambasade u toku godine je od ponedeljka do petka, od 09.00 do 16.00 časova. Letnje radno vreme ambasade (u periodu 01. jul - 31. avgust) je od 09.00 do 15.00 časova. Rad sa strankama je od ponedeljka do petka (osim srede) od 10.00 do 12.00 časova. Informacije o vizama možete dobiti na broj 011/3672 159 svakog radnog dana od 09.00 do 10.00 časova. Za ostale informacije...

91. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - Norway
Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.

92. ICL - Norway Index
Complete copies and links to the country s Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by International Constitutional Law.

93. Guide To Law Online: Norway - Law Library Of Congress (Library Of Congress)
Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
@import url(/css/loc_standard_ss.css); @import url(/law/css/loc_law_sub.css); skip navigation The Library of Congress Law Library ... Contact Us
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Kingdom of Norway / Kongeriket Norge
Constitution Executive Judicial Legislative ... General Sources
  • Constitution Finder (University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law) in Danish and English International Constitutional Law: Norway Index (Universität Bern Institut für Öffentliches Recht) offers English translation of the current constitution plus Background Note, a key number system to locate parts, and links to comparative information
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  • OFFICIAL GAZETTE: Legal Gazette

94. Women In The Norwegian Military Forces (Anders Jacobsen's Blog)
It seems to be common belief that if a Norwegian girl is unmarried at the age of 30, she s obliged to enroll for military service.
Anders Jacobsen's blog
... because the Internet changes your life... Main August 12, 2002 Women in the Norwegian Military Forces Over the weekend I heard something really amusing. It seems to be common belief - at least in some circles (of girls) - that if a Norwegian girl is unmarried at the age of 30, she's obliged to enroll for military service. To me, it sounded more like some hen party joke that had developed into an urban legend, but to be sure (and not to offend too much) I promised to research it. I found no info online. What I did find, however, was a reverse, conclusive statement: Norske kvinner er ikke p�lagt alminnelig verneplikt. P� frivillig basis kan kvinner s�ke opptak p� Forsvarets skoler, s�ke om � f� gjennomf�re f�rstegangstjeneste med muligheter for befalsutdanning under denne, og s�ke om verving. Norwegian women are not subject to compulsory military service, but may apply for voluntary service. (Source: - Kvinner i Forsvaret If you have information to indicate otherwise; leave a comment :-) If you too have head the rumour - leave a comment too - it would be interesting to hear how widespread the rumour is? Sponsored links Related Entries

95. Home - Netherlands Embassy In Oslo
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Oslo. Includes contact information for the consulates in Bergen, Bod, Drammen, Fredrikstad, Hammerfest, Kristiansand-S, Larvik, Stavanger, Troms, Trondheim, and the Consulate-General in Reykjavik.
Go to (on this page): content search field of menu
Netherlands Embassy in Oslo, Norway
Address Visiting address: Oscars gate 29 Postal address: 0244 Oslo Norway Contact Telephone Fax E-Mail

96. Japans Ambassade I Norge
Embassy of Japan in Norway, with events and news, visa/consular and information section, message board, and news.
Japansk (
Japans ambassade i Norge
Hjem Om oss Bilaterale relasjoner Reiseinformasjon ... Lenker Nyhetsbrev om Japans utenrikspolitikk.
The Embassy of Japan's newsletter and announcements of events. In English.
Registration and archive
Norsk-japansk utenriksministermøte
(24. september 2010)
Japan Echo
Japan Echo, som i en årrekke har servert artikler oversatt fra japanske aviser og tidsskrifter, er blitt lansert som gratis e-journal.
Japan Echo Web
1. oktober 2010
Statsminister Kan holdt tale til nasjonalforsamlingen
9. august 2010
Statsminister Kans tale ved minnemarkeringen for ofrene etter bombingen av Nagasaki 9. august 1945.
6. august 2010
Statsminister Kan holdt tale ved minnemarkeringen for ofrene etter bombingen av Hiroshima 6. august 1945.
14. juli 2010
Romsonden Hayabusa ("falken") har kommet tilbake til jorden etter 7 år etter å ha avsluttet utforskingen av asteroiden Itokawa
14. juli 2010
Statsminister Kan har kunngjort en ny vekststrategi for å bygge en sterk økonomi Arkiv Aktiviteter
15. oktober - 14. november

97. Welcome Page | Page D'accueil
Located in Oslo. Offers a calendar of events, information about the Canadian community in Norway, and trade and investment tips.

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