Free Books Health and Healing Search Titles Architecture Arts Business ... Site Listing Discover Alternative Health A manual of practical dietetics Title Food And Feeding In Health And Disease Author Chalmers Watson Publisher Year Amazon Food and Feeding in Health and Disease By Chalmers Watson, M.D., F.R.C.P.E, Assistant Physician, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh Editor of the "Encyclopaedia Medica" Second Edition-Revised - Preface
- The aim of this work is purely practical. It aims at providing a complete and practical epitome for the dietetic student It is now many years since the late Sir Henry Thompson, a distinguished authori...
- Chapter I. Food And Its Functions
- FOOD is required for two purposes - to build up the body and repair tissue waste, and to supply potential energy, which can be converted into heat and work. Foods are classified as follows: - ...
- The Physiological Properties Of Food
- The digestibility of food and the ease with which it can be absorbed in the intestine are the most important facts to be considered in connection with any food. The time required for food to be digest...
- Digestion
- UNDER the vague term digestion all these processes may be included to which the food substances are subjected and the resultant changes which the various food constituents undergo in order to prepare ...
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