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         Oberon Programming:     more books (21)
  1. Objektorientierte Programmierung in Oberon-2 (German Edition) by Hanspeter Mössenböck, 1994-11-07
  2. From Modula to Oberon: The programming language Oberon ([Report] / Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Departement Informatik. Institut für Computer Systeme) by Niklaus Wirth, 1989
  3. Oberon Companion by Andre Fischer, Hannes Marais, 1997-12
  4. Objektorientierte Programmierung in Oberon-2 by Hanspeter Mossenbock, 1993-07
  5. Class-Based Programming Languages: Java, C++, Python, Eiffel, Smalltalk, Ruby, Simula, Common Lisp, Oberon, Clu, Objective-C, Squeak, Sather
  6. Procedural Programming Languages: C, Perl, Fortran, Php, Algol, Pl|i, Ml, B, Common Lisp, Euphoria, Oberon, Modula, Clu, Occam, Plankalkül

21. Oberon_programming_language Synonyms, Oberon_programming_language Antonyms | The
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22. The Oberon Programming Language
The Oberon Programming Language The project was whimsically christened Oberon By Wirth who was fascinated by the accuracy and reliability of the space probe Voyager which
The Oberon Programming Language
The project was whimsically christened Oberon By Wirth who was fascinated by the accuracy and reliability of the space probe Voyager which passed the moon Oberon of planet Uranus at the time of conception of the new project

Taken from The Oberon System- User Guide and Programmer's Manual by Martin Reiser
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Significant Language Features Areas of Application Sample Programs ... Acknowledgments
The Oberon programming language is developed at Eidegnossishe Technische Hocsshule Zurich (or Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in 1988, by Niklaus Wirth . Having an obsession with simplicity Wirth decided to include much of Pascal's syntax, while incorporating many of the object oriented features of Modula-2 (both of these languages were also created by Wirth). Oberon is considered to be heir to Modula-2. Wirth'sgoal was to create a language that was exstensable and flexible. The result was a full object oriented language that was fit to accompany further development of Cres workstations.
Significant Language Features
  • Window-based graphical user interface as a blend of menus and command lines (the tool viewer)
  • Based on OOP concepts implementing viewers as well as texts and other documents as ADTs
  • Fast display refreshing and highly responsive to the user
  • Object oriented programming fully developed
  • Type extensions and text abstract data types
  • Fast compilation
  • Minimum implementation can fit into 200KB of memory (including operating system, complier and user interface)

23. Oberon Programming Directory, Links. Development, Programmers
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24. The Oberon Programming Language
The Oberon Programming Language - information at University of Michigan.
The Oberon Programming Language
The project was whimsically christened Oberon By Wirth who was fascinated by the accuracy and reliability of the space probe Voyager which passed the moon Oberon of planet Uranus at the time of conception of the new project

Taken from The Oberon System- User Guide and Programmer's Manual by Martin Reiser
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Significant Language Features Areas of Application Sample Programs ... Acknowledgments
The Oberon programming language is developed at Eidegnossishe Technische Hocsshule Zurich (or Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in 1988, by Niklaus Wirth . Having an obsession with simplicity Wirth decided to include much of Pascal's syntax, while incorporating many of the object oriented features of Modula-2 (both of these languages were also created by Wirth). Oberon is considered to be heir to Modula-2. Wirth'sgoal was to create a language that was exstensable and flexible. The result was a full object oriented language that was fit to accompany further development of Cres workstations.
Significant Language Features
  • Window-based graphical user interface as a blend of menus and command lines (the tool viewer)
  • Based on OOP concepts implementing viewers as well as texts and other documents as ADTs
  • Fast display refreshing and highly responsive to the user
  • Object oriented programming fully developed
  • Type extensions and text abstract data types
  • Fast compilation
  • Minimum implementation can fit into 200KB of memory (including operating system, complier and user interface)

25. Oberon (programming Language): Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
A programming language is an artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine, particularly a computer.
Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Oberon (programming language)
Oberon (programming language)
Discussion Ask a question about ' Oberon (programming language) Start a new discussion about ' Oberon (programming language) Answer questions from other users Full Discussion Forum Encyclopedia Oberon is a programming language Programming language A programming language is an artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express algorithms precisely, or as a mode of human...
created in 1986 by Professor Niklaus Wirth Niklaus Wirth Niklaus Emil Wirth is a Swiss computer scientist, best known for designing several programming languages, including Pascal, and for pioneering several classic topics in software engineering. In 1984 he won the Turing Award for developing a sequence of innovative computer languages.-Biography:Wirth...
(creator of the Pascal Pascal (programming language) Pascal is an influential imperative and procedural programming language, designed in 1968/9 and published in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth as a small and efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring.A derivative known as Object Pascal...

26. ETH - Oberon - Welcome To Oberon
Home site. Niklaus Wirth invented Pascal, Modula, then Oberon language in Pascal/Modula tradition, and a modern, integrated, effective, compact, operating system for oneuser
News About People Contact ... Oberon
Welcome to the Oberon page of the ETH Zurich
Welcome to the ETH Oberon web site of the Native Systems Group located at the Computer Systems Institute, Department of Computer Science , ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology).
Oberon is the name of a programming language in the Pascal/Modula tradition. Originally 'Oberon' was also the name of the runtime systems. For practical reasons the systems nomenclature was changed, while several new systems based on the Oberon language were developed by young generations of computer scientists at ETH (AOS (2003), Bluebottle(2005), A2 (2008))  The new System since 2008 is now called
A2 is the name of a modern integrated software environment . It is a single-user, multi-core, multi-tasking system that runs on bare hardware or on top of a host operating system.
The newest developments of the Oberon Language and the A2 System as well as specific optimized system applications form the core of current research by the ETH Native Systems Group, lead by Prof. Jürg Gutknecht. The Oberon project was launched in 1985 by Niklaus Wirth and Jürg Gutknecht at ETH. Although the project was originally targeted towards in-house hardware, the language and system have now been ported to many computer platforms.

27. The Oberon Webring
Webring related to Oberon programming language or system environment.
The Oberon Webring
Welcome to the homepage of the Oberon Webring, designed to put all the information on Oberon and related developments together in one place. The motivation for starting this webring grew out of discussions in the comp.lang.oberon newsgroup in April 1998 regarding ideas for making Oberon more visible to the general net.citizen , thus increasing the potential user and developer base. Currently it is not yet sure that this initiative will be a success, but then, I have at least tried to do something valuable for the Oberon community...
The Ringmaster
, 27. April 1998
Joining the Oberon Webring is very easy: Just click on "Join" in the "Navigation Bar" below and fill out the relevant forms. Of course, you must also add the actual HTML markup for the "Navigation Bar" to your site, but this will be emailed to you right after your application. Let me add a note regarding the proper use of HTML here: I would like to see that all sites in the Oberon Webring actually validate as proper HTML 4.0 or XHTML 1.0 according to the official W Consortium's validator . It would also be appreciated if you could spend some time to study the guidelines on accessible web design established by the Best Viewed With Any Browser campaign. In my opinion, the web should be as interoperable and accessible as possible to anyone, anywhere, even when using stone-age computers. Think about it, you might arrive at the same conclusions...

28. Oberon (moon) Oberon Programming Language
Oberon (moon) Oberon Programming Language Canadian Gateway, Business Guides, Entertainment, Travel. Listing and reviews of Canadian Web sites.
var GLB_RIS='';var GLB_RIR='/cincshared/external';var GLB_MMS='';var GLB_MIR='/site/image';GLB_MML='/'; document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); Science People Non User Locations ... Timeline A2('N'); Index: A B C D ... Z A3('s','.','htm','','N');
Click image for description Discovery Discovered by W. Herschel Discovered in January 11 Orbit al characteristics Mean radius km Eccentricity Orbital period ... Inclination Is a satellite of Uranus Physical characteristics Mean diameter 1522.8 km Surface area km Mass kg The kilogram (symbol: kg is the SI base unit of mass. A gram is defined as one thousandth of a kilogram. Conversion of units describes equivalent units of mass in other systems. Multiples SI prefixes are used to name multiples and subdivisions of the kilo Mean density For other meanings of density, see density (disambiguation Density (symbol: rho Greek: rho) is a measure of mass per unit of volume. The higher an object's density, the higher its mass per volume. The average density of an object equals its total mass div 1.63 g/cm

29. Hello, World Program
simple example Oberon program.

30. ETH - Oberon - Downloads
Technical Oberon ETH Oberon can be installed on various platforms, either as a native operating system or on top of the operating system of the hosting machine.
News About People Contact ... Downloads
Technical Oberon:
ETH Oberon can be installed on various platforms, either as a native operating system or on top of the operating system of the hosting machine. It is available (with source code) by anonymous ftp from the central repository located at the ETH in Zürich, Switzerland and from a number of mirror sites . Each sub-directory listed contains an introductory text (usually named "readme.txt") with installation directions. The delivered compiler varies depending on the implementation.
ETH Oberon Port
Port Notes
Native Native Oberon Native/StdAlone/ Pieter Muller "Official", stable Native/Update/Beta/ Beta test Native/Update/Alpha/ Latest build - "bleeding edge" Native Oberon "for Dummies" Native/Update/Dummies/ Installation via Windows Linux Linux Native Oberon (LNO) Native/LinuxBased/ Peter Matthias Native Oberon emulator on Linux Oberon for Linux x86 Unix/x86.Linux/

31. Oberon Programming Language - Factbites
Oberon programming language (Site not responding. Last check 200710-19) Oberon is a programming language created in the late 1980s by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the Pascal,

32. Oberon Information |
The Oberon programming language wrote the Oberon OS. The name for the OS changed, since it was confusing to refer to both of them as Oberon, but many people still sometimes use the

33. CiteSeerX — Active Bibliography Dynamic Semantics Of The Oberon
CiteSeerX Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles) In this paper we present an abstract mathematical model for the dynamic semantics of the Oberon programming language using

34. Oberon Programming Language is used in more than 300 colleges and universities around the world. Find out how to get similar high web traffic and search engine placement.
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Oberon is used in more than 300 colleges and universities around the world
Find out how to get similar high web traffic and search engine placement.
nature: procedural language with object oriented features history: Oberon was created in 1986 by Niklaus Wirth.
Hello World example
MODULE HelloWorld;
Out.String('Hello World');
END HelloWorld.
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35. Oberon Programming Language Features Languages Operating
Oberon Programming Language Features Languages Operating Economy. Oberon is a programming language created in the late 1980s by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the

36. Oberon_(programming_language) Synonyms, Oberon_(programming_language) Antonyms |
No results found for Oberon_(programming_language) Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word.

37. Oberon (programming Language) Definition Of Oberon (programming Language) In The
(language) Oberon2 - A superset of Oberon-1, developed by H. Moessenboeck in 1991 to add object-orientation. Oberon-2 was a redesign of Object Oberon. (programming language)

38. Oberon (programming Language) - Reference
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39. Oberon (programming Language)
Oberon is a programming language created in 1986 by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the Pascal, Modula, and Modula2 programming languages) and his
Oberon (programming language)
Oberon Paradigm imperative, structured, modular Appeared in Designed by Niklaus Wirth Typing discipline strong, static Influenced by Modula-2 Influenced Oberon-2 , Oberon-07, Zonnon Oberon is a programming language created in 1986 by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the Pascal Modula , and Modula-2 programming languages) and his associates at ETH Zurich in Switzerland . It was developed as part of the implementation of the Oberon operating system . The original intention was to use Modula-2 as the implementation language but it lacked the required safe type-extension facilities. Also, it was planned to eventually publish the full details of the operating system and compiler so that they could be studied and understood. These factors led to the decision to design a new language which concentrated on just the essential features necessary for the task in hand. The name is from the moon of Uranus Oberon Oberon is very much like Modula-2 in its syntax, but is considerably smaller. Oberon's feature simplicity leads to considerable space and coding efficiency for its compilers. The full language can be specified in a page of EBNF . The Oberon report is, at 16 pages, about a third of the size of the Modula-2 report, and one of the early full compilers was only about 4000 lines long. Unlike Modula-2, it has

40. Oberon (programming Language)
Oberon is a programming language created in 1986 by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the Pascal, Modula, and Modula2 programming languages) and his associates at ETH Zurich in

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