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         Object-oriented Programming:     more books (100)
  1. Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional) by Daniel R. Clark, 2005-11-14
  2. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, An (3rd Edition) by Timothy Budd, 2001-10-22
  3. Object-Oriented Programming in Java (Mitchell Waite Signature Series) by Stephen Gilbert, Bill McCarty, 1997-09-10
  4. Sams Teach Yourself Object Oriented Programming in 21 Days by Anthony Sintes, 2001-09-22
  5. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java by C Wu, 2009-03-24
  6. Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming in Java with Games and Simulations by Michael Kolling, 2009-08-21
  7. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (2nd Edition) by Richard Johnsonbaugh, Martin Kalin, 1999-08-13
  8. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java an Introducton to Object-Oriented Programming with Java by Wu Thomas, 2008-02
  9. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) by Robert Lafore, 2001-12-29
  10. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ by Nicolai M. Josuttis, 2002-12-30
  11. Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach by Brad J. Cox, Andrew J. Novobilski, 1991-05
  12. Microsoft Visual C# 2005, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming by Joyce Farrell, 2007-05-21
  13. Research Directions in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
  14. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and Smalltalk by Caleb Drake, 1997-10-30

1. Object-oriented Programming - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Objectoriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects – data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions
Object-oriented programming
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Programming paradigms

2. Object-oriented Programming - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Objectoriented programming or OOP has become an important subject for computers. In the past, programs were written mostly as 'a list of instructions that did things' to the memory
Object-oriented programming
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Object-oriented programming or OOP has become an important subject for computers . In the past, programs were written mostly as 'a list of instructions that did things' to the memory in the computer (for instance, they added numbers together, moved words about and saved or printed the answers). Another way that this can be thought of is that the numbers and words are in fact simple 'objects' that can be changed using different 'methods'. That is what gives the name to this different method. These objects are independent and can only 'talk' to other objects they are allowed to by the rules (which are decided by the programmer). It is claimed that this makes it easier to program because the programmer only needs to worry about building one component (object) at a time that they say is easier than having to think about the whole program at once. An object can receive messages , process information, and 'talk' to other objects. Each object can be thought of as a component of the whole.

3. Object-oriented Programming - Includipedia, The Inclusionist
Objectoriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design applications and computer programs.

4. Understanding Object Oriented Programming
Understanding Object Oriented Programming Joseph Bergin Pace University Russel Winder King's College London The code on this page grew out of a
Understanding Object Oriented Programming
Joseph Bergin
Pace University
Russel Winder
King's College London
The code on this page grew out of a discussion on the Object Technology in Computer Science Education list server. The discussion had been going on for about 36 hours in late March and early April 2000 centered on the question of "What is OO really; is it a real paradigm, different from procedural programming or is it just a packaging mechanism for procedural programming?" Both of the authors believe that it is a real paradigm shift, requiring a change in mental model in the practitioners. Winder produced the first three of the following code fragments to show the difference in styles between hackers, procedural programmers, and (naive) object oriented programmers. Bergin then added the more sophisticated OO version that appears last.
The problem to be solved is to output a value judgment about operating systems. The assumptions being (of course) that UNIX is good and Windows is bad.
Hacker Solution
Their claim: It works doesn't it what more do you want? Also I got mine implemented and working faster than any of the others, so there.

5. What Is Object-oriented Programming? - Definition From - See Also: OO
Objectoriented programming (OOP) is organized around 'objects' rather than 'actions,' data rather than logic, and is the central concept of Java and a number of new,,sid26_gci212681,00.html

6. JavaScript And Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
JavaScript and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Credits This tutorial is written and contributed by Tim Scarfe. Edited by for content

7. Object-oriented Programming: Definition From
A computer programming methodology that focuses on data rather than processes, with programs composed of selfsufficient modules (objects) containing all the information

8. Object Oriented Programming Meetup Groups - Object Oriented Programming Meetups
Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Object Oriented programming

9. Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
ObjectOriented Programming Using C++. Peter M ller Globewide Network Academy (GNA) September 4, 1997. Preface man/tutorial.html

10. Object Oriented Programming Tutorial
Tutorial teaching basics of object oriented programming. Tailored to no one specific language, but examples are in C++, Java, Modula2.
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Object Oriented Programming Tutorial
The following guide was written several years ago whilst I was a student at the Department of Computer Science at Queen's University, Belfast. It was aimed at students moving from a procedural Pascal type language (Modula-2) to Object Oriented programming. Since then many people have found the tutorial useful so it has been slightly updated and remains on the site.
Table of Contents

11. Object-oriented Programming -- Eloquent JavaScript
One way to give an object methods is to simply attach function values to it. var rabbit = {}; rabbit. speak = function (line) { print ( The rabbit says ' , line

12. Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning T
If you've never used an objectoriented programming language before, you'll need to learn a few basic concepts before you can begin writing any code.

13. Object-Oriented Programming - System, Examples, Manager, Type, Business, System
Marketing Concept and Philosophy, Marketing Research, Mechanistic Organizations, Meeting Management, Mentoring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Miles and Snow Typology, Mission and
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Reference for Business
Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed.
Reference for Business Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. Ob-Or
OOP can be found in the modularization and interchangeability of computer hardware. You can open the box of almost any personal computer (PC) and interchangeably replace storage drives, memory, peripherals, and so on. This standardization was driven by competition and by the speed at which the technology has changed, but it has significantly simplified and streamlined the computer hardware updating and servicing process. OOP has also made its way into management practices. For example, the implementation of change is always traumatic. One of the reasons for this is that no one seems to have a standard, objective measure for the success of the change process. By utilizing tools such as total quality management (TQM) for the standardization of the change process, which incorporates systematic problem solving (SPS), the implementation process becomes grouped and streamlined so that anyone can review the status of a change process. The term object-oriented programming originally comes from the systems development and computer programming world. After years of programming and systems development, someone realized that there are many repetitive functions. For example, file adds, changes, and deletes occur frequently and during multiple processes. It would seam reasonable that one add-change-delete routine could be developed in a modular form that could be accessed any time an add-change-delete process needed to occur. Developers grouped these functions into accessible and executable modules that became known as objects. Developing programs using objects became known as object-oriented programming (OOP).

14. What Is Object-oriented Programming? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Comp
This page describes the term objectoriented programming and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. Sign Up Sign In Search Home > object-oriented programming
    object-oriented programming
    A type of programming in which programmers define not only the data type of a data structure , but also the types of operations ( functions ) that can be applied to the data structure. In this way, the data structure becomes an object that includes both data and functions. In addition, programmers can create relationships between one object and another. For example, objects can inherit characteristics from other objects. One of the principal advantages of object-oriented programming techniques over procedural programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that inherits many of its features from existing objects. This makes object-oriented programs easier to modify. To perform object-oriented programming, one needs an object-oriented programming language (OOPL) Java C++ and Smalltalk are three of the more popular languages, and there are also object-oriented versions of

15. Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming Traditionally programming languages have been divided into two categories and these are data and procedures which are carried out on data By itself data

16. Object Oriented Programming - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks
A Wikibookian believes this page should be split into smaller pages with a narrower subtopic. You can help by splitting this big page into smaller ones.
Object Oriented Programming
From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection (Redirected from Object oriented programming Jump to: navigation search A Wikibookian believes this page should be split into smaller pages with a narrower subtopic.
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Historically, "OOP" has been one of the most influential developments in computer programming, gaining widespread use in the mid 1980s. Originally heralded for its facility for managing complexity in ever-growing software systems, OOP quickly developed its own set of difficulties. Fortunately, the ever evolving programming landscape gave us "interface" programming, design patterns, generic programming, and other improvements paving the way for more contemporary Multi-Paradigm programming. While some people will debate endlessly about whether or not a certain language implements "Pure" OOP—and bless or denounce a language accordingly—this book is not intended as an academic treatise on object oriented programming or its theory. Instead, we aim for something more pragmatic: we start with basic OO theory and then delve into a handful of real-world languages to examine how they support OO programming. Since we obviously cannot teach each language, the point is to illustrate the trade-offs inherent in different approaches to OOP.

17. PHP-GTK : PHP-GTK 2 Manual : Object Oriented Programming
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PHP-GTK 2 Manual
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Changes since PHP-GTK 1 Packing Widgets Object Oriented Programming Signal Handling GtkTreeView Tutorial (basic) PHP-GTK 2 Documentation Fixed layout Basic Object Orientation Last updated: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 view this page in English
Object Oriented Programming
Table of Contents
About this tutorial Basic Object Orientation A little more complexity Summary
About this tutorial
This tutorial will attempt to teach you to program in PHP-GTK 2 in an object oriented manner. PHP5 comes with great object-oriented support and hence we can exploit all of the features of object-oriented programming while making applications in PHP-GTK 2. Why program in an object oriented fashion? There are a number of advantages of choosing this style of programming, especially if your application is split into several modules and is expected to be thousands of lines long. One of the most important advantages is code cleanliness and organization. It will be much easier for you and others to read and modify your code if you program in an object-oriented manner, than if you had chosen to make your application in a purely procedural way. If you are convinced that object-orientation is the way to go, let's begin!

18. Lesson 8: Object-Oriented Programming
This lesson presents a very brief overview of objectoriented concepts and terminology.
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Lesson 8: Object-Oriented Programming
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Lesson 8: Object-Oriented Programming
You have probably heard a lot of talk about object-oriented programming. And, if the Java programming language is your first experience with an object-oriented language, you are probably wondering what all the talk is about. You already know a little about object-oriented programming because after working the example programs in Java Programming Language Basics, Part 1 and Part 2 , you are somewhat familiar with the object-oriented concepts of class, object, instance, and inheritance plus the access levels public and private . But mostly, you have been doing object-oriented programming without really thinking about it. And that is one of the great things about the Java programming language. It is inherently object oriented. To help you gain a deeper understanding of object-oriented programming and its benefits, this lesson presents a very brief overview of object-oriented concepts and terminology as they relate to some of the example code presented in this tutorial.
Object-Oriented Programming Defined
Object-oriented programming is a method of programming based on a hierarchy of classes, and well-defined and cooperating objects.

19. Object-Oriented Programming
While Visual FoxPro still supports standard procedural programming, new extensions to the language give you the power and flexibility of objectoriented programming.
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Object-Oriented Programming
Visual FoxPro 8.0 While Visual FoxPro still supports standard procedural programming, new extensions to the language give you the power and flexibility of object-oriented programming. Object-oriented design and object-oriented programming represent a change in focus from standard procedural programming. Instead of thinking about program flow from the first line of code to the last line of code, you need to think about creating objects: self-contained components of an application that have private functionality as well as functionality that you can expose to the user.
In This Section
Basic Programming Concepts
Provides an overview of programming fundamentals necessary to work in Visual FoxPro, including data storage, data types, containers, operators, functions, commands, and controlling program flow.
Classes and Objects: The Building Blocks of Applications
Explains the differences between classes and objects and highlights the properties, methods, and events of objects.
Classes in Visual FoxPro
Introduces the types of classes in Visual FoxPro and describes their important characteristics.

20. Object-Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming using Java Notes for the Computer Science Module Object Oriented Programming COMP200 Adapted from Introduction to Programming Using Java Version5.0

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