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41. Women Exploring The Oceans Kathryn Kelly. Not all oceanographers have their perspectives on the ocean shaped by experiences at sea. Take Kathie Kelly. http://www.womenoceanographers.org/Default.aspx?pid=E1E3254E-1C80-4e6d-ABBF-1EC5 |
42. Oceanographers With Flippers - Science News Tagged seals plumb Southern Ocean’s depths TABLE OF CONTENTS; Iron in the Mix Scientists look for the secret behind hightemperature superconductors http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/64104/title/Oceanographers_with_flipp | |
43. Rugged Adventurers - EXPLORE - Rugged Oceanographers Rugged oceanographers. Catalina Island has far too much incredible diving for just one underwater program. In Rugged oceanographers, you will learn about and explore all of http://www.youwillexplore.com/ruggedo.html | |
44. Education Information - Oceanographers OceanCareers.com c/o MATE Center Monterey Peninsula College 980 Fremont Street Monterey, CA 93940 contact OceanCareers.com http://www.oceancareers.com/2.0/career_education.php?career_id=68 |
45. Fugro World Wide - Fugro Offshore Survey Career Opportunities OCEANOGRAPHERSFugro collects and interprets data related to the earth's surface and the soils and rocks beneath and provides advice, for purposes related to the oil and gas industry, the http://www.fugro.com/careers/msdoceanagraphers.asp | |
46. Answers.com - What Do Oceanographers Do Answer Oceanography (from Ocean + Greek γράφειν = write), also called oceanology or marine science is the study of the Earth's oceans and seas. oceanographers study a http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do_oceanographers_do |
47. Chronicle Guidance Publications oceanographers 2005 Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc., Moravia, NY 13118 Printed in United States of America, January 2005 Visit our Web Site www http://www.spcollege.edu/Central/Career/OCDS/Briefs/Briefs/Brief200.PDF |
48. Sea-Witched Consultants, Commercially Aware Oceanographers And Marine Survey Pro oceanographers providing client representation and project management services to the marine industry. http://www.sea-witched.co.uk/ | |
49. OceanExpert - A Directory Of Marine And Freshwater Professionals Database, developed and maintained by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC), containing information on individuals involved in all aspects of Marine or Freshwater Research and Management. http://www.oceanexpert.net/ | |
50. Linda Rasmussen, Scripps Institution Of Oceanography, UCSD Coastal oceanographic research and modeling with links to Bivalve Population Connectivity project site. http://iod.ucsd.edu/~raz/ | |
51. Welcome Page Physical oceanographer interested in small scale physics and its impact on circulation and the transport of tracers in the ocean. http://web.uvic.ca/~jklymak/ | |
52. Mlanie Abcassis' Homepage Pelagic oceanographer showcasing their research interests and publications. http://www.melanie-abecassis.eu/ | |
53. SPECTRUM Biographies - Jacques Cousteau Biography by Rachel Sahlman. http://www.incwell.com/Biographies/Cousteau.html | |
54. Welcome To MOTN MOTN is a regional association comprised of various members of the marine and oceanographic community located throughout the New England area. http://www.motn.org/ | |
55. Latz Laboratory Of Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Marine bioluminescence researcher, Latz Research Laboratory of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. http://siobiolum.ucsd.edu/ | |
56. Roger Revelle : Feature Articles Senior spokesman for science and one of the first to recognize the effects of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on the Earth s surface temperature. http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Library/Giants/Revelle/ |
57. REFRESH Describes work and research interests, including a publication listing. http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/sci/osap/people/miller/miller_e.htm |
58. Veluthedath, Praveen Studying the applications of Weibull distribution model on design wave parameter predictions. http://praveenvk.8k.com | |
59. Grasmeijer, Bart Researcher and lecturer at the Coastal Research Group of the University of Utrecht. Focuses on sediment transport and morphological changes of a sandy coast and currently involved in the EU-Sandpit project. http://www.grasmeijer.nl/ | |
60. Doron Nof, PhD - Physical Oceanography At Florida State University Work focuses on the movement of fluids within the ocean and its relationship to the interaction with the atmosphere above. http://www.doronnof.net/ | |
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