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1. Science -- Nature & Ecology -- Oceans & Seas -- Oceanography -- General (subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries http://isbndb.com/d/subject/science_nature_ecology_oceans_seas_oceanography_gene | |
2. Okayama University Scientific Achievement Repository oceanography_general. the Library of Congress classification / Class *** *** is a classification used http://escholarship.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/oceanography_general | |
3. WHOI Sea Grant: Publications/Oceanography/General Portfolio Environmental Technologies Woods Hole Sea Grant 10 pp., 2005 WHOIQ-05-004 Also available online as a PDF file click here Learn more of how Woods Hole Sea http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/Publications/ocean/general.html | |
4. University Of West Florida Faculty - Wade H. Jeffrey Biological Oceanography General Oceanography Oceanographic Techniques General Biology Current Biology Marine Biotechnology http://uwf.edu/wjeffrey/ | |
5. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Library - UCSD Libraries Oceanography, climatology, earth science and marine biology resources on the Internet maintained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, University of California. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/ | |
6. Laboratory For Microbiological Oceanography: General Information Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography General Information. The Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography is a research unit within the School of Ocean and Earth Science and http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/lab/intro.html | |
7. General Resources - Education Resource - StudySphere Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images Votes0 Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Image Archive The University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography About the archive This http://www.studysphere.com/education/Oceanography-General-Resources-554.html |
8. Extreme 2002: Mission To The Abyss An oceanography site that simulates a submarine adventure. http://www.ceoe.udel.edu/extreme2002/ | |
9. Ocean Sciences Physical Oceanography General Contributions V: Modeling - Ocean S Presiding M A Bourassa, COAPS, Florida State University; R P Matano, Oregon State University http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm04/fm04-sessions/fm04_OS52B.html | |
10. Mark Chiappone GENERAL INFORMATION Mark Chiappone Arts Sciences Department, Homestead Campus Campus Phone 305237-5073 Mobile Phone 305-898-5390 E-mail mchiappo@mdc.edu http://faculty.mdc.edu/mchiappo/ | |
11. Department Of Oceanography At UH Manoa | Home Department of Oceanography http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/ | |
12. FSU Oceanography General Information Florida State University Department of Oceanography is dedicated to research and offers both master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees in oceanography with http://www.ocean.fsu.edu/geninfo.html | |
13. The Role Of The Beaufort Gyre In Arctic Climate Variability I NDEX T ERMS 4207 Oceanography General Arctic and Antarctic oceanography; 4215 Oceanography General Climate and interannual variability (3309); 4263 Oceanography General Ocean http://www.whoi.edu/beaufortgyre/pdfs/prosh_climate_grl2002.pdf |
14. The Oceanography Society: Home Founded in 1988 to disseminate knowledge of oceanography and its application through research and education and to promote communication among oceanographers. http://www.tos.org/ | |
15. Ocean Sciences Physical Oceanography General Contributions II: General Circulati Presiding S Levitus, NODC/NOAA, E/OC5; M S Lozier, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm04/fm04-sessions/fm04_OS13D.html | |
16. Encyclopedia Of Oceanography Topics carbon dioxide cycle in the sea and atmosphere Caribbean Current Caribbean Seaoceanography Caribbean Seasediments and crust Celebes Sea Ceram Sea chemical oceanography, general http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/encyc-ocean.html | |
17. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Archives Collection and services on the history of oceanography photographs, moving images, and personal papers of eminent oceanographers. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/archives/ | |
18. Highline Community College Life, Ocean, And General Sciences Dept. Advising Course planning and advising information for preallied health majors, pre-professional health majors, and university transfer students. http://flightline.highline.edu/lifesciences/ | |
19. Geoscience Faculty Specialties Paleontology. Oceanography. General. Number of Faculty Reporting. Year of Depts 1970 698 1980 704 1990 887 1997 915. AGI 1997 http://www.agiweb.org/associates/conference/1999/slides/milling/tsld013.htm | |
20. Home - Oceanography - Subject And Class Guides At University Of Washington Libra Full listing of documents, bibliographies, data and other holdings held at Washington University Libraries. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Oceanography/ | |
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