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81. Oceanography - Jinyu Sheng Ocean modeling and prediction and shelf circulation studies. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Jinyu_Sheng.html |
82. Oceanography - Keith R. Thompson Ocean and shelf circulation and sea level variation researcher. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Keith_R._Thompson.html |
83. Oceanography - Keith Louden Interests are within the field of marine geophysics. Publication list. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Keith_E._Louden.html |
84. Oceanography - Anna Metaxas Benthic ecology, larval dispersal, physical/biological interactions http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Metaxas_Anna.html | |
85. Oceanography - Christopher Beaumont Interests include geodynamics of orogens. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Beaumont_Christopher.html | |
86. Oceanography - John Cullen Interested in phytoplankton processes, optical measurements, ultraviolet radiation. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/John_Cullen.html | |
87. Oceanography - Jonathan Grant Benthic ecology, shellfish biology, aquaculture. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Jonathan_Grant.html | |
88. Oceanography - Paul S. Hill Interests in sediment transport, includes a publication list. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Paul_S._Hill.html |
89. Oceanography - Dan Kelley Dynamics of transport and mixing process research. http://oceanography.dal.ca/person/Kelley_Dan.html |
90. Beyond Discovery Describes the applications of underwater acoustics in ocean research. http://www.beyonddiscovery.org/ |
91. HOME Committed to the health and well being of marine mammals and their coastal habitats around the world. http://www.meriresearch.org/ | |
92. SPECTRUM Biographies - Jacques Cousteau Biography by Rachel Sahlman. http://www.incwell.com/Biographies/Cousteau.html | |
93. Glossary Of Physical Oceanography And Related Disciplines Comprehensive and professional glossary edited by Steven K. Baum, Department of Oceanography, Texas A M University. http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/paleo/ocean/ocean.html | |
94. Study Abroad With SEA Semester: Ocean Science & Sailing Program - Nautical, Mari SEA offers college level semester at sea, high school, and teacher programs focusing on oceanography, maritime studies, marine biology, sailing tall ships, and the environmental study of oceans. http://www.sea.edu/ | |
95. Florida Institute Of Oceanography | Home Established to support and enhance Florida s coastal marine science, oceanography and related management programs through education, research, and public outreach. http://www.marine.usf.edu/FIO/ | |
96. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography A virtual library referencing oceanography related universities, organisations, conferences and other information resources. http://www.uea.ac.uk/menu/acad_depts/mth/ocean/vl/ | |
97. :: SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY, UC SAN DIEGO : SCRIPPS NEWS :: Scripps Institution of Oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology, geosciences, and geophysics http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/ |
98. Careers In Oceanography, Marine Science & Marine Biology General career guides for oceanography and marine scientists including guides for marine biology, marine mammal work, zoos and aquariums. http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/ocean/career.html | |
99. Laboratório De Oceanografia Por Satélites Aims to promote satellite oceanography as an essential tool to study large to meso scale dynamical features in the South Atlantic Ocean. Includes articles, data and course materials. In Portuguese and English. http://los.io.usp.br | |
100. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies In Oceanography - Elsevier Publishes topical issues from international and interdisciplinary projects in oceanography and also collections of papers presented at conferences. Tables of contents and abstracts; full text available by subscription. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/116/description |
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