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21. The National Institute Of Oceanography, Donapaula, Goa | The National Institute Institutes The National Institute Of Oceanography, Donapaula, Goa Get contact address, mobile number, phone number, reviews of The National Institute Of Oceanography at http://www.asklaila.com/listing/Goa/Donapaula/The National Institute Of Oceanogr |
22. Sitemap : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Departments Applied Ocean Physics Engineering Biology Geology Geophysics Marine Chemistry Geochemistry Physical Oceanography; Institutes http://www.whoi.edu/whoi/sitemap.do |
23. NISC South Africa - Waters And Oceans Worldwide (WOW) – Available On EBSCOhost Users of Waters and Oceans Worldwide include universities and government departments; water research, engineering and oceanography institutes; municipalities and engineering http://www.nisc.co.za/databases?id=65 |
24. Underwater.com.au | Article | Book Review -The Diving Almanac & Yearbook 2007 It lists oceanography institutes from around the world, diving websites (how could it omit underwater.com.au ) and even ventures into military, police and professional diving. http://www.underwater.com.au/article.php/id/6819/ | |
25. Time For A New Deal On Marine Bioprospecting - SciDev.Net They are attempting to do this either on their own, or through collaboration with marine biology or oceanography institutes that have already been operating in this field for some http://www.scidev.net/en/opinions/time-for-a-new-deal-on-marine-bioprospecting.h | |
26. Postdoctoral Fellowships - 1400995688 - New Scientist Jobs to the following areas are anticipated Biology; Applied Ocean Physics Engineering; Geology Geophysics; Marine Chemistry Geochemistry; Physical Oceanography INSTITUTES Each http://www.newscientistjobs.com/jobs/job/postdoctoral-fellowships-ma-massachuset |
27. Ocean Explorer Brings Undersea Science To Life | Top News | ESchoolNews.com Similar command centers are being built at 11 other oceanography institutes across the country, he said, and these facilities will all be linked together via the ultra highspeed http://www.eschoolnews.com/2009/02/09/ocean-explorer-brings-undersea-science-to- |
28. ScienceCareers.org | Funding The Departments are * Applied Ocean Physics Engineering * Biology * Marine Chemistry Geochemistry * Geology Geophysics * Physical Oceanography Institutes With http://grantsnet.org/search/pgm_info.cfm?pgm_id=4677 |
29. POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS In OCEANOGRAPHIC | FREE SCHOLARSHIP INFO Physical Oceanography. Institutes – With the aim of fostering interdisciplinary research addressing critical issues, WHOI has established four institutes. http://scholarbuzz.com/postdoctoral-scholarships-in-oceanographic | |
30. Managing Team | Phytolutions.ravenworks.de Up until her job with the Jacobs University’s Greenhouse Mitigation Project, she worked with various oceanography institutes in Kiel, Great Britain, Norway and the USA. http://www.phytolutions.com/company/team | |
31. Marine Biology Jobs | Jobster anticipated Biology; Applied Ocean Physics Engineering; Geology Geophysics; Marine Chemistry Geochemistry; Physical Oceanography INSTITUTES Each of.. http://www.jobster.com/find/US/jobs/for/marine biology |
32. Promar Software's Navigation Site For Professional Mariners Between 1996 and 2000, Promar Software was invited to collaborate with Scripps (La Jolla, CA) and Woods Hole (Cape Cod, MA) Oceanography Institutes to design and interface http://www.promarsoftware.com/aboutus.asp | |
33. Mary Nguyen Vietnamese Fish Sauce The proposal was put forward during a working session held between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Nha Trang and Hai Phong Oceanography Institutes http://www1.american.edu/TED/vietnam-fish-sauce.htm | |
34. City Portrait Kiel: High Tech Industry, Multimedia, And Research The Medical School of the University, the Oceanography Institutes and the Institute for World Economics (Institut f r Weltwirtschaft) all enjoy outstanding international http://www.kiel.de/Aemter_01_bis_20/05/City_Portrait_english/8cityport.htm | |
35. The Komsomolets Disaster Spasskiy devised a program comprising efforts of hydrography, fishing, and oceanography institutes with the research ship Keldysh as the centerpiece featuring experts in ocean http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/row/rus/si-montgomery.htm | |
36. Dona Paula, Dona Paula Beach Resort Goa The National Oceanography Institute, in Dona Paula, is one of the major oceanography institutes in India. It was set up in the 1960s. It deals not only with marine biology, but http://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/goa/dona-paula.html |
37. T.G. Prasad's Home Page Earth Sciences, Oceanography Institutes Albert Einstein Online Wavelet Tutorial Stephen Hawking's Universe Looking for a Job in Oceanography ? http://lilac.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/people/tgprasad/ |
38. Software Oceanography institutes, Sonar companies, Pipe laying companies, Acoustic research institutes, Underwater acoustic communication companies. http://www.semantic-ts.fr/english/software.htm | |
39. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Jobs - US News Geophysics; Marine Chemistry Geochemistry; Physical Oceanography INSTITUTES Each of the following Institutes, which foster interdisciplinary research addressing critical issues http://jobs.usnews.com/a/all-jobs/list/q-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
40. Marine And Coastal Areas of service......Coastal and marine engineers / Marine security agencies / Universities and oceanography institutes / Meteorological centers. http://www.amesd.org/en/ioc-marine-and-coastal-areas.html |
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